The love & affection showered on 'a_vsnl_man', on his retirement.
From:��� Shahnawaz Reshi, Mgr(Mktg), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002,� 1:12 PM
Dear Mr. Batra,
(Today I take this opportunity to consider you a friend)
"For Friendship door once left ajar, shows where life's best treasures are"
It has been heart warming to have a prudent and a just administrator in our organization. It's a sad thought that at this level of maturity a person has to bid adieu to a family whom he gave his heart and soul. Perhaps superannuation would have gone to shambles, had it not been the population pressure coupled with poverty for this nation, which lead to the birth of such weird rules.
I am sure that there are many organizations looking for such golden hands and platinum mind, Talent with a blend of maturity.
Amongst so many able leaders that our organization houses, you have been and shall remain one of the most brilliant. The secret is your ability to meticulously combine interpersonal skills with your excellent job knowledge. The essence of your leadership has been to command (not demand) the respect, and that is your asset of life.
I wish you all the best for your new beginning, with a word from heart "We'll miss you"
Warm Regards,
���� - Shahnawaz
From:��� Sunetra Purohit, DGM, CMC Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002,� 4:49 PM
Hello friends,

Let me introduce my self. I am Sunetra Purohit from CMC Limited. I have not met Mr. Suresh Batra personally, but I was directed to contact him through telephone some where in July this year for resolving my son's Internet problem.

Here I would specially mention that I was really stunned/shocked to receive such a positive approach and helping hand from Mr. Batra. It was just unbelievable and a pleasant surprise to come in contact with an employee of VSNL who was so polite and soft spoken.

He not only resolved the problem, but also followed-up with us to know whether everything was ok. I was so thrilled to know the existence of such personalities. It was a great pleasure to maintain the friendship with him through email and his e-News Capsule.

Here on behalf of all, I take liberty of writing a nice poem for our friend who will be departing from us this evening.� I will not say that he is retiring from a job, but he is adding another five days to his weekends.

We wish him all the best for his retired life.���

- Sunetra

��� �������                         
The Last Hurrah! - Sayonara !

                       A score and months have flown by,�
                       And now its time to say good-bye;�
                       Years that was full of joy and fun,�
                       Some fights, but with malice towards none.�

                       Through rough and smooth together we shared,�
                       And the happy experiences that we talked;�
                       Always caring and a thought for the others,�
                       Oh! It was so beautiful, my dear friend.
                       All thanks to YOU for this golden support�
                       We would love to continue, but it is a pity;�
                       That now we have to part, and you have to go.�
                       As that's the rule, and let it be so.��

                       Time will pass and the memories will fade,�
                        But we will remember what you have laid;�
                        It was great, not just good, better or best, your "usool"�
                       That wonderful event which we called the e-News Capsule�

                        Now that you retire and rest on your oars,�
                        Its time to reckon and check out the scores;�
                        You tried your best to reach out to few�
                        And tried to give back, what was our due.�

                        So much love and affection you gave,�
                        That we have no more place for it to save;�
                         Forever we remain indebted to you,�
                         And all that we can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

                  Wishing you and your family members all the BEST
                       All your e-News Capsule readers in CMC
From:��� Arun Gupta, Executive Director(Fin), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� 30th Sep 2002, 20:55:42 IST
Dear Mr. Batra,

After a long and a cherished career, time has come to bid adieu to you. Though many of us also remember you, as the providing us with an executive gist of the press briefings everyday I would also like to point out an attribute of yours which many of my friends may not be aware of.

You have always been quick and receptive to by welcoming technology with open arms. Rarely I have found a noting of yours (even though on a back to back page and many people would have signed before and will do so after) handwritten. The noting sheet comes out computer printed, which requires a fair amount of precision and dexterity.

Your periodic computer tips and virus removal tools have proved extremely useful to one and all. Your website "a_vsnl_man" demonstrates the vivacity of a young man and indicates the love you have for VSNL as an organisation.

People who know about a subject matter may be great or experts but greater are those who are always willing to share it with others. This rare attribute of knowledge sharing, you have exhibited it in abundance throughout your illustrious career.

On behalf of finance and on my personal behalf I wish you the very best and pray to the almighty to keep you in the pink of health. Retirement is only for the service in VSNL but with your ever-alert mental faculties, I am sure you will continue to be as active as ever.

'a_vsnl_man' was young, is young and will continue to remain young!

