Fluid Salients and Beach Cusp Formation

Fluid Salients and the Formation of Beach Cusps 



Michael A. Gorycki, Ph.D.     


July, 2008




In my earlier website I discussed the importance of fluid salients to the structuring of moving fluids in a number of natural and laboratory phenomena. The mechanism appears in a variety of guises, depending on the conditions of its development, but in the simplest case the broad leading edge of a moving fluid, impeded by its substrate, overrolls, thins, and extends axially (laterally). To relieve the resulting axial compression generated, a series of evenly spaced salients, with intervening retarded zones, forms at right angles to that edge. It is these parabolic salients, produced as a wave ascends the beach face, that I feel are responsible for the initiation, formation, and maintenance of a beach cusp series. Included in the present web site are additional comments on the role of fluid salients in the formation of beach cusps.





Palmer first described beach cusps in 1834, but assuredly, they have been contemplated for as long as people have observed the action of waves on the beach face. It is an explanation of their periodicity that has provided a kind of Holy Grail sought after by beach morphologists for almost a century, for as Johnson (1919, p. 457) states, “Among the minor forms of the shore zone none has proved more puzzling than the cuspate deposits of beach material built by wave action along the foreshore. Sand, gravel, or coarse cobblestones are heaped together in rather uniformly spaced ridges which trend at right angles to the sea margin, tapering out to a point near the water's edge. These 'beach cusps' have attracted the attention of many students.”


Having once observed that the leading edge of a small amount of water sloshed across the bottom of a small tilted tray forms a series of salients, it immediately became clear that this could be the mechanism for the formation of evenly spaced beach cusps (Gorycki, 1973). I later constructed a large rocking trough to display this phenomenon on a larger scale, and a physical model that demonstrates a similar deformation of a thin rubber cylinder by rolling it between two pieces of plate glass. After some experimentation, field study and a review of published research, I still find that the fluid salient mechanism, supported by its appearance in a disparate variety of natural phenomena offers the most viable explanation for the formation of beach cusps (see figures 1-7 in my earlier web site).


[1] http://www.geocities.com/magsalients/


The literature is replete with a variety of observations related to cusp phenomena and, for convenience of discussion, I have grouped these works under several headings. They are:











Much has been written about field and laboratory observations concerning beach cusp series, and research has generated a number of theories. Often, however, papers either avoid discussion of a mechanism that provides for the even spacing of beach cusps, or suggest that further analysis is necessary to solve the problem of their occurrence. In my paper (Gorycki, 1973), I suggested that as waves initially encounter the beach face, they can develop evenly spaced salients separated by zones of retarded flow. This structuring apparently is due to overrolling of the plunging wave orbit, with thinning and axial extension of the wave in a direction parallel to the shoreline as the wave begins to “feel bottom”, and is based on my rocking trough observations (Fig. 1) and the physical model (Fig. 2).




Fig. 1. A sheet of water is shown overriding the floor of a large rocking trough. Evenly spaced, parabolic water salients with intervening zones of retarded flow are formed, based on the forward velocity and speed of overrolling. No influence of the side walls on any salient series is apparent. Scale line is 10 cm long; arrow shows direction of water motion [1].



Not all wave regimes produce cusps. Sufficient lateral extension, based on overrolling and speed of the uprush, must be generated to produce the distortion resulting in salient formation. In the rubber cylinder model sufficient distortion must be generated to produce the salients as the cylinder is rolled and extended, but without any velocity requirements. As discussed in my earlier web site [1] the mechanism may also be involved during plate tectonics by operating, over time, at the edges of overriding lithospheric plates to produce the familiar arc-like patterns. The even spacing of tectonic arcs on the west coasts of North and South America, from the Aleutians to Peru, suggest this. In places where the mechanism is interrupted, such as at the southern end of Chile, the arcs end, thus providing that country with a straight coastline. This straight portion may also be seen at either end of the rubber cylinder model (Fig. 2).



Fig. 2. A physical model of salients and zones of retarded flow, formed by rolling a thin rubber cylinder between two glass plates [1]. Pressure on the cylinder produces axial extension, which generates the salients. The speed of forward motion of the upper plate is not a consideration here. The flattened cylinder is about 1 mm wide. Motion of the upper plate is perpendicular to the length of the cylinder, but a similar pattern is produced if the upper plate is moved at an acute angle to the perpendicular. The former situation suggests cusp formation produced by waves moving directly toward the shoreline, the latter, by waves approaching the shoreline at an angle but which are also capable of producing a cusp series. If the upper plate is moved parallel to the cylinder’s length, a similar pattern develops, but it is based on a different internal distortion of the cylinder [1].



It is obvious that a single wave train approaching parallel to the shore would be considered most likely to generate and maintain a beach cusp series. A single wave train approaching at a large angle to the shore would not be conducive to development of the fluid salient mechanism and would thus inhibit beach cusp formation. If two wave trains, each approaching parallel to the shoreline were out of phase or they each exhibited a different wavelength or amplitude, they would collectively produce waves of irregular height, strength, and periodicity that could adversely affect the formation or maintenance of a cusp series. However, even such a random sea might also produce a beach cusp series.  Apparently, uniform wave height and strength is conducive, but not essential, to cusp development and maintenance. Some waves in a series may aid in cusp formation, others may have little, or no effect, and the damage done by still others may subsequently be repaired by waves of the proper strength.


