*********Biofile Teel’a Hgwashh Nergh An’allein********* General Information: Name: Teel’a Hgwashh Nergh An’allein Rank: Ensign Current Position: assigned as Assistant Chief of Security to StarBase101 Gender: female Race: Kzin-Caitain bastard Age: 18 standard years Service Number: 13264FD-43-F461 Physical Appearance: Hair: Her body is covered with a short, yellow-brownish fur, facial hair is shorter then usual with Cait. Eyes: Teel’a has the sharp eyes of the feline species. Her pupils are circular shaped like the Kzin but have the typical golden shine from a Cait. Height: 1.98m Weight: 128kg Other physical features: Teel’a is a unusual mixture between the Caitain and the Kzinti race. She has some characteristics of both races. Her fur is shorter then that of the Kzin, her facial hair is also different from both Cait and Kzin. She has short manes like the Cait does but it is certaily much shorter and not so thick as from the Kzinti The ears of Teel’a are protected with the circular earsegments as with the Kzin but smaller. She has the intelligence of the Cait and the agility and strength of the Kzin. This makes her a formidable opponent in a fight and a smart and quick thinker. --------------------------------- Place of birth: A Kzin laboratory in an unknown Kzin outpost Birthdate: most likely around 2398 Parents: unknown, All known records and medical examinatins show that most likely Teel’a is a genetic engineered creature Siblings: none Marital status: Single. Children: None Hobbies: Hunting in the holodeck, sculpture and bonsai Education: Partly trained as an assassin at the Kzin world, braihwshed and used as assassin by the Cait. Re-integration into human society at several military training camps and bases and educational studies at SFA, Los Angeles Earth. -------------------------------- Background: However no one is certain about the exact life of Teel’a, some parts are known. The first existence to the Federation about Teel’a was during a peace conference between the Cait and the Kzin. Starfleet Captain Warden was a delegate and peace negotiator for the UFP. During these peace talks the swapping of prisoners was discussed. One matter in particular : the problem off a Cait-Kzin female bastard. It appeared the Kzin had created such a creature in an laboratory to act as an assassin. No-one would believe a female Kzin has the intelligence and abilities to be an skilled and trained murderer. Teel’a however was trained to be a highly perfectionated killing-machine. She has the looks and appearances of a female Kzin (robust build, tall figure) but the intelligence of the Cait. In her early life she was conditioned to act only as assassin, no emotions were allowed, her reflexes at trained to the top. Security and intelligence records from both Catain and Kzinti armies show that she was dropped on Cait acting as a murderer to inflict damage to the Caitain military and science program. She was able to kill several high-placed political and scientific Caitain before being captured during a raid. She killed more then a dozen Cait-elite warriors before she could be overwhelmed and captured. The Cait had no clue what she was and kept her imprisoned in a fortified POW - camp. She was hated and abused by some male Kzinti in the camp. The troubles became so tremendous that the Cait has asked the Federation to take Teel’a await from Cait or else they would have to execute her but doing so would considered barbaric towards a female being. Captain Hugh Warden believed Teel’a had the abilities to be a valuable addition to Starfleet and decided to take her to Earth. She spend two more years at different military bases and scientific laboratories where her assassin-conditioning was repressed and her emotional development was allowed and stimulated. At the age of 15 (for a Kzin this is almost an adult age) she was allowed to enter the SFA at Los Angeles. Teel’a became a rather good student and was able to get along fine in the lessons. She graduated as a cadet and feels she owns her life and duties towards the Federation. -------------------------------- Medical Profile: Teel’a is feline species and thus has a lot of the typical aspects of a cat - like creature. She is extreme agile, flexible and has incredible reflexes. Spinal core and bone-structure are more flexible then with the common humanoid species (humans, Vulcan, Klingon,...). Her muscle-structure is build to uphold long intense stress and capable of short outbursts off tremendous power and speed, just like a predator would need to track and hunt down his prey. Teel’a has claws she can retract into her paws, these claws are more then 5 cm long, strong enough for her to climb straight up a wall or cliff and sharp enough to cut through leather armour. The teeth are custom to a predator : long and sharp, pointy and strong enough to bite through skin, muscles and crack the bones of an arm or legs without much trouble. Her body has no known medical lacks. It is believed the Kzin have created an almost perfect feline individual with Teel’a. Her senses are developed beyond many standards, she has excellent night-vision, detailed smell and an almost supernatural sense for danger. DNA-samples show she might be able to develop the Kzin telepathic powers without the need of the extract from the lymph glands of the Ssthondat. However being mainly a carnivore she doesn’t needs to eat only meat like the Kzinti does, but she is also capable to survive several weeks on cooked vegetables, fish and milk or cheese. Psychological profile: Teel’a is member of the feline