With Best wishes,

                   - Arun Gupta
From:��� S Ranade, Executive Director(Legal & CS), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 27, 2002,� 3:19 PM
Dear Mr. Batra,
I would be away on Monday when you will attend office the last. I wish to convey that your endeavours, since I joined in 1987, were quite useful to me personally, while discharging my own duties.� Sensing that your table leaves lot of spare time, you decided to provide latest news update to all of us and on a number of occasions that was quite useful to take some pre-emptive actions on behalf of the Company.
Your endeavour to provide e-diary was found useful by almost all who received it and as the days go by, the recipients will find that you have been giving what they wanted most, finding no matching replacement; unless they, on their own, take efforts to update it.
Let me wish you best of health and active retired life. Needless to say that all will remember you every day, if they continue to get the "Batra News" on their desk top.
Best Wishes to your family.
� -� Satish Ranade
From:��� Debajit Dutta, CGM(Vig), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 11:27 AM
There is no bidding good-bye to a friend like you. However on your last day in office, let me express my sincere thanks and gratitude for all the help that came from you without being asked.
Your attitude towards others has been a tremendous learning process for me. Your contribution towards my own self-analysis has been immense. The ever-smiling face, ever-ready helping attitude and your ego-less personality will be missed by me.
I am sure your retired life will be even more fruitful and you will continue to contribute towards the need of others, albeit on a broader canvas. I wish you the very best in all your endevours and wish you a very contended life.
���� -Dutta
From:��� C Sudarshan Rao, CGM(Fin), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 4:52 PM
From:��� G Palaniappan, SGM(Eng'g), VSNL, Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 10:00 AM
Dear Batra ji,
I wish to put on record that your e-Diary and e-News services were����� extremely useful to me personally. Your retirement today is going to leave a very big void in this respect.
I sincerely wish that some one else take over this and continue to provide the same services, but I know that no one could match you in this respect.
Let me wish you a very long, happy, healthy and contended retired life.�
Best wishes to your family too.
With regards,
�� -� G. Palaniappan
From:��� Sutapa Lakshmanan,  Sr Mgr(HR), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 1:00 PM
Dear Sir,
You will now
have new bridges
to cross, new roads
to travel
new milestones
to reach . . .
And as we
just hoping that
behind, will forever
Of joy and pride.
������������������������ - Sutapa Lakshmanan
From:��� Pritam Bhattacharjee, Mgr(Eng'g), VSNL Kolkata
Date:��� Oct 1, 2002, 2:20 PM
Dear Batra Sir,

You have led a very rich professional life and on the top, you have been the witness of so many changes in the life of our organization. So retirement for you will be not a stop but a continuation.

And you have very correctly anticipated that your well-wishers will be interested to know your contact addresses.

Have a nice, healthy and fruitful life ahead. May the Supreme Lord of the Universe bless your all endeavours.

I thank you in the name of words and hope that we will continue our communication that started suddenly without ever meeting each other.