Importantly, Evans (1938) provides further evidence for cusp and bay initiation by describing the formation of a series of beach cusps as the result of the action of a single wave. This abrupt structuring of the beach face is also suggested by the image depicted below (Fig. 3).  


Fig. 3. One pass of water salients sweeping strewn sand, both forward and laterally on the rocking trough floor, into parabolic streaks (Gorycki, 1973). On the beach face, the apices of the parabolas represent salients transporting sand shoreward to aid in cusp formation. The elongate limbs of the parabolas, formed in the retarded portions of the salients by the lateral motion of the water, would provide excavated sand carried seaward by backwash to deposit as submarine deltas in the bays. The purpose of this model is to show that a single wave moving across a surface is capable of forming salients and producing an arrangement of evenly spaced sedimentary structures. Scale line represents 20 cm; arrow shows direction of water motion [1].



Salients formed by such a wave might then deposit sand at evenly spaced locations on the beach face to initiate cusp formation. More importantly, each salient would then spread and move bilaterally from each cusp, joining with spreading salients from adjacent cusps to return to the sea and thus erode the bays that develop between cusps. The sediment derived from the bays would then form submarine deltas seaward of the bays. The deltas and associated return flow would then inhibit portions of the next approaching wave of similar strength, thus segmenting it, so that the unretarded portions will approach the beach face as salients centered on the cusps. As a consequence of the action of a single wave, a series of cusps, bays, and deltas would be initiated and then accentuated by continued action of a wave train and the alignment of salients on cusps. Variation in salient spacing would be a function of wave train velocity, amplitude, sediment roughness, water density and viscosity, etc. However, it would be the operation of the fluid salient mechanism that would be responsible for the even spacing in the cusp series and provide for their development and maintenance.


As an aside, there is some confusion in the literature with regard to water traveling across the beach face, or foreshore portion, which is normally exposed to the action of the swash. Swash (or uprush) is water moving up the beach face as the result of breaking waves. Backrush (or backwash) is the broad seaward return of swash on the beach face. Undertow, as its name implies, should be considered as the return flow of submerged backrush on the beach face. Rip currents, on the other hand, are relatively narrow, linear currents of return flow from the beach face.


Rip currents receive a great deal of attention because they are dangerous and powerful enough to drag a swimmer out to sea. Depending on the beach environment, rips can be far apart or closely spaced and irregularly or (of interest here) evenly spaced. They are also considered here because they are thought by some workers to be associated with beach cusps.


Rip currents can be formed in several ways on a sandy beach and a general understanding of their formation is appropriate at this point. The simplest situation involves waves which are parallel to the shore and which move directly toward the beach. As waves break on the beach face, it is obvious that a portion of their mass (the set-up) can be supported above the general level of the sea by subsequent waves breaking in the surf zone as well as by strong onshore winds. This unstable condition at the shoreline is relieved by the formation of bi-directional longshore currents that move parallel (and close) to the water's edge. Longshore currents have zero velocity at their points of divergence, which is located somewhere between two adjacent rip currents.


A pair of converging longshore currents move faster as they approach the rip location and one would assume that they meet at a point where they are of identical strength, sufficient energy, and where the slope of the beach face promotes a seaward return. Their strength, location, and spacing are a function of the amount of water pushed ashore. The converging longshore currents then merge to form a feeder current that returns water directly seaward, extending beyond the breaker zone as a rip current. I would suggest that an even spacing to the rips results if wave conditions and a uniform beach face persist over a lengthy section of the shoreline.


Further seaward the rip current will meet opposing wave motion (and the general mass of the sea) to form a diffuse rip head (Shepard and Inman, 1951). I suggest that sediment plumes seen in rip currents and heads may form offshore submarine deltas, possibly added to by material from rip channels gouged out of the sea bottom. These deltas, in combination with the rip heads and rip currents will oppose (in their vicinities) those portions of subsequent incoming waves that will break early at some distance from the beach. It is these portions of early-breaking waves that cause the remainder of each incoming wave to be broken into large, unhindered portions that reach the beach face and add to the longshore currents so that the cycle may continue. In time, the channels and deltas formed will become more defined and stabilized with regard to their locations on the beach. It has been observed that once established, rip current locations can be stable for months.


[2] http://news.ufl.edu/2000/research/engineering/2000/


A variation of rip current formation has incoming waves approaching the beach at a small angle. As a function of that angle, a greater portion of one of a pair of longshore currents will move upbeach along the water's edge in the same general direction as the incoming waves. At a location where relative momentum slow a converging pair sufficiently, they will merge and return to the sea as a rip current, but at an angle to the water's edge (see figure 1, Inman and Guza, 1982). Possibly, if the angle of the incoming waves is very large, uni-directional longshore currents might be formed which return to the sea as rip currents, with spacings dependent on the set-up and the slope of the beach face.


Another variation involves the presence of an offshore bar, created in the surf zone, acting to contain and channel the waters of the longshore currents. As water returns to the sea as a rip current, a portion of the offshore bar must be breached, again, at an apparent point of equal strength of converging longshore currents. Here too, there is the possibility of the development of a submarine delta further seaward a product of the sediment plume, and rip channel, current, and head.


