Name : Daniel Sayer Race : Human Gender : Male Age : 20 Appearance : Medium build, 5'9", Green eyes. Short blonde hair. No distinguishing scars or features. Position : Civilian, Local reporter for the Federation News Service History : Born on Research Station 210 where his parents both work and have lived for the majority of their working life. He spent his formative years on the station, with visits to grandparents on Earth and Starbase 12. Daniel has had a keen interest in journalism since his teenage years - becoming editor of the station's College newspaper at 15 years old. The Sayers were one of only a few families onboard RS 210, so relationships between family members were tight - often there would be nobody else to talk to but his siblings. Daniel became a reporter from the Federation News Service on his 20th birthday and was immediately assigned to cover local events at Deep Space 101. Family : Parents: Mother: Janice Sayer Age : 52 Work : Xenobiologist Father: Malcolm Sayer Age : 54 Work : Biological Engineer Siblings: Brother: David Sayer Age : 25 Brother: Jason Sayer Age : 23 Brother: Andrew Sayer Age : 18 Sister : Victoria Charlton Age : 22 Psychological Characteristics : Quarrelsome, stubborn and headstrong. He has a natural ability to write, and ambition to rise to the top. He expects to make a name for himself but sometimes is ability falls short of his desires. Daniel has been known to over-indulge in drink. Daniel Sayer is played by Phil D.Long