Morrigan Aesland, Female Pevisan (Transmuter) Sorceress (3)

Experience: 16,000 xp
Patron God:
Planet of Orgin: p
Attributes: Str 8, Dex 11, Con 8, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 20
AL: Chaotic Neutral
SV: fort +0, ref +1, will +5 (+4 extra vs transmution spells and effects)
HD: 3d4-3
Hp: 9
Init: +0
Spd: 30 ft
AC 14 (touch 10, flat-footed 14) Flight suit
Atk: +1 melee (1d4+1 (piercing), 18-20/x2, MW Keenblade Dagger +1)
        +2 ranged (1d12 (piercing), x3 , 300ft, MW Heavy Autopisol)
        +2 ranged (1d8 (piercing), x3, 100ft, MW Holdout Pistol)
SR: 0
Age: 24

Skills:  Concentration +7, Cryptography +2, Gather Information +10, Intimidate +7, Knowledge: Arcana +4, Research +6, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +4 (+4 extra vs transmutation effects & spells), +4 Spot

Feats: Technical Proficiency (free), Powerful Blood (Racial), Combat Casting, Investigator

Special Attacks: Sorceress: Spells

Special Qualities:  Pevishan: Lowlight Vision, Read Magic, Transmutation Birth- Schoo, Tapping the Power Spells: Detect Magic, Expeditious Retreat, Message; Sorceress: Familiar, Spells

Armor & Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Simple Firearms

Known Languages: Common, Draconic, Gnome & Elven

Pevishan Spells per day:  5 (each): Detect Magic, Expeditious Retreat, Message.

Sorceress Spells per day:  6 / 5, DC 15 + Spell Level, Transmutation Spells DC 16 + Spell Level. Cast as Sorceress Level 3. Spells Known: 0 lvl: Open/Close, Light, Mage Hand, Acid Splash, Ray of Frost; 1 lvl: Mage Armor, Summon Monster I, Magic Missile.

Equipment: Heavy Autopistol (1 25 ammo magazines), Hold out Pistol (2 10 ammo magazines), Flight Suit, Datapad, Dataships (blank, wih Arcane Researchs, repors and a maniac's investigation), Personal Communicator, MW Backpack, Flashlight, Fine Spellcomponent Pouch, lots of clothes.

Treasure: 5,000 Credits

Magical Equipment: Keenblade Dagger +1; Staff of Augury (as scry spell, 48 charges left); Arcane Research Equipment (given by Tzidislav minions)

Spellware: none

Affiliation: Omicron Persei's Academy and Research Center, Tzidislav Research Team for House Osorus

Henchmen and Companions: Cornellius Flubber, her Ulb Bodyguard

Appearance: Green haired Morrigan Aesland from Darkstalkers, do i need to say more.

Personality: Developing

Background: Has used her conscius life to the study and analisis of strange phenoemena in the universe, specially those related to the change in its structure. That and her personal achievements has made her part of the Academy permanent staff, until now.

Recenlty she was sent a bodyguard from a creature that owed her family a debt, and because her investigations had recenty attracted inwanted atention she acepted the Ulb that presented himself as Cornellius Flubber as her personal bodyguard. Not long before that she Morrigan was contacted by a ISPD drow who assured her that his patron was interested in her reseach and was offering her a complete year of financial support for her research if just he heard what he was inerested in telling her.

Of course she acepted and the next day she was traveling with Captain Malrack and Cornellius to Thormorath, the throneworld of House Osorus, the Blue Dragons.



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