The Assassin is one of the most dangerous class that ever exist. Their BACKSTAB with their combination of dark magic has made them a formidable foe. The Assassin could steal and open doors through the art learn from the thieves. They are very agile, and attack effeciently, though they lack the skills of defense.

Through years of meditation and tough training, assassin at their later years could learn to cast powerful spells to enhance them to fight better and more deadly. They are also able to attack multiple times through the learning of SECOND ATTACK, THIRD ATTACK, and FOURTH ATTACK.

Also many other devilish skills such as TRACK, EVESDROPPING, ENHANCED BACKSTAB, and CLOAK FACE, are familiar to them.

Each number represents the level which you get the skills.� To the right of the number, is the skills you get at that particular level.�Remember, as is the case with all classes, your second class only gives you skills up to level 30.� After that, you get no more of your second class skills.

1: stake
3: backstab
5: parry
8: hide, kick
9: trip
10: dodge, peek, steal
12: pick lock
13: knife throwing, crack finger
15: sneak
17: haste
18: snare
20: identify weapon, infravision, untangle
22: evade
23: track
25: detect poison, sleep, second attack
26: poison weapon
28: shooting, eavesdropping
30: circle
35: weaken, rescue, heighten senses
37: sight sting
40: pass door
42: enhanced track
45: armor, paralyze
48: enhanced strength
50: tan
52: enhanced backstab, betray
55: earthquake, displacement
56: third attack
58: face cloaked
60: fly, gate, aggromind
62: mesh
65: conceal door, smoke bomb
68: deathblow, fourth attack
70: escape

Edited by Seandr
February 11, 2000

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