McKenzie (1958) noted that during high-energy wave conditions rip currents were few (widely-spaced) but strong, while during mild wave conditions rips were more weaker and more numerous (closely-spaced).  Bird (2000), and others consider the return flow in the bays between a beach cusp series (in what I call the zones of retarded flow (Gorycki, 1973) to be mini-rip systems. These currents derive from the confluence and return to the sea of what I suggest are the combined halves of fluid salients that fan out from adjacent cusps. The currents would be of short duration, but recurrent, since they would be produced by each wave of a size capable of cusp maintenance (Gorycki, 1973). This contention agrees with the observation of Masselink (1999) that cusp spacing is strongly related to the horizontal swash excursion. That is, waves of equal strength engender, develop, and maintain a cusp series of a certain spacing. These return flow currents between the cusps, and also the offshore submarine deltas produced by them, will impede portions of the next incoming wave and will help to evenly subdivide it so that those portions which do reach the beach face become salients aligned with the cusps. Being of short duration, mass, and length, and lacking defined longshore currents, these “rip currents” should not have well-developed channels. Instead, the bay between the cusps is the channel analogue, combined with associated submarine deltas. In this case, the spacing between cusps should not be very much greater than the zones of retarded flow (width of the bays) which lie between the cusps. Masselink and Pattiaratchi (1998) would call this type of circulation pattern horn divergent flow and also consider it to play a key role in forming and maintaining beach cusp morphology. They suggest the regular spacing of beach cusps varies from 10 cm to 40 m. However, they find that the swash flow circulation pattern does not explain the actual formation of beach cusps or their even spacing. I would suggest that these short-term periodic return flows between beach cusps, where no longshore currents operate, should not be called rip currents since they have already been defined as turbulent zones of retarded flow (Gorycki, 1973) in which backrush is returned to the sea.


Evenly spaced (approximately 100 m apart) rip currents have also been described as generated in quasi-periodic holes in an alongshore bar.


[3] http://www.oc.nps.navy.mil/~thornton/ripex/ripex.htm


I would suggest that the alongshore “bar” may simply be a series of submarine deltas generated by a series of evenly spaced backrush from the bays of a large cusp series separated by the locations of incoming salients. If the quasi-periodic “holes” become rip current sites during a later wave regime and tide (water) level, they would merely be expedient sites of return backrush at the scale and spacing of a beach cusp series.





Evenly spaced giant cusp series have been described (Shepard, 1952; 1963) and measured as being from 150 m to 1000 m apart, with most spaced between 500 m and 600 m (Dolan, 1971). Also, the cusps project an average of 15 m to 25 m seaward from the embayments. For a modest situation involving a 25 m cusp length and a 500 m cusp spacing, the ratio for giant cusps is 1:20, which is still many times greater than that usually depicted for a beach cusp series. Shepard and Inman, (1951) describe nearshore circulation cells with rip currents in the lee of cusps. In addition, Komar’s (1971) study of nearshore circulation cells also describes field observations showing that rip currents, again, are generally aligned with giant cusps. Unfortunately, Shepard and Inman’s (1951), and Komar's (1971) suggestions that the action of numerous paired nearshore circulation cells are responsible for the even spacing of giant cusp series do not provide an explanation for the production, morphology, or the uniform size of the cells. I also feel it is important to differentiate between beach cusp series and giant cusp series in that they each have a different mechanism of origin and differing morphologies.


I suggested (Gorycki, 1973) that during beach cusp formation, the zones of retarded flow (return flow, or backrush in the bays), and submarine deltas would be located midway between the cusps. It should be noted that this backrush simply accommodates the mass of a single wave by subdividing that wave into each bay of that cusp series. Some sediment could be added to the cusps by incoming salients, but erosion of the bays by backrush in the zones of retarded flow would be more effective to excavate the bays, actively aid in the passive development of the cusps, vigorously form submarine deltas and actively subdivide incoming waves.


To understand the formation of a series of giant cusps aligned with rip currents, I would emphasize that rips are persistent components of beach dynamics, supported by a portion of each incoming wave recurring over a lengthy section of beach face. Since large volumes of incoming water support the longshore currents that feed the rips, any transported sediment, excavated from the beach face, would be moved toward the rips where the converging currents would then deposit it as cusps and then move seaward to deposit submarine deltas. The combination of persistent rips, heads and associated submarine deltas would then serve to subdivide incoming waves to maintain the mechanism. Thus, the formation of an evenly spaced giant cusp series, with rip currents in their lee, would result from strong, uniform onshore winds producing a powerful wave regime. If this causes a voluminous set-up and lateral migration of water acting on a uniform beach face, it would produce rips of any uniform great spacing which would subdivide each incoming wave, and supplant the concept of nearshore circulation cells. The disparity in surf dynamics resulting in the generation of giant cusps as opposed to the formation of a beach cusp series suggests that they should not be confused or even compared.


In my paper on the formation of beach cusps (Gorycki, 1973), I suggested that if wave conditions change, the normal variability of wave size could be accommodated by established beach cusps in that smaller than average waves would have little effect on established cusp systems. Masselink and Pattiaratchi (1998) would describe this type of circulation pattern as oscillatory. In the case of larger than average size waves, particularly if associated with a rising tide, incoming waves would escape the retarding effects of the submarine deltas and tend to passively and unimpededly surge directly into the bays between the cusps (Gorycki, 1973). Backrush of water spreading out within a bay would then tend to split symmetrically toward the cusps on either side, possibly adding sediment to the cusps. Bird (2000) would call these “rips” in the lee of the cusps, even though the rips are short-lived, whereas Masselink and Pattiaratchi (1998) would more correctly describe this type of circulation pattern horn convergent flow for beach cusps. A prolonged or significant change in the wave regime would eventually destroy a cusp series, including the submarine deltas, or at least alter cusp spacing.


