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Getting Started(tested on IE 9)
1) Open NoteWorthyComposer 2.5.5, and start a new blank score with a single stave
2) Alt+TAB back to this page. In the upper pane of this webpage, enter '&T~s'. '&' represents clef, 'T' represents Treble. '~s' represents the command to generate the nwctxt, save and select for pasting. On pressing 's' focus switches to the lower pane where the nwctxt has been generated and selected.
3) Press Ctrl+C to copy, Alt+TAB back to NWC, and then Ctrl+V to paste at current cursor position.
4) Continue working in NWC as normal.
Using the above method, the following entities can now be generated and inserted. (Note that angle brackets '<' and '>' denote required parameters, and square brackets '[' and ']' denote optional parameters. The pipe symbol '|' denotes an alternative):
Clef: &<T|B> e.g. '&T' inserts Treble Clef, and '&B' inserts Bass Clef
Text: [some text] e.g. '[some text]' inserts the words "some text"
Tempo: T<numerical-value> e.g. 'T120' inserts a quarter = 120 beats per minute
Instrument Change: I<instrument-code> e.g. 'Istvn' inserts a string violin. For a complete list of instrument codes, please see below.
Volume with Velocity: vl<numerical-value,numerical-value> e.g. 'vl120,20' inserts an invisible volume entity with volume 120 and velocity 20.
MPC volume: v<number,number>[/number,number/number,number/number,number] e.g. v10,10/10,20/10,30/10,40 inserts an absolute volume MPC that increments by 10 every 10 16th note.
This is just a starter, hopefully I'll add to it as I get to use it.
Instrument Codes
PIANO: piag=acoustic grand; piba=bright acoustic; pieg=electric grand; piht=honky-tonk; pirh=rhodes; pich=choruesed; pihr=harpsichord;
CHORUSED PERCUSSION: cpcl=clavinet; cpce=celesta; cpgl=glockenspiel; cpmu=music box; cpvi=vibraphone; cpma=marimba; cpxy=xylophone; cptu=tubular bells;
ORGAN: ordu=dulcimer; orha=hammond; orpe=percussive; orro=rock; orch=church; orre=reed; orac=accordion; orhr=harmonica; orta=tango accordion;
GUITAR: guan=acoustic nylon; guas=steel; guej=jazz-electric; guec=clean-eletric; guem=muted-electric; guov=overdriven; gudi=distortion; guha=harmonics;
BASS: bsac=acoustic; bsef=finger electric; bsep=pick-electric; bsfl=fretless; bsl1=slap 1; bsl2=slap 2; bss1=synth 1; bss2=synth 2;
STRING: stvn=violin; stva=viola; stce=cello; stcb=contrabass; sttr=tremolo; stpi=pizzicato; stoh=orchestral harp; stti=timpani;
ENSEMBLE: ens1=string ensemble 1; ens2=string ensemble 2; ens1=synth 1; ens2=synth 2; enca=choir aahs; enco=choir oohs; ensv=synth voice; enoi=orchestral hit;
BRASS: brtp=trumpet; brtb=trombone; brtu=tuba; brmt=muted trumpet; brfh=french horn; brsc=brass section; brs1=synth 1; brs2=synth2
REED: resx=soprano sax; reax=alto sax; retx=tenor sax; rebx=baritone sax; reob=oboe; reeh=english horn; reba=bassoon; recl=clarinet;
PIPE: pipi=piccolo; pifl=flute; pire=recorder; pipf=pan flute; pibb=bottle blow; pish=shakuhachi; piwh=whistle; pioc=ocarina;
SYNTH LEAD: ldsq=square; ldsa=sawtooth; ldca=caliope lead; ldcf=chiff lead; ldch=charang; ldvc=voice; ldfs=fifths; ldbl=brass + lead;
SYNTH PAD: pdna=new age; pdwa=warm; pdpo=polysynth; pdch=choir; pdbo=bowed; pdme=metallic; pdha=halo; pdsw=sweep;
SYNTH EFFECTS: hxra=rain; hxso=soundtrack; hxcr=crystal; hxat=atmosphere; hxbr=brightness; hxgo=goblins; hxec=echoes; hxsc=sci-fi;
ETHNIC: etsi=sitar; etba=banjo; etsm=shamisen; etko=koto; etka=kalimba; etba=bagpipe; etfi=fiddle; etsn=shanai;
PERCUSSION: pcti=tinkle bell; pcag=agogo; pcst=steel drum; pcwo=woodblock; pcta=taiko drum; pcme=melodic tom; pcsy=synth drum; pcre=reverse cymbal;
SOUND EFFECTS: dxgf=guitar fret noise; dxbr=breath; dxse=seashore; dxbi=bird tweet; dxte=telephone ring; dxhe=helicopter; dxap=applause; dxgu=gunshot;