Basic Information Name: Lucas Telkin Brooks Rank: Ensign Current Assignment: DS 101 Current Position: Engineering Officer Service #: LTB-921025-A52O Race: Human/Acamarian Sex: Male Age: 24 Date of Birth: September 25, 2392 Place of Birth: Vancouver, British Columbia, Earth Citizenship: Naturalized Earth Citizen, United Federation of Planets Sovereign Acamarian [The Sovereign Acamarian government automatically grants Citizenship to children born of naturalized Acamarian women. This citizenship will always be upheld by the Acamarian government even if the citizen in question has never lived on the planet. In cases where the birth does not occur on Acamar III the mother must make a request to the Sovereign Acamarian Government, as was done in Lucas Brooks case by his mother.] Physical Description Skin: Caucasian Hair: Light Brown Eyes: Dark Brown (Almost Black) Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 180 lbs Distinctive Features: Lucas Brooks has a series of partial circles and waves tattooed on his face in blue ink. Lucas Brooks also has the traditional Acamarian cleft in his forehead, however it is more subtle given his mixed heritage. Family Marital Status: Single Spouse: None Children: None Father: Greg Brooks (DECEASED) Mother: Taramala (nee: Lornakin) Brooks-Suder Siblings: Andrew - Brother (26), Joyce – Sister (24), Andrus Suder - Half Brother (6) Other Family: Andexez (an-dee-zek) Lomakin (Low-mac-en) - Uncle (Mother’s side) Education Primary Schooling – Vancouver, British Columbia, Earth Secondary Schooling - Vancouver, British Columbia, Earth Star Fleet Academy – San Francisco, California, Earth History SD 92.1025 Lucas Brooks is born to Greg and Taramala Brooks in Vancouver, British Columbia, Earth. Lucas’ fraternal twin sister, Joyce Brooks, was born 10 minuets before Lucas. Joyce and Lucas where the 2nd and 3rd children of Greg and Taramala. SD 06.0328 Lucas’ father Greg Brooks goes missing and is presumed dead Greg Brooks was a Starfleet Lt. Specializing in marine biology. While working on a special project for Starfleet the vessel he was working off was found floating empty in the Atlantic Ocean with none of the crew aboard. An investigation was launched and concluded that their instruments had failed and they must have been stuck in a storm or hit by a large wave and all hands drowned. SD 06.0405 Taramala’s brother Andexez Lomakin came to live with the family at her request. Andexez had lost his wife in a small attack by a warring clan so he easily agreed to the transition, to help her in raising the children. [Even thou the government of Acamar III has a strict line that there are no clan wars anymore, small attacks between warring clans still occur and are handled mainly by local security forces.] SD 08.0311 In a ritual ceremony on Acamar III Lucas and Joyce were initiated into the clan as Individuals. [This is a ceremony to mark the coming of age into adulthood when they were considered individuals in the clan instead of portion of their parents.] When Lucas, Joyce and their mother left Acamar III Andexez and their older brother Andrew remained behind by choice. SD 09.0525 Lucas’ mother Taramala married a man named Tal Suder. SD 10.0826 Lucas began his training at Starfleet Academy. Taramala, Tal and Joyce moved to Betazed to Tal’s family estate. SD 11.0210 Andrus Suder, Lucas’ half brother, was born. SD 13.1106 Lucas’ Uncle and older brother were arrested for their involvement in a large up rising against a warring clan. The Sovereign Government of Acamar III quashed those involved with the uprising and sentenced them to life imprisonment. SD 14.0528 Lucas completes his basic education at Starfleet Academy. SD 14.0902 Lucas begins studies at Starfleet School of Engineering. SD 16.0605 Lucas graduates from the school of Engineering majoring in shipboard systems and design. SD 16.0711 Lucas is order to report to SB OMEGA for assignment. Psychological Profile Filed By Cmdr. G. Greene, Counsellor, Starfleet Medical Hobbies Acamarian Tek-Mey-Tak Simulations. Holo-Programing Cooking Reading Traditions and Beliefs Lucas Brooks follows an ancient Clan Spiritual Path which is a religion based on the forces of the universe (some people might call fate) and uses natural elements in many of its ceremonies. Family Relations Lucas Brooks has a healthy relationship with his mother, step father, sister and his younger half brother. Lucas and his sister have a unique and close relationship. In their Acamarian culture twins of any kind are considered pieces of the same, two sides of one. During their Individuality ceremony where an Acamarian receives an unique tattoo to celebrate their individuality Lucas and Joyce were given the same tattoo to remind them always of their oneness. They were however assigned different guides to reflect their personalities, or two side of one, Lucas receiving the Protector and Joyce the Healer. Lucas does not like talking about his older brother as the family dis-agrees with his stance on the warring of clans, and consider him to have dis-honoured them. The family supports the movement on the planet that has developed towards peace with other clans and wish for these small groups in each clan to stop their fighting and attacks. Lucas tells me that a strong sense of the clan was instilled in him and his siblings by their Uncle, when Andexez came to live with them on Earth. Andexez had a very vengeance stance on the warring of clans which he shared only with Lucas’ older brother, Lucas speculated that his Uncle most likely targeted his older brother because Andrew Brooks had been involved with minor infractions before, because he was older and more susceptible to following others. The disappearance of Lucas’ father still troubles him in the aspect that his father was never found even given the through investigation using the newest technology. However he has come to accept that his father is most likely dead and has learned to live with this fact. Lucas speaks fondly of the time he can remember with his father when he was younger. Final Summary Lucas Brooks seems to be ambitious man focused on his future and knowing clearly where his loyalties lie in this family and in Starfleet. Lucas Brooks tends to be fairly head strong when he really believes something is right or wrong, even if it might get him in trouble. Ever since he was a young child he has been the protector of family, friend and even strangers, it was the sign he was born under and the guide he was given in his Individuality Ceremony. This helps define him as the kind hearted person he appears to be. Lastly he tells me he chose to serve in Starfleet because of the way his father had talked about his own adventures before he disappeared and Lucas wanted to honour his father by following his fathers footsteps. He chose to specialize in engineering because of the creative side of it, the ability to build something magnificent from nothing. He tells me every since he was a child he liked to take a part things see how they would work and then re-build them again, not always into the same thing they once were. It is in the opinion of this psychologist and Starfleet officer that Ensign Brooks will make a fine addition to where ever he destined to serve.