Most of the content of this site is made up from items received from friends & colleagues via e-mail.

They brightened up my day so I decided to share them with you. 

must go to several members of the I.T. department - of a certain oil company in Aberdeen beginning with the letter "T" - for their numerous un-credited & un-solicited contributions. You know who you are!

too to Derek Stewart - that's his "ad" at the bottom - for all the items, testing & bacon sandwiches...........

Mega to Tom Robinson (Yes, THAT Tom Robinson) for permission to use items "nicked" from his sites.


The site itself will be updated on a regular basis - assuming I've come across something worth adding of course - and contributions are welcome from anyone & everyone. Full credit will be given for any items used. 

Click here to read the "Disclaimer"     

Enjoy yourselves.

Alex MacKenzie. (Ellon, Scotland.)

([email protected])

October 1999

Last Updated - 11/12/04 15:40     

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