Christopher Blickensderfer

"Full Moon"

During the recession of the early 90's I lost my job. I had a bunch of temp jobs for about the next year and a half. By the time I found my next full time job, my savings were wiped out and I had racked up a lot of debts. To get my financial situation in order quicker, I started moonlighting for a Cincinnati cab company. I drove mainly on weekends, but sometimes they'd call me in for a few hours on a week night and only charge me part of the normal lease rate. It was decent money and rarely boring.

Once I picked up five heavy set guys from this hotel on the north side. They were going downtown to see a Bengals game and had obviously started drinking early that day. I'm a skinny guy but it was still a tight fit with two fat guys up in front with me, and I was driving a full sized Caprice. I don't know how the other three squeezed into the back seat.

Halfway to the stadium, one of the guys up front points to a car we were passing. "Look!" he shouts. "That guy has a video camera." Sure enough, a guy in the back of the other car had a video camera and was filming traffic on I-75. The guy sitting beside me leans over, nearly in my lap, and flips the old one finger salute out my window. We all join him as the guy with the camera zooms in.

"I'm gonna moon him," says a guy in the back seat. The other two moan in protest as he squeezes them over, drops his pants and hangs his butt out the window.

The people in the other car were all laughing and the camera was still rolling. The guys in my cab then started shouting obscenities at the other car and that's when I decided to pull away and finally pass them. The five guys were laughing it up the rest of the way to the stadium.

I wonder if the guy with the camera keeps that tape on hand for parties and other special occasions.

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