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Arie's Home Page

This is Arie's home page. A friend and I decided to make an online dictionary to define a lot of misunderstood and confusing gay terms. We also added some slang, and a bit of humor. Enjoy it or else.

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Flamespeak - the online LBGT dictionary


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Personal Links
Smudge's Home Page: Visit the man who did the images for this page, hey. Low in fat, no cholosterol or MSG.

Bobbins Online: Cute. Visit it a lot and say stuff on the message board!

Bruno Baldwin: a (usually)  humorous comic strip about my bisexual hero.

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All pages copyright (c) 1998-1999, Smudge and/or Arie. All graphics, programs and text, unless otherwise specified, are protected by international copyright law. All rights reserved. If anything on this page is seen on somebody else's page without express written permission from the owner, the webmaster of that site will be submitted to the every whim of my sexually starved goat. No animals were harmed in the creation of this webpage.

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