Imperial Code System

In mid 1942, The Chief Censor in London suggested that all Commonwealth countries adopt the Imperial Censorship Code. Australia's handstamp number codes were changed to:
1 was for Brisbane where civil censorship began on September 3, 1939.

1/1 was for Thursday Island which had a censor sub-station in operation from 1940 to February of 1941. After this date all of its civil mail was sent to Brisbane for censorship.


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1/2 was for Townsville, where a censor sub-station opened in 1941.

1/3 was for Cairns which had a censor sub-station only during 1942. It's primary purpose was to censor mail to/from Papua.

2 was for Sydney

2/1 was for Newcastle where a censor sub-station opened in 1940.

3 was for Melbourne

4 was for Adelaide

5 was for Perth

6 was for Hobart

6/1 was for Launceston where a censor sub-station was also in operation.

7 was for Darwin where a censor station opened on September 3, 1939. After Japan's bombing of Darwin (240 people died) on
February 19, 1942 this station was moved to Alice Springs.


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