Komar (1971), states that, “Both cusp-rip current relationships appear to occur in nature.”, but proposes that rips in the lee of cusps is the more likely situation and proposes that they be called “rip cusps”. He also suggests that it is the development of back eddies which would produce the rips seaward of the cusps, but, “It is possible that in certain circumstances, such as on a steeper beach face, the rips will hollow out embayments leaving cusps midway between the rips.” For these, Komar merely proposes a lack of development of back eddies in the bays so that cusps do not form at those locations and that the cusps are at “positions of zero transport”, passively produced as the bays are excavated. The point to be made here is that beach cusp formation requires that salients be aligned with cusps, and return flow be between cusps. Cusps in the lee of so-called “rips” (return flow), suggests either that salients are passively aligned with bays, due to a horn convergent flow regime in a beach cusp series, or that true rip currents are active and responsible for giant cusp production. Komar (1971) does mention that some cusps he describes in the field and in his laboratory studies should be classified as beach cusps, based on their more closely spaced rip currents and small cusp spacing, but still feels that since these are “associated with rip currents” they should be called “rip cusps”.


Additionally, Komar (1976) states, “When wave crests are parallel or nearly parallel to the shoreline, the nearshore currents are dominated by a cell circulation with seaward-flowing rip currents. This cell circulation is produced by longshore variations in wave breaker heights, which in turn produce longshore variations in the wave set-up. The set-up will raise the water in the nearshore to high levels shoreward from positions of large breakers than shoreward of smaller breakers. Water will then flow alongshore toward locations of small breakers and set-up, converging and turning seaward as a rip current. The rip currents transport sand offshore to beyond the breaker zone, hollowing out embayments in the process. A series of rip currents can thereby produce a series of embayments separated by cuspate projections.” In response, I would contend that his small breaker portions, small setup, eroded embayments, rip currents, and sand transported offshore beyond the breaker zone, possibly to form submarine deltas, would then be components of what I call zones of retarded flow for beach cusp formation, but which are too widely spaced for that designation. These locally inhibit wave approach and promote broad areas of “large breakers” between the rips, similar to salients involved in beach cusp formation but which, again, are too large for that designation. This structuring of incoming waves, determined by the rip currents, rather than ...“longshore variations in wave breaker heights,”... would be responsible for the so-called “cell circulation”. Komar’s (1971) figure 1 portrays the typical condition of rips in the lee of giant cusps which would be one in which broad incoming waves, contained and defined by rip currents on either side are centered on the bays. His figure 2 shows his “envisioned” cuspate shoreline with rips in the lee of embayments, but he ...“is uncertain whether such a development occurs in natural beaches.” We should note that the large breaker portions and associated high levels of water (high set-up) suggest overly large salients centered on cuspate projections. These “salients” are confined between rip locations (zones of retarded flow) on either side, and the general picture presented is what one would observe during the formation of a beach cusp series.


In Komar's (1971) discussion of his laboratory experiments he states, “In all cases, it is found that cusps develop in the lee of the rip currents.” In that paper, the first of his wave basin experiments produced four cusps aligned with rip currents. Subsurface channels, also aligned with the cusps, were excavated by the rips, and extended away from the shoreline. Unfortunately, these experimental runs had to be of short duration. I suggest that here wave action was strong and horn convergent (Masselink and Pattiaratchi, 1998). Sediment eroded from the bays by fluid salients would be transported to form cusps (either actively or passively), and the seaward return flow in the lee of the cusps was strong enough to excavate the subsurface channels.


The second of Komar's wave basin experiments at another laboratory initially produced rip currents midway between cusps. These cusps were of short duration, followed by development of three permanent cusps aligned with the rip currents. Here, a large central cusp formed shoreward of a strong central rip and with a smaller cusp on either side, each aligned with a weaker rip. Of interest here is that these later cusps extend below the surface into deeper water as ridges rather than as channels seen in the first experiments. Komar suggests this configuration is an equilibrium condition because once these permanent cusps formed, all cell circulation, sediment transport, and longshore and rip currents ceased to exist. Komar also suggests that this equilibrium may be the reason why cusps are not necessarily seen with rip currents in nature.


Several problems are suggested by Komar's second laboratory experiments. Longshore currents would require a proportionately much greater distance between cusps of the size produced. The cusps are spaced only about 5 m apart, which seems to suggest insufficient space for longshore currents to develop and be active, and Komar, himself, admits that his experimental forms look more like the typical natural beach cusp series which he observed in the field. In the first phase of those experiments, there might initially have been fluid salient deposition of cusp material on the beach face as Masselink and Pattiaratchi's (1998) horn divergent flow. The temporary cusps first formed midway between rip currents (zones of retarded flow returning “seaward”) with concomitant erosion of bays (and probable deposition of submarine deltas), between the cusps. This is what I described above (Gorycki, 1973) for beach cusp series production, but with the emphasis on the structuring of the incoming waves forming evenly spaced fluid salients aligned with the cusps. The return flow (the so-called rips between cusps) would then cause erosion and development of the embayments between cusps and, in combination with the deposited submarine deltas, would tend to structure the next wave so that salients would again be aligned with the cusps. In support of this, Komar does suggest that it “...is possible that in certain circumstances, such as on a steeper beach face, the rips will hollow out embayments leaving cusps mid-way between the rips.”


