Brandon Lee
His Myth Lives

The midnight just passed when totaly exhausted Brandon Lee began to film his last scene of the gloomy fantasy movie "The Crow". It was on March 31, 1993. According to the screenplay the gangster called Funboy (played by actor named Michael Massee) was to fire at Brandon. Massee pulled the trigger, the bullet flew through the air and Brandon slumped to the ground. His own blood was mixing with the faked one. Twelve hours later was Brandon Lee, whose father was a movie karate legend Bruce Lee, dead! He was only 28 years old.

The autopsy extracted a gun shot in his belly, the bullet had lodged against his spine. Immediately emerged many rumours about this death. The official version of the District Attorney from Wilmington, North Carolina was: It was obviously the fault of an inattentive propman who forgot to check the gun and left among the dummy bullets one real. Neither the propman nor the guards were charged with the neglect.

Another version spoke about a murderous conspiracy because Brandon's father Bruce Lee died 20 years ago during the shooting in very similar and mysterious circumstances (he suffered a brain edema). Then, they say, it was a revenge from the Chinese maffia whose leaders were affraid about their earnings in the movie branch in Hong Kong. That is, the star Bruce Lee was making his films only in the USA before his death. Did the maffia intent on his son now?

Brandon's mother Linda and his fianc�e Eliza Hutton (Brandon and Eliza wanted to marry in 1993!) explained that it was their specific wish to issue the movie "The Crow" into the cinemas as the last Brandon's legacy.

In this movie Brandon played a rock musician named Eric who was together with his girlfriend murdered by gangsters. One year later he returned from the grave to avenge their deaths and the crow guided him...

Brandon spoke about this mystic character full of horror and emotions as the biggest opportunity in his career. It was the most important part of his short life. Brandon fascinated by his ghostly made-up face and perfectly expressed longing for killing. But at the same time in every situation in spite of his brutal expedition for revenge - he remained for ever a human being led by love and tenderness. The audience will see his message of vunerability on the screen (the first run in Czech cinemas is planned on December). Brandon Lee would have become a big star thanks to this movie. His myth has lived further!

Reduced biography: Brandon was born on 1 February 1965 in Los Angeles. He began his actor's career in 1986 in the TV movie "Kung Fu: The Movie". Then followed several further movies. Brandon got his first big part in the action thriller "Rapid Fire".

Did Brandon feel the anticipation of early death before the fateful shot? Maybe. In his last interview he said: "Many things which happen in everyday life seem to be trivial but if a man died and had a chance to return back to the life then the same things would seem important and bitter."

Bravo 23/1994

Translated by Monika and Arwen.


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