DS 101 Mission Summary Begun on SD 12.0525:

"Noo'ach Conference"

summary by Ruud Visser, CMO of DS 101

On stardate 12.0525, the USS Horizon departs from DS101 towards a diplomatic meeting held by the Hetgarot on the planet Noo'ach. DS101's senior staff, except for captain Alyza, follow in the USS Hikaru. On the Horizon, the Federation ambassador Grayson is also present.

Races from all over the Cocoon are on their way to Noo'ach. Among them are the civil warring Suji'Ai, the asteroid dwelling Ichtanek, the ferret-like Furonians, the deaf Fraward of Kresawin III, the Ferengi-like Sori, and the feline Xilfans. Also present are the Vurtedions, and of course the Hetgarot themselves.

Upon arriving at Noo'ach, the Hikaru and Horizon receive a general distress signal, and the Hikaru goes out to investigate. They find that the Xilfan ship has been damaged by an unknown energy cloud. They rescue the Xilfans, and help them get their ship spaceworthy again. Soon, both ships head back to Noo'ach.

Meanwhile, the young lt. Cady (Horizon's OPS) leads his first away mission. They have to deliver a device to a scientific outpost on the Noo'ach moon. As it is believed to be a harmless mission, a group of young inexperienced officers is assigned to the team. Cady chooses his close friend cadet Cal Douglas to be the pilot for the mission.

Soon after takeoff, a sentient 'space storm' of unknown origin damages their shuttle and causes the team to crash land in the moon's cavern. Finding atmosphere, the team begins a journey along the cavern to the science outpost in order to contact the Horizon and complete the mission. While there, cadet Douglas trips a Hetgarot Security Training Area called the Proving Grounds. Like a holodeck with no safeties, it creates scenarios of the worst fears of the team.

At the same time, the space storm that attacked the shuttle now attacks the Horizon, and it takes a lot of effort to counter the threat. They finally manage, creating a free path back for Cady and his team. A shuttle goes out to the moon to rescue them, and the entire away team makes it back safe.

Meanwhile, the first informal meetings have started. The Hikaru and the Xilfan ship arrive in team to join in. All delegates meet and talk with each other, and the first bases for future relationships are laid. Talks continue during the dinner later that day, and all delegates are very enthusiastic.

The actual conference begins the next day. The Hetgarot Shagrira opens the official meetings, and she is met with enthusiastic reactions. One by one, the delegates introduce their people, and the talks continue the entire day.

The following day, the closing ceremonies are held. The overall feeling is that the conference was a great success. Every race has made at least one new alliance or agreement for further communication, and most have made more. The conference ends with all delegates thanking the Hetgarot for making it all possible.

Later that day, the Hikaru and the Horizon go back, the first to DS101, the latter to SB Omega. Both crews agree the conference has been well worth their time.

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