Komar shows the beach configuration after two hours of operation of his second experiment (his figure 3). Initially, displaced sediment carried out to deep water to form submarine ridges between the early-formed cusps would then inhibit incoming waves at those locations and thus align incoming fluid salients with those short-lived cusps. Continued wave action then resulted in subsequent erosion of the early cusps to form bays, assumedly at the former cusp locations, with concomitant deposition of later cusp material both on the beach and continuing as the ridges below the water surface. These ridges are aligned with the rip currents. Again, the erosion of the early cusps to form bays would result from wave action being confined to regions between the submarine ridges. Headward erosion of these bays would result in intervening, developing cusps becoming aligned with and continuing seaward as ridges.


As stated previously, Komar suggests an equilibrium condition prevailing in the experiments in which these permanent cusps persist over hours of continuous wave action, and that all cell circulation, sediment transport, and longshore and rip currents cease to exist. To explain this situation, as I suggested earlier, a normal variability of wave size could be accommodated by natural beach cusp systems (Gorycki, 1973). The wave basin experiments described here seem to offer no chance for the expression of the effects of a spectrum of wave sizes seen in nature. The point to be made here is that, in these second experiments, the shoreline has become more complex. There is the development of cusps, bays, submarine deltas, submerged cusp extensions (submarine ridges) and other changes in the bottom topography and beach face, including the erosional transition from a steep to a more gentle beach face, which may have promoted the erosion of the early cusps. Consequently, there is also a gradual lengthening of the shoreline and a greater distance from wave generator to that eroding shoreline. All these changes would eventually have a weakening effect on the identical, mechanically produced waves in the system. As described earlier, smaller than average waves would have little effect on established cusp systems. This gradual sapping of uniform wave energy against a more complex shoreline, resulting in Komar's “equilibrium condition”, would then have a deleterious effect on the experiments and the resulting observations and conclusions.


I would also like to point out that the production of only three cusps in Komar's second wave basin experiments strongly suggests a wall effect on the dynamics of the water motion. That is, a larger central cusp bounded by adjacent weaker cusps indicates the basin's sidewalls may artificially aid in structuring and weakening the incoming waves. I would prefer to see four or more identical cusps being produced. In the case of my tilting trough experiments, anywhere from six large to more than twelve smaller fluid salients were routinely produced with each flow of water across the width of the trough's bottom, without any influence of a wall effect in the central region of the trough. The problem of experimentally introduced artifacts of fluid structuring has been previously described in my earlier web site [1]. For instance, Faller's (1978) wind and wave tank employed to produce Langmuir circulation cells experimentally generates a regular pattern of crossed waves created by a double wedge that oscillates vertically at a resonant frequency. An exhaust fan at the far end of the tank also draws a light wind over the waves as they move along the length of a long, narrow tank. A transparent wind shield, which lies close to the water surface, induces the moving air to act on the waves. In 20 seconds, the combination of waves and wind causes: 1) scattered floats to align into two lanes parallel to the tanks walls, and 2) two fluid salients of clear water, moving in the direction of the wind, to displace dye at the tank's bottom. Faller suggests that this combination of events indicates proof of the production of Langmuir circulations, with two pair of longitudinal roll vortices operating in the water of the tank. However, Langmuir's (1938) own careful observations provide evidence that suggests that it is the formation of fluid salients in the wind above a water surface, which is the mechanism responsible for the appearance of the so-called Langmuir circulation cells in the water. The assumed cylindrical cells, only sketched by later workers, do not comply with Langmuir’s own detailed description of unexpectedly shallow, near surface circulation patterns, which he observed during his experiments on Lake George [1]. Describing “helical vortices” in the waters of Lake George, Langmuir (1938) states that the...“longitudinal and transverse velocities of the water in the vortices have their maximum values at the surface and gradually decrease to zero at the thermocline. Thus the vortices are unsymmetrical in respect to depth, being increasingly diffuse at greater depths.”


In Faller's experiment, I would suggest that there is also a wall effect (as described here for Komar's (1971) experimental study of rip currents) and that the symmetry of the oscillating wedge is reflected in that of the paired water salients and lines of floats. I would prefer to see the production of four or more water salients with superimposed float alignments and waves created by a simple paddle to obviate any suggestion of the influence of a wall or wedge effect. 





Some researchers have suggested that edge waves are responsible for the production of beach cusps. A discussion of standing edge wave theory describes a complicated interaction between an incoming wave (parallel to the shore) and a pair of edge waves set up perpendicular to the shoreline and approaching each other. These standing edge waves near the shoreline form a series of nodal and antinodal points. The antinodal points define alternating peaks and troughs; the nodes, points where there is no vertical motion. If the incoming wave collides with a peak, there is an increase in height and greater erosion; if with a trough, a decrease in height and erosive ability to the wave. If the incoming wave has the same wave period as the edge wave, they are termed synchronous and are considered uncommon. If the standing edge waves have a wave period twice that of the incoming wave they are considered subharmonic, resulting in a regularly spaced series of and troughs along the incoming wave and it is these that are considered responsible for the development of a beach cusp series. The problem with this theory is that it accounts only for the initiation of beach cusps, and not their continued growth since the amplitude of the edge wave decreases as the size of the cusps increase. In comparison to this theory, the fluid salient mechanism is a simpler, easily demonstrated, and more readily understood explanation for beach cusp initiation, formation, and maintenance.


