Bio of Hunter Etori

Name: Hunter Etori
Species: Human
Gender: female
Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 28
Position: CSciO


Hunter is 5�11" tall with dark hair and bright hazel eyes. There is a fleck of gold in them, where in certain types of light, or angles of light, they change to a brilliant green. Her figure is slim and her brown hair rests just below her shoulder blades. Her hair is hardly ever tied back as she considers it one of her greatest features.



Siblings: None
Spouse: None

Hunter�s mother, Micah Martruis, was a showgirl on Risa. Her father, Hamilton Etori, is an expert on Evolutionary Biology and travels extensively throughout the quadrant doing consulting work. It was more a weekend of lustful passion, than a loving relationship, that resulted in Hunter�s conception. Hamilton was long gone when Micah was given the news that she was pregnant with a child. After the birth, Micah contacted Hamilton to return and claim the child, as she wanted nothing to do with her. Hamilton could not refuse and so he returned to Risa, not to reunite with a weekend flame, but to collect a child that resulted out of a moment of lust.

Hunter was the name her father gave her, for up until his arrival she was simply Baby Girl. Hunter grew up as an only child with no one but her father to care for her. While she had her father�s mind for science, she had her mother�s beauty.


Hunter followed her father across the stars as he collaborated on multiple projects. There was no time for formal schooling, but her father taught her all that he knew and treated her like an equal from the time she was a small child. Hamilton could see, that while he was considered to be brilliant in his field, his daughter grasp the same concepts with greater ease than he had. He was certain that one day, she too would be considered brilliant.

Hunter contained within herself, her mother�s flair for theatrics and the need for attention, even though she had never known her mother, nor could remember her. While her father admired her for her mind, everyone else whom the child met had admired her beauty. They paid no attention to her father�s comments on the grasp of the child�s mind, and instead continually commented on the child�s appearance. The idea of beauty became a fixated motif within Hunter�s personality and at age 15 she began to model with the Orion�s Belt Modeling Agency. This was completely against her father�s wishes, but he had never been able to NO to Hunter. With unprecedented speed, she quickly became their foremost client bringing in contracts from around the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. She loved the attention, but missed her father.

After 3.5 years of whirlwind schedules, touring, and promotions, Hunter took a leave of absence and returned to be with her father. Hamilton took this time to convince his daughter that she would never be fully happy with this career path, as it would not stimulate her mind. He convinced her that she could continue with this career on the side and look into the possibility of attending Star Fleet Academy in the Sciences. She agreed more out of desperation to please her father, than out of any deep love for the sciences. So at 19 years of age, this is how her new career began.


Hunter never tried very hard in her studies, yet somehow she just understood it all. She flew through her coursework, never really paying attention to those around her, who seemed to really struggle through the tougher concepts. She did excel, if not astound instructors within the fields of Genetics, Evolutionary Systematics, and Relative Species Genetics. This was a direct result of her father�s devotion to treating her like an equal from a young age.

Hunter graduated at age 23 from the academy with Honors, though she was not the actual Academy�s Honor Graduate. She didn�t care, for her extracurricular modeling activities had again reached an all time high. She loved that attention more so than any attention she could receive through academics, or so she thought.

For the next 5 years, Hunter has been stationed at the Darwin Genetic Research Station at the Daystrom Institute of Technology. She has been promoted twice during her tenure there and now maintains a rank of Lieutenant. Most of the information concerning her research at the Institute is clouded in layers of Classified Material. However, her public persona in the modeling world has tripled within these last 5 years. Besides being in several Holo-Vids, as well as several Music-Vids, she currently is the only Starfleet officer to be named Miss Alpha Quadrant. Every few months she graces the cover of yet another Holo-Magazine which is distributed throughout the Federation.

Currently with the shortage of trained officers within the Cocoon, Hunter has been transferred to DS101 to serve as their Chief Science Officer. Not interested in remaining in her current, but boring, job at the Research Station, Hunter has accepted the transfer.


Hunter, on first contact, can appear slightly stuck up and aloof. One could almost be given the impression that she is nothing more than a ditz in a science uniform. This causes individuals to underestimate her abilities. Her brain takes in so much information and moves as such a speed that her mouth cannot keep up with the connections that her brain makes. During these instances she seems like a space-cadet vaguely answering questions until out of the blue she makes a remarkable analysis.


  • 09.0715 Assigned as an Ensign to the Darwin Genetic Research Station
  • 11.0211 Promoted to Lieutenant (junior grade) for work completed [classified]
  • 12.0101 Named Miss Alpha Quadrant (took a two-month LOA to tour)
  • 13.0528 Promoted to Lieutenant for work completed [classified]
  • 14.0820 Transferred to DS101 under Captain Alyza as CSciO



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