
Thanks for stopping to explore our site. This site was created as "therapy" to recover from intense course work in medical school, and to fill in the few days when I didn't have much else to do. Most of the pictures and stories herein are looking back at life in Alaska, which gets more attractive with each passing day in Detroit. I hope you enjoy my little tour.

We are both long-time Alaskans, born and raised around Fairbanks. Our perspectives on the world are centered around small town life, in an area where you have to look out for yourself. Most people in Alaska are fairly self-reliant.

Below is a color infrared of the Fairbanks core area. This is the town center and a small portion of the surrounding area. The scale is about 5 miles left to right and 3.5 miles (or so) top to bottom. Not a real heavily populated area.

Downtown Fairbanks

This may cause slight discomfort
We uprooted and moved to Detroit, MI in 1998 to attend Wayne State University's School of Medicine. Now we are in Ogden, UT at the McKay-Dee Family Practice Residency Program, finishing up becoming a Family Doc.

"There is one word of advice and caution to be given those intending to visit Alaska for pleasure. If you are old, go by all means. But if you are young, wait. The scenery of Alaska is much grander than anything else of the kind in the world and it is not well to dull one's capacity for enjoyment by seeing the finest first."
(National Geographic Society President Henry Gannett, Member of the 1899 Harriman Expedition to Alaska)

"...There's the land. (Have you seen it?)
It's the cussedest land that I know,
From the big, dizzy mountains that screen it
To the deep, deathlike valleys below.
Some say God was tired when He made it;
Some say it's a fine land to shun;
Maybe; but there's some as would trade it
For no land on earth--and I'm one."

Service, Robert. 1989. "The Spell of the Yukon,"
The Best of Robert Service. New York, NY: Perigee Books.

We met about 6 years ago while working as EMTs for an ambulance agency serving the north-eastern side of the Fairbanks Northstar Borough. Trials in the trenches lead to a strong friendship, which evolved into a big wedding day. See where we met.

On a final note, below is my dream vehicle (except in comp. yellow!). Some day I might have one. I can't imagine a better "RV" in the world! (P.S.: I don't like GM's new version of the Hummer, just in case you had that in mind for Christmas!)

Yeah, Buddy!!

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