Komar (1971) describes the waves (his figure 5) at the points of cusps as being appreciably smaller than waves present in the embayments on either side throughout his experiments, remaining so even after equilibrium had been achieved. He suggests that this indicates the presence of edge waves that are instrumental in producing the cell circulation with the rip currents developing in the positions of the lowest breakers. I, again, would suggest that in these experiments deposited sediment, continuing from the cusps as ridges below the water surface, would effectively serve to diminish any wave activity locally approaching the cusps, leaving stronger waves to break in the bays. Masselink (1999) rules out the edge wave mechanism of beach cusp formation of Guza and Inman (1975) because he could find no relationship between cusp spacing and beach face gradient. In addition, Inman and Guza (1982) conclude, “...that swash cusps are formed by the swash and backwash acting directly on the beach face...” They rely on edge waves “...only to provide small periodic perturbations on an originally uniform beach... but felt the edge waves ...need not persist for the development of mature cusp morphology.” That is, as cusps increase in size, the amplitudes of edge waves correspondingly decrease. Inman and Guza’s edge waves, which produce “small periodic perturbations on an originally uniform beach”, could also be described as fluid salients. Werner and Fink (1993) also find that since “...subharmonic edge waves decay strongly within one incident wavelength of the shore, they are difficult to detect.”


Edge waves have been treated in a number of theoretical discussions and also variously described as; 1) ...“invisible-to-the-eye, ankle-to calf-high waves that extend from intermediate depths on the continental shelf to the shoreline (where they are highest) and travel along the coast”... 


[4] http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~drake/drake/abstracts/Science285_Drake_review.html,



2) ...“ocean waves traveling parallel to a shore with crests normal to the shoreline, and having heights that diminish rapidly seaward and are negligible at a distance of one wavelength offshore”... (Beer, 1997, p. 75-76), 3) ...“often difficult to visualize, are coastally trapped, i.e. their amplitude is maximal at the shoreline and decays rapidly offshore, produce on the beach beautiful run-up patterns (highest points reached by a wave on the beach”...


[5] http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0106086,


4) ...“being produced perpendicular to normally incident waves and which can produce nodal and antinodal points which are responsible only for cusp initiation”...


[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beach_cusps,


5) ...“water waves that are trapped at the shoreline by refraction”...,


[7] http://www.coastal.udel/faculty/rad/edgetheory.html


Because of these varied descriptions (occasionally accompanied by supportive sketches), and the preceding discussion, edge waves do not seem a viable explanation for beach cusp periodicity. 


As an aside, edge waves become a problem in the manufacture of metal foils. Waves form on the edges of the sheet as a foil thins during rolling because its unsupported edges suffer a more intense compression and thinning. A more familiar version of edge waves is produced by tearing a heavy (5-mil) sheet of polyethylene plastic as one would normally tear a sheet of paper. To start the tear, it is best to initiate it by first making a small cut with a scissors. Interestingly, the sheet not only exhibits a uniform series of large edge waves (primary salients) a few mm from the edge but also a uniform series of smaller, secondary edge waves at the torn edge, (Fig. 4); both sets are caused by tension and thinning along the tear.



Fig. 4. Primary edge waves approximately 4 mm in wavelength near the torn edge of a 5-mil thick polyethylene plastic sheet. Secondary edge waves at the edge of the sheet are also visible and are about 1 mm apart. The waves form due to compensatory lateral compression after initial tensional thinning as the edge is being torn. Evenly spaced salients similarly form in fluids as the result of extension/compression. The fluid salient mechanism often presents as a series of primary, secondary, tertiary and even higher orders of waves in other phenomena.



The point to be made here is that these edge waves have nothing to do with standing edge wave theory, but are obviously produced by an (axial) extension of material near the tearing edge, along its length, just as described here for the formation of fluid salients. The waves may be reduced or eliminated by stretching the film in a direction parallel to its edge. The rolling between plate glass of the rubber cylinder physical model described in my first web site [1] also produces a uniformly repeated wave pattern created by extension of the cylinder along its axis.


As a consequence of this discussion, I suggest that edge waves, when actually photographically depicted as being responsible for cusp formation on the beach face (or as “mini-rips”), are in fact fluid salients which are generated by axial extension of individual waves, as the waves are interacting with the beach face (Gorycki, 1973). Salients moving toward the shore provide the mechanism for the production, maintenance and, especially, the even spacing of beach cusps.





Werner and Fink (1993) describe a computer simulation of flow and sediment transport in the swash zone that couples local flow acceleration and alongshore surface gradient. They present a simulated cusped beach developed after 250 computer generated swash cycles. This image is not dissimilar to my sediment-strewn rocking trough pattern after one swash cycle (again, see Fig. 3) which reiterates Evans’ (1938) observation of the formation of cusps on a beach as the result of the action of a single wave. However, Werner and Fink find that current observational data cannot determine whether their self-organization model or the standing edge wave model is responsible for the formation of beach cusps. Interestingly, they imply a passive role to swash stating that, “On a cuspate beach, runup is deflected by horns toward bays and from there flows seaward as runout.”


Masselink (1999) finds the strong relationship between cusp spacing and horizontal swash excursion to provide some support for the self-organization model of beach cusp formation. This supports my suggestion (Gorycki, 1973) that, “... the increase in salient size and spacing with distance traveled in the experimental situation might suggest that the further swash extends up the beach face, the greater the intercusp spacing.” Since Masselink (1999) also could not find any correlation between cusp spacing and the gradient of the beach face, this implies that for any slope, the larger the waves, the greater the cusp spacing.


