Bio of Tinkerbell

Name: Tinkerbell
Rank: LtCmdr.
Age: She was discovered 15 Sol-Years ago. She is considered a toddler by her kind.
Sex: Female. Most of the time. At least she chooses to appear female.
Race: Unknown
Appearance: Glowing, semi-transparent hologram. Usually, but not always, humanoid, often female. Always good looking.
Hobbies: Writing, 5-D-Music, Lightsculpting, exploring, meeting new people, literature.
Interests: Temporal physics, quantum dynamics, psychology, xeno-sciences, electronics, computers, etc.


Nobody knows what Tinkerbell really is. Not even herself. She was discovered by the Philosopher and Peacemaker Guilan Garrin after she had been following for a while through space. At that time she was little more than a tiny ball of light, thus her name. Garrin adopted her in spirit, although not officially. She stayed with him and learned quickly, until his death 5 years ago. She then decided to carry on his banner of peace and joined Starfleet as this was the best way she could see.

Tinkerbell is possibly a meta-being, not from this universe. Most laws of physics have little influence on her. She is capable of seeing and manipulating forms of energy. This way she creates her holographic form, by twisting light into a new shape. Regardless of form, she will always try to look attractive to members of that form, whether it be Klingon, Human or Slimeball.

In holographic form she can be detected as light, but she can cease having a holographic body. In that case she would be undetectable by any known sensor. She can, in any form, walk through walls and energy fields as if they do not exist. Which they don't, for her. She cannot affect them either.

Her perception is multi-dimensional, and she is able to 'remember' the future, and sometimes past events that happened when she was not around. Her precognitions are always correct, but may be for the wrong timeline as she 'remembers' all of them simultaneously. She is, in theory, capable of time-travel. She knows, because she has/will/is done it in the future and travelled back to tell herself what to do. The only time paradox she is vulnerable is that she(future) cannot tell herself (past) anything that she (future) hasn't been told by herself (future) when she was (past).

In her first mission the ship was under attack by two ships from the future trying to destroy each other and the Phoenix. Seconds before the Phoenix was destroyed Tinkerbell dropped the ship through a reality rift which she had created, thus turning the events that had threatened the ship into a holodeck simulation gone wrong during the test of a mind-probe. She also managed to wipe herself out existence and had to spend some time in an Escher painting, worming her way back into reality.

She returned and was temporarily forced to rely on a reality-stabiliser, built into her drone, which prevented her from being ejected from reality. Now the universe got used to her and she can stay without it indefinitly.

On her last mission she discovered a place beyond all places called 'The Crossroads' which leads to any place, at any time. It is a huge hall if infinite size, and is inhabited by mysterious beings. Here was the first time she met a being that could hurt, and possibly kill her - a so-called Shadow Dog, moving through sexta-dim space. Here she also met the only other being like herself, except a lot older (three or four universes older) who refused to tell her anything about her background, but made her promise not to use the Crossroads again, unless really neccessary.

Tinkerbell is the owner of a kitten from Schroedingers Cat. Some people see it, some people don't. It can turn up at unexpected places.

Tinkerbell also owns a drone, which she can inhabit, just as she can inhabit any electronic device (one of the reasons she was made Operations Officer of the Hector was that she could just go into the computer and use it). The drone is a 30cm diameter disc, able to hover, with many instruments, tentacles and tools which are inside the disc. She uses it to manipulate matter, as she cannot affect matter in any other way.

Tinkerbell is generally cheerful, happy, and believes that everybody is good inside. She likes nearly everybody. She is the kind of person who cries about dead baby birds and is strongly empathic to the suffering of others. She shows her emotions openly, and very rarely is she angry. She might get a bit annoyed, but nobody has ever seen her truly angry. It is generally considered a Bad Idea to make her angry as nobody is actually sure what she can or can't do. Which includes herself.

She gives generally the impression of being a scatter brain and an airheaded bimbo, which she is, contrary to appearance, not at all. Her understanding of the universe is more refined than most people could comprehend.

She is a pacifist and does not kill. Ever. She is willing to go that extra bit of way to find a peaceful solution. She also disapproves of killing. Strongly.


- Graduates from Academy as Ensign
Mission 1 - Mindprope
Summary: The Phoenix is involved in a battle when a future race is trying to prevent their extinction by coming back into the present. They are opposed by a religious empire. The Phoenix is caught in the middle. Moments before the Phoenix is destroyed Tinkerbell changes reality so that it never really happened. The entire incident is caused by a malfunctioning mind-probe that was supposed to be a new, cheap, better alternative to holodecks. Unfortunately she is not supposed to exist in this reality and ends up in an Escher painting.
-Position held: Counselor
-Saves ship, gets wiped out of existence, nobody remembers.
-Promitions to Lt(jg)

Mission 2 - MegaBomb
Summary: The HECTOR foils a plan to destroy Outpost 1 with a stolen superbomb.
Position held: Counselor, Operations Officer, 2O
Promoted to Lt.

Mission 3 - Gateways
Summary: The HECTOR discovers a giant sphere inhabited by the remains of a giant experiment by unknown aliens. The origin of the sphere remains unknown, as do the original builders. The sphere also contains gateways to far-away worlds. During exploration Lt. Tinkerbell, a student and First Officer J. Tifflor are trapped on a planet at the other side of the galaxy, 75 years away from the Federation. Using temporal physics and a good deal of luck they managed to escape from the planet, get trapped in a pocket universe and end up in the Crossroads before being stuck 1000 years in the past in the sphere. The crew of the HECTOR re-awakens the aliens running the experiment, and after some talking convince them to re-populate the sphere.
Positions held: Counselor, Operations Officer, 2O
Promoted to LtCdr.

Mission 4 - DS101
Summary: Assigned to DS101 as a Counselor
Position held: Counselor

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This page made by and maintained by Gretchen A. Shapiro, [email protected].
Contents copyright the player of the character (in this case, Fabian Alexander)

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