BIO FILE. SD: 16.1030.2200 Character name: Tim Burton. Race: Human. Gender: male. Age: 25 Earth Years. Height: 1.87 meters Weight 93 kg. Hair: black. Eyes: grey/green. Skin: yellow/brown. [Asian heritage] Education: Umbrissa Ltd. Flight School, Mechanical degree, basic medical degree, SFA(Starfleet Academy): Security, Operations and Flight Control. Home planet: Earth: Federation Citizen. Current assignment: DS 101. Current position: OPS Traditions: none. Beliefs: The only way to survive is to show no weakness! Siblings: none. Place of birth: Outpost 21, Klingon Neutral Zone. Ambitions: Joining Starfleet as a security officer or marine. Annoyances: dislikes [hates] Klingons, people pushing him. Parents: Jacob Burton (deceased), Miko Kamashi - Burton (deceased) Children: none. Hobbies: Reenacting major battles on holodeck, reading books. Service Number: SFA; 1257-2578-75A (Starfleet Academy Number) Religion: distrusts religion. *Disciplinary record: 14.1015.1258 Commandant Fitzpatrick, SFA-San Francisco. During zero grav training cadet Burton almost killed cadet H’Pogh during a argument that got out of hand. This incident occurred when after there training they were in the airlock, only the quick action of fellow cadets and instructors prevented further injuries. Both cadets were put in the brig for a week and a reprimand was placed in their files. Letters of recommendation: 16.0925.0048 Commandant Fitzpatrick, SFA-San Francisco. Even though cadet Burton has an intense hatred towards Klingons [see joining papers and again psychological profile] Burton is one of the best hand to hand combat specialists and fighter pilots I have ever met. If he can overcome his intense hatred he could be very well be a valuable asset for Starfleet. 16.0925.0055 Instructor lt. Kawolski, SFA-San Francisco. Cadet Burton seems to have overcome his history of open violence towards Klingons but it still worries me. It could be a bomb ready to explode; but considering this is a recommendation and not a record I’ll be mild: he has improved during his years here and is now a valuable team player and fine security officer. 16.1022.1800 Instructor lt.Boll, USS DESTINY, Cocoon space. Cadet Burton is, how should I say this, a good officer thanks to his calculating and calm character. His skills in hand to hand combat are also impressive as he demonstrated when I walked in a holoprogram he was playing. I feel me shoulder just thinking about it. *Psychological profile: 11.0415.1225 Lt. Commander Jessa Trinity, Medical Officer, USS Boston. After responding to the SOS from Outpost 21 and sending a engineering and medical teams over, we followed the ion trail of the pirates that had raided the station. Only discovering the Klingon pirate vessel, heavily damaged, floating in an asteroid field. When beaming onboard we found one of the missing colonists: Tim Burton, he was sitting on the captain’s chair on the bridge. All bridge personnel of the Klingon raider had been systematically slaughtered with, what seemed to be, a large knife. A knife the young man was holding! I send a letter to Starfleet Medical explaining the circumstances we found the young men in. I hope the psychs can do something with him. 11.1228.2359 Commander Jake Grafton, Starfleet Medical - Earth. During the months Tim Burton was here we’ve made some great progress. I feel confident that Burton is again ready to return to society. Counselor Kasindi still feels that Burton hatred towards Klingons is still a cause of concern and also his lack of a home or family to return to could be a problem in the near future. Therefore I was very pleased to see he made the decision to apply for SFA, a new family and friends can be made in SFA. Even so I have sent a letter to the commandant explaining our concerns. We will keep a close watch on cadet during his academy years. Honors bestowed: 13.1107.1534 Wrestling Champion Starfleet Academy SD14.1201.4500. 14.1125.2354 Medal for Excellence in hand to hand combat. Service Record: - 16.0925.0050: Graduated from SFA, San Francisco. Security, OPS, Flight Control. - 16.1010.2550: Send to Cocoon Space, Starbase OMEGA. - 16.1014.0000: Assigned to USS DESTINY as OPS cadet. - 16.1024.1200: Graduated from the USS DESTINY and promoted to ensign. - 16.1028.0800: Assigned to DS101 as Chief of Operations (OPS ) Retry (it’s a habit), Theunis Dijkman Ensign Tim Burton (OPS) DS101.