Masselink et al. (1998) also describe the destruction of the lower portion of a beach face during a small storm and the reappearance of a cusp series, “...under the influence of declining wave conditions...” Interestingly, they find the cusps redeveloped at the same locations and with the same dimensions as the subtle remnants of the cusp series on the upper beach face and feel this observation supports the self-organization model of Werner and Fink (1993) because the cusp reformation was controlled more by the antecedent morphology than by the hydrodynamic conditions. They also find that the positive feedback between swash hydrodynamics and beach face morphology, necessary to form beach cusps, does not require a large variation in relief.


I find that these observations by Masselink et al. (1998) strongly support the operation of the fluid salient mechanism and my earlier conclusions (Gorycki, 1973) that salients would become aligned with, and enhance cusps on the beach face if submarine deltas are present seaward of the bays. The deltas would act to inhibit wave action at those locations under “...declining wave conditions...”, and would register the intervening salients with the subtle remnants of cusp locations on the upper portion of the beach face. This would occur even though the lower portion of the beach face was destroyed and the cusp remnants there, if any, had no influence on the incoming swash. Moreover, the swash (salients) would diverge at the former locations of forming cusps and return seaward as zones of retarded (return) flow, excavating the intervening bays and adding material to enhance the submarine deltas. If swash excursion is responsible for cusp spacing, and wave energy is responsible for the swash, we also might want to look seaward for the mechanism responsible for the spacing: not only the evenly spaced return flow and the enhancement of submarine deltas, but the cusp-initiating fluid salient mechanism as well.


Coco et al. (2003) also find that their field observations of swash flow patterns and morphology changes are in agreement with the self-organization hypothesis. They suggest that the formation and development of beach cusp morphology is associated with waves normally approaching the shoreline (Longuet-Higgins and Parkin, 1962; Sallenger, 1979; Guza and Bowen, 1981). Others take a less severe view. Rudowski (1964), Evans (1938), Guilcher (1950), and Kuenen (1948) find that cusps can be formed by waves that approach the beach at an angle. In support of this, the rubber cylinder model can produce salients even when the upper glass plate is moved at an acute angle to the axis of the cylinder (Fig. 2). This observation accommodates the possibility that waves approaching other than strictly parallel to the shore may be capable of producing cusp-generating salients.


Coco et al. (2003), in a discussion of observations and experiments at Duck, North Carolina, where a portion of a beach was artificially smoothed after a storm, state, “As beach cusps begin to form by self-organization, a positive feedback that enhances relief develops between morphology on the one hand and fluid flow and sediment transport on the other hand...”  Also, “The initial growth in relief of a beach cusp is caused by the effect of morphology on flow. Specifically, swash is diverted from incipient horns to incipient bays, leaving residual deposition on horns and leading to enhanced erosion in bays. Three signatures of this positive feedback during the growth of beach cusps are that, 1)swash flow increasingly is affected by morphology, 2)swash flow increasingly is diverted from horns to bays, and, 3)both deposition on horns and erosion in bays increase.” However, no explanation seems to be offered in the above quotations as to the mechanism involved in the genesis of a beach cusp series, that is, their initial growth from a smoothed surface, and more importantly, their spacing. How do beach cusps begin to form by self-organization? What is the origin of cusp relief, on a smoothed surface that becomes subsequently enhanced by the feedback between morphology and fluid flow? How do the incipient horns and bays arise so that their morphology may affect the swash flow that will subsequently more strongly define that series of cusps and bays? Is it not simpler to say that morphology is increasingly affected by (structured) swash flow? That is, if the swash were structured in the form of fluid salients, the development of a beach cusp series would follow directly. In addition, how does antecedent morphology arise on a beach if the spacing of a cusp series has changed with time through varying wave regimes? Even if cusp spacing is determined, even predicted, by the value of the swash excursion (Masselink, 1999) what, in fact, initiates the development and locations of a series of evenly spaced incipient cusps and bays? The initializing effect of a fluid salient structured surf on a featureless beach face would provide both spacing and locations for a cusp series, even before the existence of submarine deltas.  Finally, in the field, beach cusps have been seen to arise in an instant without the need for an antecedent morphology or feedback between morphology and fluid flow (Evans, 1938). The same is true for laboratory demonstrations of evenly spaced structures (see Figs. 1 and 3). This fact alone would obviate the need for an alternate theory for beach cusp spacing based on self-organization.


Again, the statement by Coco et al. (2003) that, “...swash is diverted from incipient horns to incipient bays, leaving residual deposition on horns and leading to enhanced erosion in bays”, implies an initial periodicity to the beach face relief that provides a template for the swash locations to develop and enhance the future cusps. Any other kind of relief would have to be reworked and refined by the swash, so that a series of cusps of varying spacings would give way to a uniform series. This again suggests that the swash has its own initiating structural periodicity. Furthermore, if cusp-centered swash continues upbeach and becomes diverted toward the bays where its return is impeded by scouring of the bays and seaward sediment transport, this too suggests operation of the fluid salient mechanism as the return flow in the bays subdivides the next incoming wave (Gorycki, 1973).  From this initializing spacing, the development, maturation, and permanence of a cusp series could then follow as previously described. Excellent photos of beach cusps comprised of sediment coarser than the beach average, subaqueous deltas, fluid salients, zones of retarded flow, and multiple cusp series on the shore of Kootenay Lake, British Columbia


[8] http://kootenay-lake.ca/waterworld/beach/beachcusps/index.html


provide revealing images of the fluid salient mechanism that are easily visualized because of their small scale and the absence of intrusive detail.


