Nora's Nitch

My own little place on the web

Updated 11/10/2002

Cynetta thinks I look better with more makeup

Coming Out
Update Menu 

Welcome to my home page!

       My name is Nora Elizabeth Cress and I'm a post-operative  transsexual from the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, if this is offensive to you please go elsewhere. Have a good day  wherever you surf.  If you would like to know a bit more about me then by all means check out my website.

       This update is going to be about this years events and Southern Comfort Conference 2002 in Atlanta GA.<'P> As with the past SCC events this years Southern Comfort was the largest transgender conference in the world!

Click the Southern Comfort 2002 Pin for the SCC 2000 page!

      I would like to take a moment to publicly thank all of my old friends, classmates, and ex-coworkers who have either sent a message to my site or to whom I have talked personally since I came back to my  hometown. Thank you one and all for the kindness, and support that you have shown me. This has been a very difficult time for me and it is very, very much appreciated!

        I love to get mail but the response to my site has been overwhelming so please be patient with me for your reply.. Constructive criticism is always appreciated but flames will be summarily ignored!

 [email protected]

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Alumni 1997 - 1998 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002

Copyright 1999 - 2002 Nora Elizabeth Cress & Cynetta Cynthia Cynclaire

This site was started on August 27, 1999!

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