Bio of Morwenna Tralya

Name: Morwenna Tralya
Race: Betazoid
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 10 stones
Age: 45
Hair colour: Black, greying
Eye colour: Green
Home World: Betazed
Current Position & Rank: Civilian
Other talents: Empathic
Parents: Both deceased
Siblings: sister, on Betazed
Quirks: Dislikes being left alone
Annoyances: Overbearing males
Ambitions: To run a profitable business

jpg by Shaun Darlington

Character History:

Morwenna had a happy childhood on Betazed, until she reached marriageable age. She felt that her parents were not doing all they could in arranging a suitable match for her and that all of their choices were very dull. In a fit of rebellion, she ran away with a Ferengi trader, Mog, whose attraction was possibly the fact that she could not read him. She very soon regretted her decision. The Ferengi had no interest in her as a wife, merely wanting her to use her skills in business deals with non Ferengi. Since she refused point blank to give up wearing clothing, as is the custom for Ferengi females, she lived a very isolated life since Mog agreed to allow her to wear clothes as long as no ferengi saw her. Trapped in a life where she could not sense anyone and was left alone by her husband, Morwenna became increasingly lonely and isolated. When her husband died, due to being literally stabbed in the back during a business deal, she decided to try her hand at running her own business, the only limitation being that it must involve plenty of new people to meet and interact with, after her years of loneliness. She has chosen the coffee shop on DS101 because of the constant flow of people through the station and also because she is hoping that in such a remote location she will remain undetected by her late husband's family, who seem to think she will give them money whenever they ask.

Character Traits:

Morwenna is a gatherer of minutiae, she likes nothing better than hearing all of the details of someone's life. Whilst she would never betray a confidence, she enjoys gossip and will willingly talk for hours about the smallest doings of her associates. she is bright, chatty and full of life, always eager to try a new experience. She is a very intelligent woman, but she is not very wise, due to her sheltered life so far. Luckily, her empathic abilities mean that she can always detect a liar or outright con artist, but she can be easily led by those who are telling their perception of the truth.

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This page made by and maintained by Aly.
Contents copyright the player of the character (in this case, Sam D.)

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