Update on 8 July, 2001 12:16

Opening Ceremony

Written by the Manager of Attarkiah Islamiah InstitutePhaisan Toyib

Introduction to Magazine

Many people ask "How can I improve my English Skills ?" Learning English takes agreat deal of time and patients. It is something you yourself can achive by practicing these skills by reading newspapers , magazines , books and Listening to music in your free time.

English is A living Language, and Changes constantly, therefore we should improve our techniques in English and formularize ourselfs to the “Changing World”

The English Department of Attarkiah Islamiah Institute has designed this English Skill Magazine issued monthly to help our students and those who wish to learn English, to benefit in improving there English language skills.

I would like to Thank the English Department in dedicating there time and effort towards the magazine.

Head of English Department

Mr Alee Jehlae

School News

Keep an update of what is happening around Attarkiah Islamiah Institute, by reading school News. This will keep you updated on special events happening during the month

On “Activity Day” (3rd - 4th July) The English Department will have a number of activities going on Keep an eye open for the time of the activities and come and join in too. Come and see our Exhibiton and have a read of books, magazine and students pervious work. Gain ideas and it is all free.

On “Activity Day” the Guiding Department has also many activities going on . Take a wonder and see for yourself. They
have got an excellent exhibition on information about careers. If you are interest in continuing your study in any subject please go and ask for information or advise. Do come and ask anything in general you wish to know. Also come and join in the
“Action Game.”

Students who have problems about studying, with there familys or friends ,you can come to the guiding Department and get some advice or have councling with a Guiding teacher from our team. We will improve any problems we can with our whole heart.

In the Guiding Department we have got “Guiding book’s Service“ We also have got a “Lost Property Service” If you have lost any of your belonging please come to “The Lost Property” and see if they were handed in.

On Activity Day (3rd - 4th July) every department in ourschool will hold an Exhibition of students work, Please enjoy reading this as you can gain knew knowledge all the time. Beware of skill competition , Games , talk shows, Action on stage , songs been sung and quiz shows. These are all enjoyable advents which you can learn from. Have Fun !!


Education News

Here is some Education News which you may findinteresting in this months issue.

All students do not forget in the middle of this month your exams will take place. We ask all students to try hard and do the best you can. This is what we expect of each individual student.

Prepare before exam

The night before exam

On the Exam day

In the exam room

Academic Fare

State universities want details of how students fare
academically in each subject to help them decide who should be admitted.

The university entrance system is to be abolished in 2004,
and admission will be bases on GPA scores and scholastic
attitude test (SAT) results.

Short Story

Read the following Short Story about “A Jealous man” Try to answer the questions below relating to the story.
Check your answers on the last page of the magazine (pg 15).

A peasant found an enormous water melon in his garden . He thought that the king would receive it withpleasure , so he carried it to the palace. The King received it very gladly and noticed that the peasant had acted out of kindness of heart. He gave him a gold coin.

When the peasant returned home, he told the story to his neighbour. This man was jealous of him and his wife advised him to bring a fine cabbage to the king . The king knew that the man acted out of jealously , and he said to him, “You are very kind to bring me this cabbage. I receive it with pleasure and I give you a recompense” And the king gave him the watermelon which he had
received from his first visitor .


  1. What did the peasant find in his garden ?
  2. How did the king receive the watermelon ?
  3. Who had acted out of kindness of the heart ?
  4. What did the king give to the peasant ?
  5. Who was jealous of the peasant and what recompense
    did the king give to him ?

Daily Conversations

Read and act out the following Daily Conversations with your friend.


A : I’m terribly sorry. I’ve just broken your coffee mug.

B : Don’t worry about it.

A : Let me buy you a new one.

B : Forget about it. I never did like it anyway.

At the post office

A : How much would it cost to mail this letter ?

B : That ‘s 20 pence.

A : How much would it be if I registered it ?

B : It’ d be 55 pence.

A : And if I sent it express ?

B : That ‘d cost you 75 pence.

Thank you for inviting me

A : I think I’ve got to leave now . I enjoyed this evening very much . Thank you for everything.

B : Are you leaving ? Oh,it’s so soon. Thank you very much for coming.

A : Thank you very much for inviting me out. The food was very nice , and the company was very pleasant. I had such a good time.

B : We’re happy to have you with us . Please drop in any time since you know where we live.

A : I will Good bye , and thanks.

B : Goodbye . I‘ll see you soon.

Read the following short story and choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Check your answer on the last pageof the magazine

University E&Q

Amazonian Indians has enviably strong teeth. To keep them that was they chew on the leaf of the Neea Parviflora
from childhood. Tooth decay is virtually .............(1)............ Among them. Likewise, quinine, man’s most potent ...........(2)............. malaria, is also derived from a tree in forests. But these are just some of the “miracle drugs” to be found in “the world’s greatest pharmaceutical factory.” How many more are just waiting to be discovered ? Ones that could prove ...........(3)........... Cancer ....herpes....the common cold ?

