>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Civie Bio Files For DS101 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Last update: SD 14.1216 Amendments: Updated Av'ern's bio Please note, not all of the civies are currently active. Morwenna, Ta'Ran (no bio), Rissa and Tink are currently inactive. Table of contents: Shagrira Naemah - Hetgarot Ambassador Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson - Federation Ambassador Daniel Sayer - Reporter for Federation News Service Warlord Av'ern - Caitian Ambassador Morwenna Tralya - Owner of the Vulcan Coffee Shop Rissa - Owner of Club 101 Tinkerbell - Private Counsellor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bio of Shagrira Naemah >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Shagrira Naemah: Hetgarot Ambassador Bio of Shagrira (Ambassadress) Naemah of the Tzeltzool (as of 8/10/97): Name: Naemah of the Tzeltzool (Pleasant of the ringed in Fed. Standard) Age: 45 Height: 5 feet Mother: Selah (Rock, in Fed standard) Father: Geshem (Rain, in Fed standard) Place of Birth: Noncharot, Hetgarot Species: Hetgarot Tribe: Tzeltzool (ring tailed Hetgarot--further physical description below) Education: in addition to the standard education, as a possible future Melka, she recieved training to enhance and develop her instinctive abilitiesvin that area. She is also proficient in Hetgarot warp technology and able to pilot a Hetgarot ship. Naemah is of the Tzeltzool tribe, the tribe of ring tailed Hetgarot and was raised in Noncharot, the capital city of Hetgarot. She was appointed to be Shagrira by Heka who is now the Elder or Melka, that post being a rotational one among the 3 top members of the Hetgarot governing council of elders, in this case the rotation was among Chaka, Heka, and Koph. They were all born with the intuitive experience needed to be a Melka. Koph had been the Melka when the Curie made first contact with the Hetgarot. Koph is unique, as most of the Melkaot (plural of Melka) have been females. Hetgarot society was at one time totally matriarchal, but now males serve on the council and some, like Koph, even become Melka. Naemah might become a Melka when she becomes older, as she seems to have been born with the proper instincts to allow her to develop into one. This assignment is with the hopes of deciding whether the Hetgarot will join the Federation, and if so, in what capacity. Naemah is also to negotiate trade agreements to supply fresh fruit, nuts, and vegetables to DS 101 from Hetgarot. Naemah will also try to establish some kind of permanent trade between the Vurteron and the Hetgarot and to learn as much as she can about Federation species and worlds. She will not trade with the Dergrad or any other race that espouses violence. Naemah came to DS 101 aboard an Shagrira class ship named Shagrirnu 4, which, like all Hetgarot ships, travels cloaked. Capable of warp, it has no replicators or transporter related technology. Naemah will not travel by means of a transporter if given the chance. It frightens her. Since Hetgarot is mostly rain forest, and the Hetgarot live mostly in the rain forest, only a very few living in the temperate forests of the polar region and none but scientists living in the equatorial desert. The planet has a high level of oxygen causing Naemah to wear a supplementary system similar to that worn by other species whose atmosphere differs significantly from that of Earth, including the Benzites, for example. The Hetgarot are also nocturnal, so Naemah, when going about her duties, wears a kind of eye shield, bringing the light to a level that is more like that of a full moon. Her quarters are kept dim, like a starry night, or a full moon when guests are present. Her quarters are also kept with environmental controls set to Hetgarot normal, that means higher O2, more humidity, and as warm as a typical rain forest. Naemah, as previously stated, has a ringed tail. She walks upright, and spent most of her life in the tree city of her birth. Her eyes are dark and rather large, when they are seen -- that is, when she is in her ship or room on DS 101 and not wearing her eye protection. Her fur is gray on her back, arms and legs, white on her face, front, and the top of her ears. She has black rings around her eyes, and gray rings around the black. The inside of her sensitive ears is also black, as is her nose, muzzle, the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet. Her tail is white with rings of black and reaches a foot past her head if extended along her back. She usually carries it curved in such a way as to almost touch her head (looking much like a question mark). She wears a blue band with the green emblem of the Hetgarot upon it. Her eyes are brown bordering on orange, with no white. The pupil is shaped like that of a cat. Naemah is 5 feet, about average for a Hetgarot female. Her legs are only slightly longer than her arms. Hetgarot are still capable of climbing tree trunks and large branches if the need arises, and doing so quite well. Their size precludes them from using small branches or going from tree to tree as their ancestors did. Like all Hetgarot, Naemah is vegetarian. Her digestive system does not do well on animal products of any kind, including dairy. She eats a wide