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Chinmi use stick in defense position Issue: 21
Cover: Chinmi use stick in defense position
Published: in Indonesia, July 1993

Summary Added: August 1th, 2005

While Chinmi and Li How slept in one room of the temple, they shocked by the attacking Chinmi see kowlan moves in deeply Kowlan show her dance movement of fourth misterious men [in ninja clothes]. They attended to kill Chinmi and Li How with poison needle. But that slizy plan missed because Chinmi and Li How was in ready. That infiltrators ran away in the darkest night. Chinmi dan Li How suddenly realize that their plan already knew by the Happy Way Group. Also Dr.Sai got kidnapped by them.

That group hostiged Dr.Sai and while in hostiged, Dr Sai gave opium in high dosis by them. Meanwhile Chinmi and Li How planned to make a chaos in a big prayer show of Happy Way Group. This prayer show only once in each month. But suddenly when Chinmi and Li How discussed the plan ..... there was a throw up of paper rock, the message inside that paper was a challenge. Member of the Happy Way Group attended to release Dr.Sai by challenge Chinmi and Li How in a fight in the big field outside the town.

Dr.Sai discovered by Chinmi and Li How. He was sitting behind a big river rock. Chinmi in ready realized that there were there guard of Happy Way Group. These group leaded by Ho Kan. Li How challenged Ho Kan, and Chinmi fought against two member left. Ho Kan succeed beat Li How, and Chinmi tried to escaped from Ho Kan after won from two member. A few citizen were walking by, found Chinmi and Dr.Sai. They helped Chinmi and Dr.Sai. Dr.Sai must fought against the morphin inside his body. He fought in two days long. After the recovery moment of two days passed, finally Chinmi, Dr.Sai, and citizen which helped them (Mr.Tsuen cs) tried to plan some trick to open the crime of Happy Way Group. They planned to make a little chaos in big prayer show. The 'D' day was came. Chinmi cs ran the plan. Chinmi must release Li How, and he must fought againts Shu Li by Bone Crackling Style. Chinmi won these fight. The cover of Happy Way Group broke down. Dr Sai told to the people how they got fooled by this group. And after the explaining of Dr.Sai, People knew that they gave opium by this group. And Chinmi continued his journey.

Chinmi use double stick Issue: 22
Cover: Chinmi use double stick
Published: in Indonesia, 1995

Summary Added: August 1th, 2005

Chinmi came to Kairin Temple. He got explainned by the monk which lived in this temple, that in City of Towlo there was an attractive person, She was Kowlan. While Chinmi tried to find her, He met Kowlan in suddenly, while Kowlan fought seven men of Boss Bennei guard. She beat them by two iron circus bracelet. After saw these fought, then Chinmi tried to meet Kowlan. Chinmi saw the show of Kowlan action in the stage.

After He met Kowlan, then Chinmi became the member of Kowlan group dancer. Chinmi Chinmi was prepare his Thunder God Style first lesson was how to count presizely the width of the stage, every stage. Beside Kowlan, Chinmi helped by Telto and Grandpa Pai in order to learn entertainment Chinmi and Tiger were in attack position science. One day, Telto got founded injured very badly. He was got punch by two guard of Boss Bennei. By this incident the Kowlan group dancer became more carefull. They continued the practise for next show, Telto replaced by Daien and Daien job subtitude to Chinmi.

The show began, and again two body guard of Boss Bennei made a chaos the entertainment. That body guard kicked and punched the dance members while in stage in front of the audience. The show still continue. Finally there was a part of show that Chinmi and Kowlan must dance in front of audience.

Chinmi with helped by Kowlan fought the guards. Chinmi cs, must treated his breath same as Kowlan breath in order to beat these guard. Grandpa Pai directed Chinmi and Kowlan how to made same their breath flow breath. Grandpa Pai yelled to Chinmi cs. to do that.

15th Kung-fu Lesson : Kung Fu movement will much more perfect if there was an opposition.

Chinmi and Go Kong in exercise Issue: 23
Cover: Chinmi and Go Kong in exercise
Published: in Indonesia, 1995

Summary Added: August 1th, 2005

Finally Chinmi and Kowlan beat those guards. After the incident, Bennei never try again to buy the land and building where this entertainment show up. Chinmi lefted Kowlan after he received these valuable lesson. Finally Chinmi said good bye to Kowlan and rest of the dance members. Suddenly after Chinmi came by to Kairin Temple, there was a news. It told that Head Monk of Dairin Temple got sick, Chinmi tried to came back to Dairin Temple as fast as he can do.

