Bio of Q

Name: Q
Rank: Lt(jg), resigned from SF
Species: ex-Q
Sex: Male
Physical description: 6'0" tall; blue eyes, blonde hair.
Age: physically 25
Homeworld and town: Q Continuem
Other Talents: N/A
Parents: N/A (created by the continuem)
Siblings: several million
Annoyances: being reminded who he was
Ambitions: being restored in the Q continuem
Psychological profile: sharp wit, maintains Q mentality, normal human intellect
Commendations: none
Reprimands: none
Limitations: none


Quirks: sometimes snaps fingers when he wants something done (force of habit from when he was a Q)

Starfleet record:

SD 10.0828 Graduated Starfleet Academy- 2'nd in class
SD 10.0901 Assigned as Archaeological Officer on DS101
SD 10.11?? Assigned as CMO of DS 101
SD 11.0216 Promoted to Lt(jg)
SD 11.???? Assigned as ASO of DS 101
SD 11.1115 Resigned from SF


Q was a member of the continuem until about 4 years ago. He was banished from the continuem for having pity on human kind, and feelings for a human female. Before being "dropped" on Earth, Q's powers were taken away, including his Q intellect. The continuem turned there back from him forever. They stated that they will never interfere in any of his activities.

Q took the Starfleet Academy entrance exam later that year and passed. He finished 2nd in his class at the Academy, by one point, much to his dissapointment.

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This page made by and maintained by Aly.
Contents copyright the player of the character (in this case, Tim Phillips)

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