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Nicole Brossard is, in my opinion, the most beautiful and spiritual writer around. She writes in all forms, often combining them to create new forms of expression (similar to Monique Wittig). I had the opportunity of attending a lecture / reading she gave a few years back and I found her to be extremely well-spoken (as well as lots of fun).

She has over 20 books published. Some of my favorites are:
Lovhers (Amantes)
Mauve Desert
Picture Theory
Sous La Langue
French Kiss
The Aerial Letter

Here's a sample from Lovhers:

according to the years of reality, inagine going from city to city to recite the smooth versions that slip into each body instigating the unfolding, the excitation: everywhere women kept watch in the only way plausible: beautiful and serious in their energy from spiral to spiral

- under the oranges of L.A. the frontier of fire between the ludicrous palm tree and the red flowers like aluminum foil. i am present a the accessible intersection of all the dangers which boost the current of compatible skins excitation: what inperils reality, like an invitation to knowledge, integral presence
i succumbed attentively to the very
point of knowing that for each
temptation a meaning must be preserved: recollected
and resumed --------- to open into mental
space, with words of lightning, sequence
of unreason, episode of recommencements
and of breasts unrecorded web: the mouths
science of the real, skin/itinerary
going away to slip gently
into the continent of women

From Lovhers, translated by Barbara Godard, Guernica Press, 1987.

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