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Five go to hospital after 2-car crash | Northwest Herald  |  Make your home page LOCAL NEWS AND VIDEO FOR MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS HomeNewsSportsOpinionLifestyleMultimediaPhoto Store YAHOO! Hotjobs Wheels Real Estate Classified Far Out Local Search Updated: Wednesday, September 3, 2008 4:48 AM CDT FONT SIZE: Five go to hospital after 2-car crash Comments (29 comment(s)) | Add Comments E-mail this story Print this story Comments Share WOODSTOCK – Five people, including two children, were taken to the hospital Tuesday morning with injuries that were not life-threatening after a two-car crash near Woodstock. Miguel Ortiz, 26, of Crystal Lake was traveling west on Crystal Springs Road in a 2000 Chevrolet Impala when he pulled out across Country Club Road at 8:42 classic car transport detroit a.m. He was struck by a northbound 2004 Nissan Altima driven by 49-year-old Judy Meyerhoff of Marengo, said Sgt. Greg Pyle of the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office. The Altima had extensive front-end damage; the Impala spun around and came to a stop against trees and brush on the west side of Country Club Road. Ortiz had three passengers: 25-year-old Belen Flores and two children, one 3 years old and the other younger than a year, who were secured properly, Pyle said. Ortiz was charged with failure to yield turning left and driving without insurance, and Meyerhoff was charged with driving without insurance. – Northwest Herald Comments jk11y wrote on Sep 3, 2008 7:54 AM: " go figure, a guy named Miguel Ortiz doesn't have insurance. " HAWKEYE wrote on Sep 3, 2008 8:10 AM: " Go figure, a guy named Meyerhoff car cd player doesn't have insurance. " springfield wrote on Sep 3, 2008 9:01 AM: " And, go figure, a 49-yr old woman named Meyerhoff doesn't have insurance! Ponder this as you blast on down the road for no apparent reason or snap a turn to beat someone else to save 2 seconds. " jk11y wrote on Sep 3, 2008 11:15 AM: " Good point ( on the other person not having insurance ). I will say that, given a choice, our friends from the south have a much higher percentage of driving w/out insurance. " 227 wrote on Sep 3, 2008 1:31 PM: " This accident could have been way the 4 of you realize someone's mother could have been killed or paralyzed & you jackasses are talking about insurance? Get some perspective, you tools! " justreacting wrote on Sep 3, 2008 2:27 PM: " build a virtual car 227, no disrespect toward your comment but, insurance, by law, is supposed to be one of the "tools" you are supposed to have before driving at all. This accident, like most, was 100% preventable in that neither party should have been on the road with car transporters their uninsured vehicles. " doggenit wrote on Sep 3, 2008 2:41 PM: " And we wonder why our insurance rates are so high. Hopefully, one of them shows to court with their alpine car stereo insurance card that they did not have on them at the time of the accident. Then again, it would be interesting to see which one takes off to a far away place never to be seen again. Any takers on that bet? " icb1977 wrote on Sep 3, 2008 4:07 PM: " HAWKEYE: Go figure...a person with the first name of Judy is most likely a lady, not a GUY. YouDon'tKnowMe: Were they saying they were illegal aliens just because they didn't carry insurance? Maybe they were just incinuating that Latinos rarely carry insurance? Besides they couldn't be illegal, if they were there would probably be 20 in the car, not 4. Just kidding, it's sarcasm pointed at the judgmental people of this community, or should we say "snobs"? Next they will make comment that it was the Rednecks/Hillbillies from Marengo and the illegals that are the downfall. " icb1977 wrote on Sep 3, 2008 4:08 PM: " of McHenry County. No way someone from Bull Valley, Turnberry or any other affluent area tries to evade the law. " skiwoods wrote on Sep 3, 2008 4:46 PM: " I have been a finance director of a car dealership for the last car articles 23 years. I would say that about 40-50% of the people that we ask for proof of insurance either don't carry their POI card with them or the one they have is expired. Both would equal a ticket. " 227 wrote on Sep 3, 2008 5:15 PM: " I'm glad someone finally realized that perhaps these drivers left their insurance cards at home. They didn't Ford Car Dealer In Clinton Massachusetts put that in the paper, huh? Guess you all believe everything you read. Well, I was there & they should change the ticket to driving without an insurance card. Haven't you ever forgotten anything at home or are you that perfect that you never make mistakes or have accidents? I didn't realize that McHenry county was the hub of perfection. Stop judging, we are all human & we make mistakes! " chuckroast wrote on Sep 3, 2008 5:42 PM: " the officer doing a license check knows in 30 seconds if you have insurance in the state I just moved to. Those cars with out insurance should be impounded....of course in this case they ain't going to car magnet dc get much value. If any car with out insurance would get impounded and forfeited, these trash who drive with out insurance would be walking and my ins. bill would be a lot less. " jk11y wrote on Sep 3, 2008 6:02 PM: " The point is not getting a ticket when you drive without insurance. The point is that this is (yet another) law that is broken. The Point is that you are destroying someone's property and have no way to repay it, and will probably dissolve back to mexico, and re-emerge and a different guy. I don't give a carp (sp) about anyone saying this is racist. NOT Racist, just playing the odds, and commenting on what is happening. Although, this one is kinda funny, that both are uninsured ;) " chuckroast wrote on Sep 3, 2008 6:29 PM: " one other item here.........since 5 people went to the hosp with no insurance guess who is going to foot Federal Car Auction In Chicago the bill? " YouDontKnowMe wrote on Sep car cameras 3, 2008 7:15 PM: " @chuckroast, I wish you would foot the bill personally (since you are obviously better than everybody else, I only assume that you have an unlimited supply of money). Secondly, neither the article, nor