Best Regards,
��������� - Pritam Bhattacharjee
From:��� S Rajyalakshmi Mgr(Fin), VSNL Channai
Date:��� Sep 27, 2002,� 2:00 PM
Dear Sir,
It was very painful to see the subject in the mail "last update". Certainly we will be missing your informative e-News Capsule, which reaches hundreds of desk in a stroke.
Thanks for your commendable and excellent initiative taken by you, which made us knowledgeable and informative.
Wish you a happy, healthy & peaceful retired life.
���� - S.Rajyalakshmi
From:��� Mrs & Mr P K Sharma, DGM(Eng'g), VSNL New Delhi
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 2:42 PM
Dear Batra ji,
Good day!
It is sad to know that you would be parting company from your erstwhile OCS and VSNL, now TATA managed esteemed Organization & its friends/colleagues officially, but we are sure that like minded personalities would keep you in their hearts for many more years by their association with you.
WE extend our sincere wishes on this day when you would be laying your office after serving this organization for several decades. May God bless you and your family members.
We do hope our fellow colleagues would surely emulate from you the sense of dedication and loyalty to say in short. We would be terribly missing your news clippings which was a sure shot a "super info-highway for Telecom news" in the current affairs. Hope some would volunteer to take up this honorary assignment in the larger social interest.
With warm and sincere regards,
Yours truly,
��������� - P.K.Sharma & Patsy 
From:��� Indubala Gopalkrishnana, Mgr(Fin & Acct), VSNL Chennai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 11:53 AM
We shall definitely be missing you in VSNL. The e-Newsletters and the Diary Package were both wonderful services. Thanks a lot for creating such sophisticated services befitting to a company like ours.
It was enough if we read the e-Newsletters - no need to read the dailies at all.
After getting used to such good services, it will be difficult when they are not there.
Sir, wish you and your family a great-retired life. All along, you might have wanted to do a lot of things - but time would not have permitted those. May your new retired life help you to enjoy all the activities that you want to be engaged with.
Best wishes.
�� - Indu
From:��� C N N Nair, ex-GM(Eng'g), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 11:06 AM
Dear Batra ji,
While working in old mux room in CTO/Bombay, I used to hear my colleague Dalal speaking to you at Pune.... That is my earliest recollection about you. Much later, we met in the switching complex and had some time together...I recall your keeping awake through out the night duty whilst some of us took 'skeds' of rest! [And we played chess too!]
Destiny has a strange way of involving people in undeserving complexities and more than once, you were a victim of this fad.... However, you were able to tide over adversities with firmness of mind and character.
Your interests were not just limited to service needs as evidenced by the e-directory - a very useful innovation of yours & other diversifications.
I'm sure; your post-retired period will be full of activities. I pray Lord to make your time ahead, pleasant, healthy and prosperous.
It may be a little odd that I am wishing you 'Good-bye' while I'm myself on the other side of the fence! That, then is only a technical situation. I being here, got a chance to wish you well, which is all that matters.
Wishing once more, all the best to you and members of your family,
����� - CNN Nair
From:��� M P Pattel, DGM(Eng'g), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 24, 2002,10:53 AM
TIME is the essence in life.
I am so used to daily e-News sent by you that I have virtually stopped reading business news from else where.
I am sure each and every one of the 400+ employees receiving e-news will miss you every morning NOT because of the news but because of the valuable contribution and efforts by you in bringing knowledge to them. The gift of knowledge is more often than not a gift of life.
I'm sure you will appreciate that only the perception of time will change after Sep 30 2002 the efforts will still be there (more spiritual?), the canvas will change the painter will not.
Your love, affection and "a giving attitude" are values, which cannot be forgotten.
With love and best wishes to a good human being
��� - M P Pattel
From:��� H Balasubramaniam, GM(Eng'g), VSNL Hyderabad
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 1:28 PM
Dear Shri Batra ji,
You are leaving behind an everlasting impression in our minds through your friendly and cheerful actions.
I will cherish with joy, whenever I recollect the happy moments spent with you. You will be remembered as a person who had nothing but
     GOOD WILL AND� HELPING NATURE towards one and all.
From:��� Raju Pulugurtha, Intelsat, Washington DC
Date:��� Oct 1, 2002, 4:29 PM
Dear Sri Batra sahib,

I wish you all the best after your retirement from VSNL.

Best Regards.

