friday - october six, two thousand - 9:59am



i don't think i've ever mentioned how much i love my engagement ring. paul got me something that suits my personality perfectly. i still look at it several times a day, it's so pretty. we ordered a wedding band to go with it, but i waited too long to decide if i wanted one, so we didn't get it in time for the wedding. i should get it next week, hopefully.

when i married randy, he wouldn't let me get a solitaire, which is what i wanted. i think he thought i was trying to save money - by not having the side diamonds, but i've always preferred simple over extravegant. he ended up guying me a wedding set that i never really liked, in yellow gold - when all i ever wear is silver. i was the beginning of a relationship of misunderstandings and non-communications. he never listened to me - it was like his head was made out of cement, or something.
paul and i have different sleep schedules - i usually go to bed a lot earlier than he does. on wednesday night i went to bed at 10pm, paul stayed up until 1am listening to music on his headphones. when i got to work on thursday, i received the sweetest email in the world. he had written me a love letter the night before (a love-email, how funny) - anyway, it was the nicest way to start off my day. he's always asking me if i'm pure magic - he thinks i must be because i make him so happy. if he only knew how happy he makes me... my marriage to paul is like the exact opposite of my marriage to randy, in almost every way.  i never once have had any doubts that paul and i will grow old together. i can totally picture him fathering our children - he's going to make such a great dad. he'll draw homemade comics for them.
i'm going through a phase that i hope lasts... one where i want to help people. i've donated to more charities recently then ever before, and i'm trying my damndest to help a school friend of mine get a job here. i think i'm just so happy that i want to spread it. i've considered becoming a big-sister - but i'm scared. they ask you to commit to a year, once a week for a year - and chances are the person you work with will be developmentally challenged, because of their lack of positive adult influence. i would love to make a difference, but what if i can't get through? plus, i would hate to do it for only one year, and then stop - that wouldn't be a good experience for the kid - just when they're getting to know you and feel closer to you, you ditch 'em? i'm thinking if you wanted to really do a service to this kid, you'd better plan on being around until they're all grown up - and i'm not even talking 18, cuz that ain't all grown up anymore. it's quite a commitment. of course, by then they'd be more of a friend than anything, and you really wouldn't have to go through the volunteer program to spend time with them, you could do it on your own terms. we'll see...
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