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  • CASE #31

    <-File linked...... Located.->
    <-Encrypted Level �7->
    <-Enter passcode -> WHEREWOLF
    <-Security Level : �5->
    <-Acceptable Clearance ->
    <-File Datestamp 1/10/02 ->

          I stopped at the curb, watching a taxi speed by. "So, how do you think the vote will go?" High overhead, a half moon shone down on the city.
          Tig sighed, checking her watch. "Your speech went pretty well, though I think the commitee would have taken you a little more seriously if you weren't wearing sandals and a t-shirt-"
          "I'm not wearing a suit in eighty degree weather," I muttered. The light changed, and we walked across the street.
          "-It doesn't really matter," she finished. "Damn politicians don't care how good a point is. The only thing that matters to them is how many favors they owe. It's impossible to change that."
          Tig was a realist, and quite a good looking one. She was of medium height, only a few inches shorter than I was. She was quite attractive by almost all standards, even with her hair. It was orange; not the eye-watering glare most dyes created, but a dull shade that was much more shocking when you realized it was natural. Her eyes were real heartstoppers, too.
          "True. Maybe we made a difference, maybe not. I guess that's all we can hope for." I brushed some of my own red-brown hair out of my eyes. I needed to get it cut soon.
          We continued down the street, walking to the nearest parking garage. Parking was hell in this place, so it wasn't a short stroll, but we both found the quiet rise and fall of footsteps introspective. So we didn't notice the sudden drop in traffic.
          We noticed only when all of the lamps went dead. "Something's wrong," we both whispered.
          There was a flurry of sound behind us. I turned, squinting into the darkness. Nothing.
          "Got anything?" I asked.
          "Smells too much of human," she said. "I can't see anyone."
          A pair of coughs - silenced gunfire - echoed from an alley, while ribbons of pain shot down my side.
          Tig swore, stumbling until she hit a wall. A dart was sticking out of the back of her neck. "No..." she murmured, managing to rip out the dart before falling to the ground with a heavy thud.
          I plucked the metal shard out of my side, turning to the shot's source. My vision was far too hazy - nothing but blobs. But I could still move. I half walked, half fell toward the shooters.
          Another three shots, three more pinpricks of pain. I took one last step forward before falling onto my face. Darkness came to overcome me. But I fought it.
          "Four doses... just to take down this bum?" one man said. "Wish I could wear sandals to work."
          "Enough to kill a few elephants, I've been told. Be careful with these darts - you do something stupid, I have to get a replacement. Stop complaining. I saw what happened to the team that caught subject 'Corvid.' They had to scrape two guys off the cement - and they were the lucky ones. That was before we found out how much it took to sedate these freaks."
          "But, still... They look like they're only teens. This should have been enough to kill them both"
          "They may look harmless, but don't put your guard down. We're studying these werewolves for a reason."
          So they knew what we were. This was bad...
          Darkness won the war. I blacked out.


          I woke up, laying in a pool of sweat.
          "We're just about to start the operation. The subject's been very resistant to all the drugs we've given him. It's hard to keep him out. He's got the fasted regen rate I've seen, though I'll admit I'm no expert. The amount of drugs we're having to pump into his bloodstream... could kill him."
          The loud rap of metal against metal: a door being opened. "So hurry up and cut him open."
          I started trying to struggle, but my body didn't want to move. Something was holding me down. "That's why I called you. If we try operating like this, I don't know how he'll react."
          "What does that mean?"
          "He might wake up while we're cutting him open. Or he might change. Either way, he'll trying to run during surgery."
          "Acceptable risk," the second man said. "'Fenris' may be useful in many ways, but only if we've got access to him." I was starting to hate him. I was also starting to black out again.

    -Lots of it-

          Muscles crawling over bone, skin stretching over muscle. I fought through waves of pain, my limbs writhing against my will. Paper-thin cuts over skin, the sound of scalpel cutting flesh - all ripped through my mind.
          "He's waking up?"
          "He's changing... Give him more."
          "More will kill him."
          "Better him than us - drug him up again. I don't want him getting close to awake."
          My mind was filled with sudden visions of pillows. I hated being seda-

    -No, migraine-
    -And feeling like a bullet was lodged in my brain-

    <- ID log completed - 'Fenris' ->
    <-Species: Werewolf ->
    <-Age: Unknown ~ 22 years? ->
    <-Blood Type : B+ ->
    <-Hair: Brown-Red ->
    <-Eye Color: Hazel ->
    <-Date Initial: 1/11/02 ->

          I sat up, glancing around the room. Perfectly white, perfectly square, well lit. But the light didn't seem to come from any one place - no lightbulb, no lamps. I turned to the side. Tig was standing there.
          "This isn't real?"
          "Of course not, pup. It's probably best if you think of it as a dream resulting from massive overdose of sedatives."
    So I'm not dead?"
          "Not yet, but who knows how long that'll last for?"
          I sighed and took a few steps forward, stopping when I realized I was still standing in the middle of the room. That's when the room tilted to the side and dropped me on my back on a wall. "O
    uch," I groaned. "Guess that won't work."
          Tig stepped in front of me, her face almost touching mine. It was vaguely frightening to see someone standing on a wall. Gravity didn't seem to care about her. "We've got a lot to do, and not much time after you wake up."
          "What happened? What did those humans do to me?"
          She shook her head. "I can't tell you anything you don't already know. Just...
    remember to do what you must. And that fighting won't tell you anything." With that, the wall flew away into infinity and the room went black -

    <-Playback Ends->
    <-CASE analysis:
       'Fenris' shows a regeneration rate of 5 * 10 ^ 6. See Medical File 0AD3 for more information.
       Information on subject 'Leona' taken. See CASE #23 - F31 .
       A 7.23 hour backstop of data previous to initial accessed.
    <-File Ends->
    <-Logging Out... Done->
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