Coco et al. (2003) also find three signatures of self-organization in beach cusp formation: “First, time lags between swash front motions in beach cusp bays and horns increase with increasing relief, representing the effect of morphology on flow. Second, differential erosion between bays and horns initially increases with increasing time lag, representing the effect of flow on morphology change because positive feedback causes growth of beach cusps. Third, after initial growth, differential erosion decreases with increasing time lag, representing the onset of negative feedback that stabilizes beach cusps.” It should be noted that the first of these signatures could also be attributed to the operation of fluid salients mechanisms wherein the swash’s effect on morphology induces an increased time lag.


The second signature relating time lags to differential erosion between bays and horns is in keeping with the fluid salient mechanism. Here, the waves approaching the beach face would already be predisposed to have the same salient structure, spacing and locations as the cusps already produced by the salients of the previous wave’s swash. The resulting enhanced morphology could then be considered responsible for the increased time lag of the swash. 


The third signature relating a further increase in time lag to the onset of negative feedback that stabilizes beach cusps would relate back to Komar's (1971) “equilibrium condition”. The development of submarine deltas and other changes in the bottom topography and beach face, including the development of steeper (cusp) and more gentle (bay) slopes, and a gradual lengthening of the shoreline due to cusp and bay formation, would all serve to dissipate the energy of uniform, incoming waves so that the beach face becomes stabilized. What should be mentioned in the third signature is that the material eroded from the bays would be deposited as submarine deltas that, in combination with the enhanced shoreline morphology, would also serve to dissipate the energy of incoming waves, leading to, and promoting, an “equilibrium condition”. The gradual waning of wave energy during the period after the storm would also aid in stabilizing a cusp series.


At Duck, even if waves did not initially physically register with the cusps on the upper beach face, it would appear that with waning storm conditions, submarine deltas, centered on the bays, would eventually act to slow those portions of incoming waves. Salients would then approach the pre-storm cusp locations to continue the cycle, reestablish, and enhance the cusp series.


Submarine deltas, offshore dynamics and the structuring of incoming waves tend to be ignored in many discussions of beach cusp formation. It should be noted that the Duck experiments do not appear to include a comprehensive surveying of the submerged portion of the beach, only bulldozing and surveying of the preexisting cusps on the beach face. This region is defined as the, “section of the beach normally exposed to the action of the wave uprush” (Glossary of Geology and Related Sciences, 1957, p. 27). Also, only three cusps were bulldozed, and the cusps on either side, especially along with their submarine deltas, might also have served to help register fluid salients with the missing cusps. Storms tend to raise sea level temporarily, and this may allow submarine deltas to escape destruction. With waning conditions, the deltas would reassert their structuring of waves so that fluid salients may regenerate destroyed cusps at their former locations. If the self-organization model were in effect, one might expect that reforming cusps might not necessarily be in register with their former locations; nor would they necessarily have the same spacing (and numbering) throughout their formational history.





In this and other fluid salient phenomena, I suggest that structuring of the moving fluid is the primary morphological determinant, whereas sediment plays a passive role. As a consequence, contradictory statements by others that relate to the role of sediment in beach cusp formation might be reconciled. The role attributed to edge waves in simply initiating cusp periodicity seems tenuous at best. The self-organization model, while detailed and descriptive, does not resolve the problem of the periodicity of cusp spacing except to relate it to swash excursion. The importance of submarine deltas and zones of retarded flow as swash returns to the sea should be acknowledged as to the effects they have on salient spacing and cusp morphology. Additionally, the apparent action of the fluid salient mechanism in a variety of other phenomena [1] supports the likelihood of the generation of fluid salients on the beach face and their influence in the production of beach cusp series.


The analysis by Coco et al. (1999) of field and laboratory data collected over the past 50 years suggested a possible link between both edge waves and swash-sediment feedback for beach cusp formation. These theories can now be replaced by a single theory that not only provides for cusp series initiation, uniform spacing, and development, but for a number of other periodic structures in nature and in the laboratory. Consequently, I feel the answer to the cause of beach cusp formation is the fluid salient mechanism.





My original paper, discussing the mechanism for beach cusp spacing (Gorycki, 1973), was precipitated merely by noting the uniformly spaced scalloped edge of a sheet of water traversing the bottom of a small tray as it is tilted. I called this structuring sheetflood, defined as “...pure water...flowing... on an indestructible surface...tends at first to divide into parallel streams...” (Glossary of Geology and Related Sciences, 1957, p. 263). However, I now feel it is just another version of the fluid salient mechanism that can operate in a number of disparate phenomena and under a variety of guises.


This web site is the first of a series presenting further comments and information described in my original web site [1].


Questions, comments and criticism are welcomed and may be addressed to me at: [email protected]







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 [1] http://www.geocities.com/magsalients/



 [2] http://news.ufl.edu/2000/research/engineering/2000/



 [3] http://www.oc.nps.navy.mil/~thornton/ripex/ripex.htm



 [4] http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~drake/drake/abstracts/Science285_Drake_review.html



 [5] http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0106086



 [6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beach_cusps



 [7] http://www.coastal.udel/faculty/rad/edgetheory.html



 [8] http://kootenay-lake.ca/waterworld/beach/beachcusps/index.html



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