Project 3
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Project 3: Statistics

For this project, I compared the sugar content of equal serving sizes of various breakfast cereals. Since serving sizes varied from brand to brand, the results were computed based on a serving size equal to 50 grams. The sugar content per 50 gram serving size was computed by using the following formula:

 50 grams = Serving size to be compared

(50  x  Sugar per serving) /  Serving Size

Example: (50 * 1) / 30 = 1.67g of sugar per 50.00g serving

A histogram was created using a bar chart to display the sugar content per 50 gram serving size of the various cereals. The raw data (sugar content and serving size) was obtain from the nutritional content label located on the side of each box of cereal.

View the Histogram

Data Set: 1.6 5.7 6.03 7.5 16.13 18.73 22.58 23.44 27.78

Mode: Since each value occurs only once in the data set, there is no mode for this set of data.

Median: The median is 16.13 grams of sugar per serving.

Mean:  14.33 grams of fat per serving

Range: 1.6 5.7 6.03 7.5 16.13 18.73 22.58 23.44 27.78

Click on the images to view the nutritional content of a brand of cereal.

Kellogg's Cereal
Corn Pops

19.50 oz    
Grape Nuts Cereal

24.00 oz    
Kellogg's Cereal

17.60 oz    
Kellogg's Cereal
Froot Loops

15.00 oz    
Kellogg's Cereal

12.00 oz     
Kellogg's Cereal
Special K with Red Berries

12.00 oz     
Honey-Comb Cereal

14.50 oz    
Kellogg's Cereal
Rice Krispies

10.00 oz     
Kellogg's Cereal

13.00 oz     


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