Bio of Arthur Ambrose Grayson

Name: Arthur Ambrose Grayson
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Home Planet: Earth
Current Assignment: Federation Consulate, Deep Space 101
Current Position: Federation Ambassador
Service Number: FAMB-8031-2941-F
Place of Birth: San Francisco, CA, USA, Earth
Citizenship: Earth, United Federation of Planets

Physical Description


  • Federation Council Ambassadorial Crops - 3 years
  • Starfleet orientation - 4 week course (failed due to absences)


  • Father: Richard Marcus Grayson
  • Mother: Victoria Reynolds Grayson
  • Spouse: None
  • Chidren: None
  • Other: Gregory Cephas Grayson, uncle, Federation Council Member

    Quirks: Grayson insists on everything being done 'by the book.'
    Ambitions: Grayson hopes to one day hold a seat on the Federation Council
    Annoyances: Grayson dislikes having to wait for anything


  • Grayson enjoys the company of Morwenna
  • Grayson has recently started oil painting in his spare time


    Arthur Ambrose Grayson was born into one of the most affluent families in all of the Federation, "old money" so to speak, on Earth. His heritage can be traced back to the 11th century, a fact of which he is most proud. Growing up, he never had to work for anything and wanted for nothing.

    Spending his early years being spoiled, Grayson turned his nose up at the idea of higher education, especially a service-type program such as Starfleet. Yet he was expected to make a name for himself, and add to the traditions of the family. Gregory Cephas Grayson, Arthur's uncle, held a prominant position on the Federation Council and encouraged Arthur to persue an ambassadorial posting.

    Arthur paid little attention to his instructors while studying with the ambassadorial corp. Although it cannot be proven, there is little doubt the Arthur Ambrose Grayson graduated on the merits of his name and nothing more. Seeking a posting of prominence, Grayson signed up for a formal Starfleet training course. Unfortunately, the course required that Grayson actualy attend the class, and thus he failed.

    Pulling some strings, and calling in all of his favors to ask, Gregory Cephas Grayson petitioned the Federation President for a prominent posting for the younger Grayson. Bound by his word, the Federation President assigned Grayson an Ambassadorial posting on Deep Space 101, located within the Cocoon.

    Upon his arrival, Grayson proceeded to alienate any and all Starfleet personnel he met with. He is brash, abrasive, and arrogant, seemingly thinking himself more king than ambassador.

    Grayson began to fill his staff with an Ambassadorial Aide, choosing Alesia Corvelli, a beautiful, intelligent young woman well versed in alien cultures and languages. Later, Grayson added a Personal Security Attache', a Vulcan named Sporik.

    Ambassador Grayson arrived at the station and began to assist the local merchants with loans from the Federation treasury at his disposal. He has since become embroiled in a bitter rivalry with the station's now-CMO, Lt (jg) Q, an exiled member of the Q Continuum.

    While possessed by the wormhole aliens, or Bajoran Prophets, new facets of Grayson's personality began to surface. This occurance led to growth of Grayson's paternal side, taking his once-rival Q under his wing. Grayson was also becoming romantically involved with Morwenna Tralya.

    Grayson spent two days in discussions with the Hetgarot on DS 101 soon after his arrival, and hopes to continue negotiations with all representatives on the station.

    He was seriously injured in an explosion on the station, but has since made a full recovery.

    Grayson is very excited about his mission aboard the USS CURIE to travel to a neutral planet to open negotiations with the Dergrad. His first off-station negotiation, the entire situation proved to be a set-up, and Grayson managed to convince the factions that a war with Starfleet was not in their best interest.

    Following the near-failure aboard the CURIE, Grayson and his staff returned to Earth for debriefing and additional training. Grayson and his staff spent three months learning new administrative procedures and alien contact protocols. In addition, Grayson took the opportunity to make amends with several individuals he had plagued in his past.

    Grayson also authorized leave time for his staff. Arthur spent two weeks on Bajor, seeking a sign from the Prophets.

    Grayson is certainly not the man he used to be. His arrogance is replaced by self-confidence and a sincere desire to see the work of the Federation, peace and exploration, prevail in the Cocoon.

    He highly values his staff, and considers them to be his closest friends. He deeply cherishes the time he spent with Morweena on the station, and hopes to rekindle their relationship after his return to DS 101.

    Psychological Profile :

    "Ambassador Grayson has recently undergone 'possession' by the Bajoran Prophets (Starfleet designation: wormhole aliens). During this time period, his entire personality changed, becoming a kinder, gentler individual. Although the possession has ended, and he does indeed retain his temper, he has yet to return to his usual raving antics."

    "I do not normally delve into the personal files of individuals; however, I must make an exception in this case. Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson has within himself the prospect to become a great positive influence within the Cocoon. I have made it my cause to see to his grooming and education in this matter."

    Letters of Recommendation

    "Please accept A. A. Grayson as Federation Ambassador with the highest recommendation of this office and the Federation Council. You have my personal assurance that Mr. Grayson represents the best that the Federation has to offer."

  • Bios of the Ambassador's staff

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