species. Basically she is a predator which in her case is pushed to the top by her early conditioning at the Kzin military laboratories. Her time at Cait and Kzinti Prisoner-Of-War camps and on Earth has given her the time and possibilities to learn to control her emotion somehow. However she still is considered emotional unstable and small events can quickly alter her moods. Mostly she is kind but shy and extreme cautious in handling others. She has learned through the years that her strength and speed are somewhat a risk for the more “fragile species”. Therefor she tends toward being slow but gracious in her movements. On the other hand is it very well possible that she turns into a manic, raging furball that stops at no hold when she in in rage and furious. It would not be the first time that she trashes her belongings or wakes up from a nightmare to find her pillows and sheets being ripped to little pieces. Since Teel’a is raised in a laboratory she has never knew the pleasure and safety of being part of a family or have a real home. She is a loner in many ways and likes the silence of wide open places and free nature. Her emotions are rarely shown to others and she has difficulties with making friends. But once she has found someone she trusts and is friends with it is a bond for ever. In the same way she is not easy insulted but when she is Teel’a has proven to be a dangerous and keen opponent. One other remark has to be made : Teel’a feels she owns her life and blood towards the Federation and more specific to captain Warden. At the academy rumours where that she had sworn and oath that she would protect him and his kind (probably referring to humans) before anything else. None of this has been confirm when asking Teel’a, but when this is true it might hold heavy consequences for her to uphold her oath. Fears: Teel’a has few fears; the only two worth mentioning are an almost claustrofobic fear for small places, possibly caused from being locked away many times in cages and prison-cells during her youth. Another; less harmless quirk is an almost uncontrollably fear and hate towards any Kzinti or Caitain military presence. Annoyances: She is very much a loner and on her own. Some people believe this is because Teel’a feels herself better then others and she is to proud to mix with others. Others have spread the rumour that Teel’a has severe psychological damage caused by the bad treatments in the Prisoncamp on Cait. No matter what people say Teel’a has proven to be capable to function as an Starfleet Cadet at the academy. Weakness: Teel’a hates liars and people who pretend to be better then others. She has no known physical weaknesses but several psychological. She still has nightmares about what happened in the prisoncamps on Cait and Kzin. It is known that she suppresses the feelings and memories about those months in prison. Furthermore we can conclude Teel’a is rather shy and uncertain with people who are not familiar to her. -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Service Record: 15.1119- Graduated as cadet at Starfleet Academy 16.0220- Arrival at SB Omega CSO 16.0227- Assignment to the USS DESTINY 16.3003- Graduated as Ensign at the USS DESTINY 16.0504- Assigned to the USS Athene as CSO 16.1222- Re-assigned to SB101 ----------------------------------- Disciplinary record: Starfleet confidential : General Remarks on Student Teel’a Hgwashh Nergh An’allein : Teel’a is a remarkable being and a keen student. However it is uncertain if she ever will be able to fully control her anger and uncertain behaviour towards some other persons. It is recommended that Teel’a is under constant guidance of a Counsellor. She has broken several school records in martial arts and tactical simulations. Her physical abilities have earned her great appreciation with her fellow students. * Official Reprimand SD 14.1308.1400 Student Teel’a Hgwashh Nergh is hereby ordered to fulfill 25 h of public service after accepting an dual from one of the other students; a member of the Kzin. It’s only because none of the duellists have severe injuries, both accepted willingly the risks of a duel and the fact that miss An’allein was victorious in the fight and only ripped the opponents ear which showed at least some selfcontrol that no greater punishment is ordered. Dr Mallström, disciplinary counsel, SFA Los Angeles * SFA security level I, observation report Teel’ Hgwashh Nergh An’allein Only accessable for SFA personal with security level Alpha. Observation at the Holodeck in SFA Los Angeles, student Teel’a shows that she is running several re-creations of warsituations at both Kinz and Cait. These simulations show Miss An’allein without any protection taking on several Kzinti or Caitain warriors, mostly slaughtering them in a short period of time. Both Miss Hgwashh Nergh An’allein and the opponents are in most situations unarmed and use teeth and claws to fight each other. Other simulations show Miss An’allein slaughtering unknown Kzinti or Caiatin scientists in their laboratories. Cautin towards this student is recommanded, observations will continue and proper psygological guidance will be forced on her to surpress these simulations and outbursts. This report will be send to the superiors of Teel’a Hgwashh Nergh An’allein at any post where she will be serving. Any information in this record is concidered confidential. Captain D’lon, psychology department SFA Los Angeles and Admiral Lon Zul’tek, security and SFA intelligence. --------------------------------------------------------------- Honours bestowed: none