This is an INDIGO document. It is vital to Terragen Security

Follow ALL appropriate precautions.

At present the Tg. Institute for the Promotion of Sapience is sponsoring three deep-grey projects with Earth Avians (code names: Rainbow, Crossroads, and Old Mariner --all in Group Daedelus.)  No Earth Avian species are on the Galactic Uplift Institute's Terran Fallow Species Interdiction List --though if the GUI had; first, a petition to put any of our avian species on the list; and second, incontrovertible evidence that we were working on such a project, they would interdict the species directly.

Not surprisingly, Avian uplift is proving more difficult than previous, and ongoing, Mammal uplift.  Input from a patron species experienced in such matters would be tremendously valuable.  More important, for technical reasons it is desirable that all three projects proceed in tandem.  However, all three neo-species are at, or near, the level-one threshold, but the Confederation does not have the resources to support all three projects simultaneously to Uplift Level Two.

The plan for long-term diplomatic neutralization of the Gubru involves:

One) Offering one avian species to the Gooksyu as a client species with Humans and Neo-Dolphins as stage one consorts.  This will put Clan Terragen in a relationship of "compandrazgo" with Clan Gubru.

Two) Forgiveness of some Gubru debt as a good-will gift in conjunction with the ensuing Uplift ceremony activities.  (In accordance with established Tg.C. fiscal and diplomatic practice, we will generously let Clan Gubru have the honor of hosting a multiple-Uplift gala.)

Three) We will offer to make large sub-lease deposits (again, this really amounts to debt forgiveness) in return for short-term, zero-rent sub-leases (say, not in excess of 50 KY) on up to three Gubru hard-luck planets.  In return, Clan Terragen promises to make a good-faith effort at ecological restoration and appropriate terraforming proportionate to Gubru aid-in-kind for the restoration projects.  (Neo-Dog, Neo-Elephant, most of our gray species--and also ta-Chooser Ab-Thennanin--are anxious to take their rightful part in our Clan's honorable tradition of terraforming.  Besides, they look forward the autonomy they will enjoy on such "B" grade colonies.)


Tg. Marine Corps Note: Any plans for rapprochement with the Gubru must be regarded as at best futile, and at worst a betrayal of Human and Clan interests.  At present, the Gubru are suffering from low approval levels in Galactic society, they have been humiliated, while fines and reparations from the rape of Garth will greatly restrict the scope of Gubru activity for the next five-hundred to one-thousand years.  Furthermore, in the unanimous opinion of the Marine Corps General Staff, any serious belief that this rapacious, fundamentalist species can be DIPLOMATICALLY neutralized is a misguided policy of appeasement based in anthropomorphic fantasy.  Instead, we propose that the Terragen Confederation --in concert with its allies, such as they are --engage in an energetic campaign to use its diplomatic and intelligence resources to economically and politically isolate all members and dependencies of Clan Gubru.  We, the members of the Terragen Marine Corps General Staff, unanimously endorse a policy of isolation and containment as a more realistic, and FAR less risky, Gubru policy than any plans for "positive engagement." 

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