florida used car dealership any of the comments (no matter how dumb some are), say anything about medical insurance. You might want to consider just staying in your house and not coming out anymore - the world really doesn't need people like you. " YouDontKnowMe wrote on Sep 3, 2008 7:21 PM: " @jk11y - Wow - I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you make it practically impossible. You say "The point is not getting a ticket when you drive without insurance". This is exactly what some of us are trying to point out. Just because both parties received a ticket for 'driving without insurance', does not imply that one or both is uninsured - all it means is that neither party had proof of current insurance with them at the time. You make my head hurt and you are racist. " chuckroast wrote on Sep 3, 2008 7:49 PM: " @YouDontKnowMe.....I take it you are some how justifying your rc car parts self with no insurance. the law says that you have to have it. are you above the law too? The reason insurance is so high is the people just like you that fail to get it and the rest of us have to pay more. " SmilinJack wrote on Sep 3, 2008 8:49 PM: " icb1977 wrote on Sep 3, 2008 4:08 PM: " of McHenry County. No way someone from Bull Valley, Turnberry or any other affluent area tries to evade car pittsburgh the law. " They are no doubt some of McHenry Counties "White Collar" criminals. " jk11y wrote on Sep 4, 2008 5:05 AM: " U Don't Know (anything). The value is that I know racism, and usually the person that is calling someone racist is worse that the accused. I think that is the case here. A lot of mex drive w/out insurance. Let's agree that as a given, okay? My point is that this hurts all other drivers, and not just them. And, if you (for a minute) think that they just 'forgot their insurance card' at home, you are more foolish than you appear. In America, obey the rules, or go to jail and get deported !!!!!!! " paperreader wrote on Sep 4, 2008 7:22 AM: " Bad Credit Car Loan Chicago 227 wrote: Haven't you ever forgotten anything at home or are you that perfect that you never make mistakes or have accidents? Stop judging, we are all human ford car dealers & we make mistakes!" My driver's license and insurance card are together in my wallet in my purse and no, I have never forgotten them. The only hydrogen generator car time I've ever been without them is when my purse was stolen. That's fine if a mistake was made. Pay the fiddler and learn the lesson. " HW wrote on Sep 4, 2008 8:12 AM: " Went to traffic court with my son a year or so ago. Several of the cases were for no proof of insurance. Several pulled out documents. One had expired documents. He was found guilty and had to pay the fine. The fine was much less than a year of insurance. Would you think that he marched off to get california car show events insurance, or was going to hope he wouldn't get caught again in the next year? " paperreader wrote on Sep 4, Classic Car Bill Of Sale Example 2008 9:09 AM: " Hmmm. Cost of a "one-time" ticket as opposed to that cost month after electric car mendomotive month? I'd like to think on the positive side Cheap Car Insurance In Phoenix Arizona of things but as of late all I ever read about is how people are skirting the law and I'm just not feeling very positive right now. " 227 wrote on Sep 4, 2008 10:25 AM: " I wasn't going to "out" myself here, but my mom was driving that car & the truth is she just forgot the card at home. All these comments upset me b/c I could have lost my mom Cheap Car Insurance For Convicted Driver that day & most of you are still stuck on the insurance issue. Thank you "YouDon'tKnowMe." Obviously, you're one of the good ones. Have a great & safe day! " justreacting wrote on Sep 4, 2008 1:31 PM: " I don't think anyone is trying to down new car rebates your mom 227, insurance cards should be kept in the vehicle. I hope she has a fast recovery, although her headaches are probably only beginning with the "at fault" driver. " keep it real wrote on Sep 4, 2008 4:03 PM: " 227 - that was obvious to me the moment I read your comment. I sure hope your Mom put her insurance card either in her wallet or glove box. I one time forgot to put the new insurance card in my wallet when the old one expired. Got pulled over, didn't have it, got a ticket to go to court and brought my current insurance card. Charges dropped...end of story. I hope your Mom will ok. " keep it real wrote on Sep 4, 2008 4:04 PM: " I hope your Mom will be OK. " icb1977 wrote on Sep 5, 2008 1:09 PM: " You would think that in today's day and age of technology, the police cruiser would be able to access an up to date on line database of insurance status. I wouldn't think it's impossible. It shouldn't matter whether the card is in the car or not, as long as the car is insured. BTW, most tickets will get dropped in court should you prove to the judge that the car was insured, but you still will need to pay court costs which is a nuiscance but your own fault. Regarding having insurance in the car, it's not too hard, no " icb1977 wrote on Sep 5, 2008 1:12 PM: " I am not perfect. But with the amount of people that get caught it is ridiculous. You should keep it in the glove box and it's not a daily task, something you have to update qtrly,semi-annually, etc. depending on how you pay. Once it is in the car, it's good to go. Don't virtual car builder make excuses, it's laziness. I can understand therer being a grace period around the expiration date, but if the card in the car is two months old, that is unacceptable. My point is why just assume that ONLY Latinos don't carry insurance? " icb1977 wrote on Sep 5, 2008 1:12 PM: " I think if you are going to be judgemental, be judgmental towards all, not just one group. " Add Comments Click here to read the rules for posting comments Having trouble logging in? Click Here Report Abuse You must register with a valid email to post comments. Only beaumont car prices your member ID will be posted with the comments. Registered users sign in here: Become a Registered User *Member ID: *Password: Remember login? (requires cookies)   Forgot Your Password?   Having trouble logging in? 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