Memetic Sapient

Memetic sapients belong to the Memetic (or semiotic) order of life.   Memetic life is an organization of interrelationships, thoughts, or meanings; as such Memites are more properly called pseudo-lifeforms because they lack many attributes of other life-forms such as elimination, species resemblance, stable forms of reproduction, and so on.  Indeed, Memites even lack stable individual forms, and do not necessarily live discrete existences.  Non-memites often find the transformations and interactions of memites almost random.  Memetic forms can be highly intelligent.  In general, complex, autonomous Memetic forms are only found in e-space, where the relationship between connections and nodes is inverted relative to the other spatial subverses.  As a result of the relational inversion of e-space relative to the other subverses, semiotic forms take on corporeal verisimilitude, and energy-matter as known in the rest of the universe becomes holographic instertia.  The result is that material reality has no independent existence in the allophoric perceptual reality of e-space, and energy-matter becomes a scarce import commodity.  In a close analogy, autochthonous memetic expressions are likewise scarce in non-e-space.

Autochthonous Memetic sapients thus have a craving for matter, and are plastic enough to interact with any other Main Sequence sapience.  The major element of memetic trade with material reality involves translation and brokerage services between other Main Sequence forms.  But even though Memetic sapients are naturally gifted translators, three factors limit the amount of revenue Autochthonous Memites earn as cultural brokers.  First, Memite services necessarily involve a three-way instead of a two-way communication, and the extra linkage erodes much of the advantage of employing a Memite go-between.  Second, it is difficult to maintain an autochthonous Memite in a material subverse, but many material species are loathe to travel to e-space for negotiations.  Third --and most important --Memetic sapients are highly subject to change, and their motivations difficult for material life-forms to gage, making every material beings very leery of any interaction with Memetic sapients.  Many tales are told of Memetic entities that had been amiable and helpful for generations suddenly going "beserk"; or worse, subtlety changing to a more acquisitive or chauvinistic "motivational" scheme instantaneously.  Similar behavior shifts among material sapients almost always only occur after detectable prior behavioral changes --or at least belong to a recurring pattern.  Among Memites dramatic changes can be abrupt.  In any case, nothing about a memetic form is as subject to repeatable pattern as would be an analogous structure of a material life-form.

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