First yel Chinmi as a trainer of Dairin Temple .... Chinmi in high spirit In Dairin Temple, Head Monk in sick take cared by Old Man and Ryukai. While The monk concious, he told there was All students and member of Dairin Temple yelled to Chinmi a highest style of Dairin Temple Kung Fu. These style never teach to the other monks and students, not yet. Meanwhile there were camed many representative monks from other temple that have relation to Darin Temple. Suddenly, there was a visitor, his name was Oudow, older brother of Ryukai in Dairin temple. Oudow want to take over Dairin Temple. Oudow carried two tigers which called Agi and Ungi. Then Ryukai fought Oudow to prevent Oudow bad�s will.

Chinmi ran in hurry after he got news from Yan that Dairin Temple controlled by stranger. Many fighters loosed by Oudow, even Jintan and Bikei got freezed by Oudow. Then Head Monk and Old Man be taken hostaged by Oudow. Even Dennui who had Wind Sword Kungfu beated by Oudow and suddenly Chinmi came up to protect Oudow while he wanted to kill Dennui.

Then Chinmi loosed in front of Oudow. Chinmi�s Bone Crackling Kung fu got refused by Oudow. People and citizen around Dairin temple become hate to Dairin temple because of taked taxes from people by forced. The situation became chaos around Dairin Temple, then Old Man had to open "The Highest Style" and gave to Chinmi in order to beat Oudow. From the Old Man, Chinmi knew that Master Yosen had this style. This Thunder God style had purpose to make opponent died.

16th Kung-fu Lesson : In order to increase quality style of Kung Fu, you could do by cooperate and giving spirit to your friend.

Chinmi ready to hold an attacking Issue: 24
Cover: Chinmi ready to hold an attacking
Published: in Indonesia, 1995

Summary Added: August 1th, 2005

Oudow that eavesdrop the conversation of Thunder God style made Chinmi ran away carried with that secret Thunder God style book and Chinmi let Old Man droppep from second floor by Oudow. One of tiger�s Oudow became victim of Thunder God Style after Chinmi controlled that style. Chinmi became real shocked and frustrated after the tiger got killed and Chinmi tried to discussed with Ryukai, how to fight Oudow.

Oudow burned part of Dairin Temple and tied Jintan and Bikei at one of temple pillars that burn in order to made Everyone shocked because of this Chinmi move No one know that every stick broken suddenly Chinmi came to rescue. Then Oudow fought chinmi. Chinmi so hard to fought Oudow and finally used Thunder God Style and Oudow beaten, Oudow condition between live and death after he received that style. Chinmi which felt guilty after the fought that caused Oudow died, walked out slowly the Dairin Temple and falled in a huge river.

Meanwhile the Head Monk treated Oudow with inner power because Oudow received Thunder God style. Outside the temple, Riki suddenly found Chinmi near the river flow, tried to treate Chinmi so carefull. Then Riki carried Chinmi to Dairin Temple.

Oudow ran away after he saved from death. Then Chinmi met Head Monk and talked a few conversation, and all problem solved. Few days left .... finally Chinmi raise up became teacher/trainer or suhu in Dairin temple. Chinmi�s first student total are 6 boy, they were Yonfa, Namlu, Yokke, Kuppa, Koko and Sancu.

Issue: 25
Cover: Chinmi in defense position with Huge Wall of China at the Background Picture
Published: in Indonesia, 1995
Chinmi in defense position with Huge Wall of China at the Background Picture
Summary Added: August 1th, 2005

From sixth of Chinmi�s student, only Koko that can followed Monkey Style move. All of this because, Koko live in forest. Yan came to the temple, she asked Chinmi to became guard of these animal researcher which just came to this town. These researcher are Mr.Saiden, Kolou dan Kukei. After few days left, then there was news that these researcher got attacked by a mysterious thing in forest. And suddenly Koko absent in few days in practicing Kung Fu.

Feeled there was a strange then Chinmi find out Koko existence and these animal researcher. Finally Chinmi knew Chinmi use a jumping tree to attack a group of horse's rider Koko was the attacker of those animal reseacher. There was a man, his name Sinkan, he visited traited animal researcher.

Next day after discussed with Old Man in Dairin temple, Chinmi came Chinmi jumped on horse body from one to another with his smart calculation and his elasticity to the motel where the researcher spent and then Chinmi found they were not a researcher but they were a preserver animal to sold.

Koko got injured after punched by Sinkan then helped from Chinmi. But Chinmi couldn�t do anything because Sinkan hostiged Koko. After Chinmi beated Sinkan�s man. Chinmi fought to Sinkan. Then the animal researcher traited Koko�s injured. And Chinmi beated Sinkan even his left hand scratch by Sinkan�s knife.

Old Man and Chinmi�s student directly came to see the situation of Chinmi and Koko. Koko�s Father and Mother survived. One day Chinmi received a new student by Old Man temple, his name was Gunte. These boy a lot of made trouble with the another student.

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