friday - july seven, two thousand - 11:20am

the following is a reinactment of the events that took place last night:

paul and alex are taking a nap. alex has awakened and is lying with her head on paul's chest just thinking. suddenly paul's hearbeat starts to go much more rapidly....alex looks up to see if paul is still asleep and sees his eyes are open.....

ALEX:  what were you just thinking about?

PAUL:  why?

ALEX:  because your heart just sped up - do you remember what you were thinking about?

PAUL:  (smiles) yes.....

ALEX:  what were you thinking about?

PAUL:  (laughs) i don't know.....

ALEX:  were you thinking about 'butts, butts, butts'? (a video in a raunchy magazine he had just gotten in the mail)

PAUL:  (laughs again) no.....i wasn't thinking about 'butts, butts, butts'.

ALEX:  were you thinking about something sexual?





PAUL:  no.

ALEX:  paul!  tell me what you were thinking about!!

PAUL:  (silence) hmmmm.... let me think about how to say it.....

ALEX:  (growing steadily more curious) don't you want to tell me?

PAUL:   no.....i want to tell you...

ALEX:  (waiting)

PAUL:  (silence)

ALEX:  (giving up.... as she often does when trying to get something out of pauL - hoping if she changes the subject he will eventually just tell her) do you want me to try on my new dresses?

PAUL:  sure....

ALEX:  (while putting on a little crepe sundress with purple flowers) help me zip this up?

PAUL:  (gets up and zips the dress, then puts his arms around her waste while looking at both their reflections in the mirror) it's pretty.

ALEX:  i look like a housewife.

PAUL:  you're going to need some accesories to go along with that look.

ALEX:  (silence - not daring to allow herself to believe what she's thinking might be happening)

PAUL:  (turns her around to face him) will you marry me? (pulls a ring out and puts it on her finger)

ALEX:  (gasps - get's a bit shaky and weak - hugs him almost violently and squeaks out)......yes.......

so that's how it happened. i will never get rid of my lucky housewife dress - and i will always think of this moment when i hear 'rhapsody in blue' - because i almost deafened myself with it driving home with excitement and anticipation about what had just occured.

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