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Tg.U.C.: By doing all that was possible within the GUI writ, by bending a few rules and injunctions, and through diligent theoretical work --significant progress has been made in both projects Dog and Elephant.  Most importantly, the emotional stability of Neo-Dog has been vastly increased.  After much anguished debate, the Uplift Council has settled on prehensile lips and neuro-interface as Neo-Dog's manipulative organs through at least the early part of the next uplift phase.  In addition, we have developed a far more varied and realistic population socio-biological repertoire by engineering Coyote heavy, North-American Wolf heavy and Labrador/Golden Retriever heavy variants to supplement the balanced Wolf x Terrier, Wolf x Poodle, and Wolf x Border Collie variants that still form the core of the Neo-Dog population.  Project Neo-Dog has also raised the "contiguous" upper bound of Neo-Dog's integrated I.Q. and G.U.I. Gestalt Uplift Quotient by roughly three-quarters of a standard deviation (with some most pleasing outliers well beyond this) while keeping population intellectual performance within (but barely within) the strictures imposed by GUI.

However, verbal communication, life expectancy (currently about 41 years) and Neo-Dog:Neo-Chimpanzee interactions remain disappointing.

The Synthians and Don Compadre Thennanin are our finalists for Uplift Consort, with the Synthians being preferred.  Every effort is being made to get Clan Don Compadre Thennanin to sponsor (yet another) petition before the GUI to lift restrictions on Project Neo-Dog. This time we are daring to hope for approval.

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