Raju T Pulugurtha,
Regional Director, Asia Pacific,
INTELSAT Global Sales & Marketing,
Washington DC
[email protected]
From:��� Geiling Guenter, German Telecom, Germany
Date:��� Oct 8, 2002, 08:20:19 AM
Dear Mr. Batra,
I deeply regret that you are retiring - bad for the business - good for you. I really appreciated your kindness, your cooperation and your hospitality during the FLAG Meeting in Mumbai.
This was one of the most impressive meetings I had ever attended also referring to the Indian way of life and architecture. I still have a nice video from that time and I enjoyed watching it and showing it to my friends.
So I wish you a nice time in your retirement, enjoy your life and do not forget your friends all over the world.
My best wishes!
Guenter Geiling,
Address: Am Kavalleriesand 3, 64295 Darmstadt
Global Network Restoration Planning
MVS714-9, MV-Systems
mail to:   [email protected]
From:��� S D Shukla, VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002,� 1:11 PM
Dear Sir,
On the eve of retirement on 30th September 2002, after long and meritorious dedicated service in OCS/VSNL, which you have served in different capacities will be remembered for a long time.
You have rightly observed your association with a Government department, a Navratna public sector undertaking and now retiring from private company owned by renowned business house. We will be missing tomorrow onwards the awareness programme through news arranged from the dailies on e-Mail.
I wish you a long, healthy, peaceful and contended retired life with your family members.
��� - S.D. Shukla�
From:��� S Nageswari, DGM(Fin), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 25, 2002,10:47 AM ��&�� Sep 30, 1:28 PM
It is so nice of you to offer these services even after your retirement. Though the fact that you will not be attending office as usual from 1.10.2002 makes me feel very sad.
I hope that we can always talk through mail.
I wish you once again a very happy and peaceful retired life. I will keep in touch in future through mails and as I already said please do make it to my residence with your wife once you leave Mumbai.
With Best Regards,
����� -� S.Nageswari
From:��� P B Kurup, Sr Mgr(Eng'g),VSNL Mumbai (Recd thru section)
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 4:09 PM
Please on pass message for Shri Batra on his last working day.
During my tenure in Pune in the Development wing, I was associated with the "VVIP Communication Unit" project for about ten years. I had an opportunity to work with the best-known names among VSNL staff like Shri. S.S.Shekhawat (presently CMD of HTL), Shri A.C.Morgaonkar etc. During these ten years, our VVIP units were extensively employed for VVIP visits abroad.
To my knowledge, it was only Shri Batra, who sent reports to Pune branch suggesting certain modifications / improvements to over come the problems noticed in the field. And he also ensured the compliance to those points by following up with Pune branch. Fortunately, I was entrusted with the maintenance of these units for a long time and I had the privilege of interacting with him since then.
In HQ, also I was privileged to work under him for the past over three years. For every one, it was a pleasure to work in his department. He was not in the habit of keeping any file pending for more than a day. He devolves responsibilities to immediate subordinates and makes them learn self-accountability. He was very sympathetic with his staff that they seldom regretted after presenting them to him.
He had been updating the staff on advancements in technologies. Even the HR staff in the section was getting some idea of the latest developments in the tech front. Another unique contribution from him was the e-News. He had been spending hardly a few minutes in clipping the information from the web sites of various News Paper sites and disseminating the same through the Vines system. This was a source of information and we are going to feel the absence of the same in a few days.
We will definitely miss him in the coming days. I wish him a youthful and cheerful� (that he is), retired life.
Thanks and regards.�
��� - P B Kurup
From:��� G Arunachalam, SGM(Eng'g), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 24, 2002, 10:32 AM &  Oct 5, 2002, 16:00:36 IST
You have indeed done a yeoman service all this period. I would be handicapped definitely once your e-News service stops.
I read your message to all of us. You have said it very correctly. I only wish that you were there with us for some more time.
I am sure with your varied skills; you would have very bright days ahead.
I wish you good health and spirits.
����� -� G.Arunachalam
From:��� V Arul, Mgr(Fin), VSNL Chennai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002,� 2:56 PM
Let me take this opportunity to extend my sincere & heartiest thanks to you, on this occasion, for inclusion of my name in your mailing list for "News", which had been very useful and informative.�
In fact, before becoming Manager(F&), I was bit envious with those (DGMs & above), who were getting this "E-News". I have gone to the extent of not buying "Economic Times", soon after my name was included in your mailing list "e-News", where I get all business news. Infect, You updated everybody in VSNL with Telecom/VSNL related news, for this we are proud of you.
We are enjoying the infrastructure of telecom giant (VSNL), which was created by hard work and toils of people like you. On this day of superannuation, although you will physically retire from VSNL, but still we can contact yourself over Net and chat with you (which was not possible in VSNL due to various reasons). VSNL/TATA is losing one more Jewel from its Crown and a personality, who has taken pains to serve VSNL family members by disseminating VSNL/Telecom News.
I wish you & your family members a long happy and prosperous retired life (Active Net Live) for 100 YEARS.
� �����-� V. ARUL.
