Brandon Lee in memoriam

Like a thunderbolt surprised the movie fans around the world the news about the tragic death of Brandon Lee, the son of Bruce Lee - the legend of the Asian martial arts. This sad event happened during the shooting of the movie "The Crow".

Brandon Lee was born on 1 February 1965 in Los Angeles. There his father Bruce Lee met his mother Linda whose ancestors came to the USA from Sweden. Brandon spent first 8 years in Hong Kong whose neighbourhood was very familiar to his father. At the age of 13 Brandon began attending the Academy of martial arts. But only in the course of the years and in the teenages he fully understood who was his father whose name was an enormous icon for all the confessors of the Asian martial arts and action movies. Brandon Lee was 182 cm tall and weighed 76 kilograms. He also had a perfect athletic figure. His sport-techical training was excellent and many clubs took his membership and participation as an honour.

However, the descendant of the famous father did not profit only from his father's popularity but he was training honestly and with an immeasurable patience; the band of his karate dress was changing its colour by the training drudgery during the years till he gained the most feared one - the black one. But this was not enough for him. He began an intensive training of Thai Box, successfully passed the exam and became a teacher of this feared sport branch. It was natural that with his growing efficiency and the famous name he became a subject of serious interest to the moviemakers. Brandon never "copied" his father it wouldn't go, anyway. He was according to his words, so much exceptional a character who was not possible to imitate. At the begining Brandon played by the side of more famous actors but later he became known and famous by himself. We can present from his creation the TV movie "Kung Fu: The Movie". In the movie branch he became famous thanks to pictures "Legacy of Rage" or "Showdown in Little Tokio" in which he played together with Dolph Lundgren. In the Czech cinemas was released the Dwight H. Little movie "Rapid Fire".

He would be only 28 this year. But Brandon left this world very young as well as his father. Was it a fate or an accident - who knows? These and other questions appeared in the minds of women who were closest to him - his mother Linda, sister Shannon and his fianc�e Lisa Hutton...

Tydenik televize /1993

Translated by Monika and Arwen.


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