At the rate we are destroying these forests we may never find out. This year alone a forest the size of the state of Virginia will .............(4)........ forever from the face of the earth. With it will go the .........(5)............ it supports for tropical forests are treasure
houses not only of plant life, but are alive with species of birds and animals found ............(6)...........Else on earth.

Though they ............(7).......... Less than 10 percent of the earth, tropical forests are home to nearly half its plants and animal species. What is ..........(8).......... These great natural resources ? Chiefly two things : ever increasing human .........(9).......... and ignorance . The world wants the riches the forests provide, yet is ignorant of the delicate ecosystems that keep the...........(10)......... alive and productive.

  1. 1. common 2. unknow
    3. serious 4. uncontrolled
  2. 1. weapon against 2. evidence against
    3. result of 4. development of
  3. 1. useless against 2. useful to
    3. destructive to 4. effective against
  4. 1. grow 2. profit
    3. withdraw 4. disappear
  5. 1. people 2. wildlife
    3. trees 4. countries
  6. 1. nowhere 2. everywhere
    3. somewhere 4. anywhere
  7. 1. cover 2. waste
    3. harm 4. benefit
  8. 1. regenerating 2. helping
    3. destroying 4. disabling
  9. 1. support 2. demand
    3. responsibility 4. protection
  10. 1. animals 2. plants
    3. forests 4. condition


We hope you will find the following Activities enjoyable. When you have solved the clues check your answers on the
last page of the magazine (pg15)

Have fun !!!

Words beginning with CAR-

Here are 12 words which CAR-. The pictures and number of letters will help you to complete the words.


Students Opinion

All students who wish to write their opinion about ANY Subject please feel free to do so send your opinions on paper,
in English to Mr Alee. Please post in the box beside his table. They will be published for all to read your intelligents.

The best written short story will be rewarded with a prize, and printed in the August Addition.

Topic of the Month

Do you think our school is ready to teach most subjects in English ?

If you prefer to send by email send it to : Attarkiah Islamiah School or Mrs.Rose Mcgrath(English Teacher)

We will reply to your email as soon as possible.

An idea is Something we can all share. Read it, use it and
recycle it..

Answer To Question and Activities

Answer short story (pg 7)

  1. The peasant found an enormous watermelon.
  2. The king received the watermelon very gladly.
  3. The peasant had acted out of kindness of the heart.
  4. The king gave the peasant a gold coin.
  5. The neighbour was jealous of the peasant . The king gave him the watermelon

University Entrance Answer (pg9)

  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. 4
  4. 4
  5. 2

  • 1
  • 1
  • 3
  • 2
  • 3
  • Answers to Activities (pg 10)

    Vocabulary Quiz


    1. Smooth / rough
    2. Soft / hard
    3. Put on / take off
    4. Beautiful / ugly
    5. Tiny / huge
    6. Light / dark
    7. Sweet / sour
    8. Hang up/take down


    1. huge – enormous
    2. cheap – inexpensive
    3. telephone – ring up
    4. impolite – rude
    5. circular – round
    6. light – pale
    7. freezing - icy

    Odd word out

    1. clothes – clocke
    2. Furniture – boots
    3. Food – spade
    4. Jobs – printer






    1. Sign a cheque
    2. Sew on a button
    3. Polish your shoes
    4. Hang up your coat
    5. Fold the paper
    6. Bounce the ball
    7. Fill in the form
    8. Splash in the water


    Words beginning with CAR (pg11)

    1. Caravan
    2. Careful
    3. Carrot
    4. Cardigan

  • Cart
  • Carriage
  • Carpenter
  • Caramel
  • Cargo
  • Carol
  • Caribbean
  • Carpet
  • The word order Game (pg 12)

    1. You won’t pass your exam unless you work harder.
    2. He lives outside London in an ugly little house.
    3. Why do you always out yourself while sharing ?
    4. Who in your class speak’s English the most fluently ?
    5. I’m tired even though I slept well last night.
    6. Do the British drink tea than the French ?

    Cross word numbers (pg13)


    (1) Thirteen

    (3) Forty

    (5) First

    (7) Ten

    (9) Second

    (11) Half

    (13) Once

    (15) Two

    1. Twelve
    2. Zero


    (1) Third

    (2) Nine

    (4) Twice

    (6) Six

    (8) Quarter

    1. Sixty
    2. Ninety

    (12) Four

    (14) Eleven

    (16) One

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