Well, Here's how it all began. So sit back, take off your clothes and get out your altiods while I tell you a tale with laughter, tears, and... Altoids. 
       I bought a box. One box.  Just to use after lunch, you know, so my breath wouldn't stink.  That box lasted me from September until mid- November.  Then the cravings started.  Each time I put an Altoid in my mouth, I got that oh so wonderful feeling of knowing you're breath is fresh.  You feel like you can conquer the world... I needed that feeling to keep me going.  pretty soon, I would take one in between meals, just to feel on top of the world.  But really, It's just a false sense of greatness.  After all,it's just a breath mint. Or is it?
       Pretty soon, It had control of my life.  I couldnt leave the house without my trusty tin.  If I ever left my supply by accident, I would mooch off of others.  If no one had altoids, i'd try other mints.  Certs, Breath Savers, TicTacs, but none of these gave me that security I had come to love in Altoids.  When none of these were availible, I'd panic.  What if my breath is awful? How am I going to make it through this? I once called my mother during Crew for our school play and had her drop off my purse, and little known to her, my Altoids. 
      A couple weeks ago, my need Increased.  One altiod after a meal didn't do it for me anymore.  I needed two.  I go through the tins twice as fast, and my money supply is diminishing.  I'm scrouounging my bedroom floor for the precious $1.75 that they cost in my school store each week. 
     After surviving a weekend without a tin of my own, I decided I needed help.  So here I am, typing up my story so that you future Altoid junkies can learn, and not end up like me, cold, in my basement, searching my pockets for a mint...

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