From:��� T S Mohan, Sr Offr(HR), VSNL Ernakulam
Date:��� Sep 27, 2002,� 10:21 AM
Dear Sir,
Its been really a world-touch you have been bringing on to our tables, every working morning and taking us straight into deep oceans of information pertaining to IT and Telecom segments in India!
This contribution is beyond any measurable value and missing such a genuinely potential source of information and ATTITUDE OF SHARING, is our misfortune.
Sir, I will be waiting to know, how I will be helpful for this VSNL MAN!
Wishing you a happy and peaceful post-retired life!
���� - T.S.MOHAN
From:��� J J Ram, DGM(Eng'g), VSNL Kanpur
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 2:58 PM
Dear Sir,
As every one knows that while in service one has to retire one day. In this process, you have to follow the same path.
Since 1976 onwards, when I came to know about you in Mumbai, I liked your way of working and dealing with senior and subordinates, which impressed me deeply. This working style of yours, impressed me a lot and inspired me to learn more and more from you.
I had been lucky enough to work direct under you while in SWC Mumbai. You have been my inspiration and solution to many more official complications. You taught me to remain bold in case of any official problems and act correctly in an official way. I cannot pen more but to say thanks and expect continued blessing from you and your family in future too.
I will cherish my memories with your goodness of happy occasions.
My family & self wish you & your family to enjoy a happy retired life with all the happiness which god has blessed to a mankind.
Once again I wish you and your family a happy & healthy retired life.
With warm regards,
������ - JJ Ram�����
From:��� K R Banerjee, DGM(Eng'g), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002, 3:31 PM
The last day of your service has arrived today. Lots of mixed memories of your entire service period will be peeping in your mind. You have performed a long journey with many achievements. People of O.C.S./ V.S.N.L./TATA-VSNL will remember you for your pleasant behaviour.
Though I did not have an opportunity to work under you but personally, I will be missing your wise company during train journey while returning from office to home after off from duty.
Lastly, I pray to God for your healthy and peaceful retired life.
With regards,
� - K.R.Banerjee
From:��� T K Datta, GM(Mktg), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002,� 1:46 PM
You will forever remain a source of inspiration in our mind. We have learnt from you, to give and not expecting return.
Wish you a long and eventful future life.
Thanks and regards.
�� - tapas datta
From:��� Barve & Pardeshi, DGM(Eng'g), VSNL Mumbai
Date:��� Sep 27, 2002, 10:02 AM
Dear Shri Batra ji,
Today we will be leaving for Mount Abu. We will not be able to meet you on 30.9.2002, which is the date of your retirement.
Therefore Shri Pardeshi and my self wish you a very happy retired life to you. Please convey our best regards to Bhabhi ji.
We really enjoyed your company not only during your tenure in estate section but before and afterwards also. We could learn so many things regarding PC and were receiving interesting mails from you. We will be missing our best friend in the office when we will be back on 3.10.2002.
We are sure, with your dedicated efforts to the work, you will utilise the time for betterment of the society.
Thanks for every thing.
��� - D.P.Barve & S.R.Pardeshi
From:��� Y P Chhabra, DGM(Eng'g), VSNL New Delhi
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002,� 10:05 AM
Dear Batra Ji,
I (Yellow, Pink, Colour), wish you all the best for your retired life. I know that you will never sit idle as I know you, you are retiring from office life and not from real life and you will continue to remain the same active, energetic and guide to others (as to me all along) who come across in your day to day affair.
You will always be remembered for your innovation of e-Diary and daily news update, which I think, will be missed by one and all, once they do not get updated every day when they open their PC everyday morning.
I wish you best of your retired life - healthy, wealthy and cheerful (as you are always) along with your family members.
Please do not hesitate to contact me as and when you need me.
Best of wishes once again
��� - CHHABRA (Yellow Pink)�
From:��� Rajen Kapoor, DGM(Eng'g), VSNL Chhaterpur, New Delhi
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002,� 12:11 PM
Dear Batra Sahib,
�I have no words to express but in short you and your family is wonderful people to talk with. It has been a pleasure working with you.
We shall keep in touch with mail or other wise. Wish you and your family best of health and happiness.
   -Rajen Kapoor
From:��� M J S Puri,� GM(Eng'g), VSNL Jalandhar
Date:��� Sep 28, 2002, 6:37 PM� & Sep 30, 2002,� 10:51 AM
Dear Sir,
It is very difficult to express my feelings. I will be missing you a lot. Any way, this particular day, is a hard truth to bear.
My wife joins me, in extending, our best wishes for an excellent state of health for you and Bhabhi ji. Further we wish, all the success for your future endeavours.
Best Regards
MJS Puri
Date:� 9/30/02 10:51 AM
Dear Batra ji,
All the staff at JAJANDHAR Gateway joins me in extending their best wishes to you and your family with the grace of almighty God for:
Hope we will continue to get the "BATRA NEWS" daily.
With warm regards,
����� - MJS Puri
From:��� S A Rahim, GM(Eng'g), VSNL Pune
Date:��� Sep 30, 2002,� 12:11 PM
On the eve of the retirement of Shri Suresh Batra, Sr. General Manager (Eng.g), VSNL, Mumbai on superannuation with effect from 30-09-2002, after rendering about 36 years, 1 month & 14 days of dedicated and meritorious service in OCS/VSNL, officers & staff of VSNL, TTDC, Pune join me in wishing him and his family a very happy, healthy peaceful contented life.

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