Aldous is a bright 10 year-old with an interest in Legos, photography, films, and percussion. Aldous loves to learn and play games and has a great sense of humor. He also has a diagnosis of Autism.

By contributing to the Aldous Project, you can be a vital part of making a profound difference in his life! The therapies and friendships waiting for him at Camp AweSum could be the difference needed to avoid a bleak and unstable future of poverty and homelessness and launch this beautiful boy into independent or minimally supported adult living.

Aldous has many beautiful pictures which we would like to send to everyone who donates more than $100 (to help cover the cost of binding and shipping).    The book will be shipped first in early November (for holiday gifts) and again in the late spring of 2010 (at the end of this year's campaign).   To receive a keepsake book of Aldous' photography,   email your shipping address to [email protected] and refer to your donation name and amount.

If you would like to send a check or cash, please email the above address with your pledge and we will email you a mailing address.

*If you or some one you know is a member of East Gate Alliance Church and heard about the Aldous Project before June 2009, please go here.


  *NOTE: Many people have had success donating with the provided "donate" button. There are have been a few glitches and we appreciate your patience! If you are one of the few having issues there are a couple of other options:

•  go directly to and look for "[email protected]", where upon it will allow you to donate.

•  email us at [email protected] with your pledge and we will email you our mailing address and accept your personal check.


Bookmark this page   and check back soon for a sister site, raising funds for Camp AweSum. Due to budget restrictions and the competition for grants, the camp is struggling to keep going.   Every camper deserves to the opportunity to return and we want to make sure this camp keeps going for many years to come!


The Aldous Project is a private family project fund, not a nonprofit organization. To learn more click here


[email protected]

This site made on a Mac by Aldous' Papa.



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