variety of fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables. >>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF RECORD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bio of Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Name: Arthur Ambrose Grayson Species: Human Gender: Male Age: 36 Home Planet: Earth Current Assignment: Federation Consulate, Deep Space 101 Current Position: Federation Ambassador Service Number: FAMB-8031-2941-F Place of Birth: San Francisco, CA, USA, Earth Citizenship: Earth, United Federation of Planets Physical Description Height: 5'8" Weight: 155 lbs. Eyes: Gray Hair: Black Skin: White Education Federation Council Ambassadorial Crops - 3 years Starfleet orientation - 4 week course (failed due to absences) Family Father: Richard Marcus Grayson Mother: Victoria Reynolds Grayson Spouse: None Chidren: None Other: Gregory Cephas Grayson, uncle, Federation Council Member Quirks: Grayson insists on everything being done 'by the book.' Ambitions: Grayson hopes to one day hold a seat on the Federation Council Annoyances: Grayson dislikes having to wait for anything Hobbies: Grayson enjoys the company of Morwenna Grayson has recently started oil painting in his spare time History Arthur Ambrose Grayson was born into one of the most affluent families in all of the Federation, "old money" so to speak, on Earth. His heritage can be traced back to the 11th century, a fact of which he is most proud. Growing up, he never had to work for anything and wanted for nothing. Spending his early years being spoiled, Grayson turned his nose up at the idea of higher education, especially a service-type program such as Starfleet. Yet he was expected to make a name for himself, and add to the traditions of the family. Gregory Cephas Grayson, Arthur's uncle, held a prominant position on the Federation Council and encouraged Arthur to persue an ambassadorial posting. Arthur paid little attention to his instructors while studying with the ambassadorial corp. Although it cannot be proven, there is little doubt the Arthur Ambrose Grayson graduated on the merits of his name and nothing more. Seeking a posting of prominence, Grayson signed up for a formal Starfleet training course. Unfortunately, the course required that Grayson actually attend the class, and thus he failed. Pulling some strings, and calling in all of his favors to ask, Gregory Cephas Grayson petitioned the Federation President for a prominent posting for the younger Grayson. Bound by his word, the Federation President assigned Grayson an Ambassadorial posting on Deep Space 101, located within the Cocoon. Upon his arrival, Grayson proceeded to alienate any and all Starfleet personnel he met with. He is brash, abrasive, and arrogant, seemingly thinking himself more king than ambassador. Grayson began to fill his staff with an Ambassadorial Aide, choosing Alesia Corvelli, a beautiful, intelligent young woman well versed in alien cultures and languages. Later, Grayson added a 'Personal Security Attache', a Vulcan named Sporik. Ambassador Grayson arrived at the station and began to assist the local merchants with loans from the Federation treasury at his disposal. He has since become embroiled in a bitter rivalry with the station's now-CMO, Lt (jg) Q, an exiled member of the Q Continuum. While possessed by the wormhole aliens, or Bajoran Prophets, new facets of Grayson's personality began to surface. This occurance led to growth of Grayson's paternal side, taking his once-rival Q under his wing. Grayson was also becoming romantically involved with Morwenna Tralya. Grayson spent two days in discussions with the Hetgarot on DS 101 soon after his arrival, and hopes to continue negotiations with all representatives on the station. He was seriously injured in an explosion on the station, but has since made a full recovery. Grayson is very excited about his mission aboard the USS CURIE to travel to a neutral planet to open negotiations with the Dergrad. His first off-station negotiation, the entire situation proved to be a set-up, and Grayson managed to convince the factions that a war with Starfleet was not in their best interest. Following the near-failure aboard the CURIE, Grayson and his staff returned to Earth for debriefing and additional training. Grayson and his staff spent three months learning new administrative procedures and alien contact protocols. In addition, Grayson took the opportunity to make amends with several individuals he had plagued in his past. Grayson also authorized leave time for his staff. Arthur spent two weeks on Bajor, seeking a sign from the Prophets. Grayson is certainly not the man he used to be. His arrogance is replaced by self-confidence and a sincere desire to see the work of the Federation, peace and exploration, prevail in the Cocoon. He highly values his staff, and considers them to be his closest friends. He deeply cherishes the time he spent with Morweena on the station, and hopes to rekindle their relationship after his return to DS 101. Psychological Profile : "Ambassador Grayson has recently undergone 'possession' by the Bajoran Prophets (Starfleet designation: wormhole aliens). During this time period, his entire personality changed, becoming a kinder, gentler individual. Although the possession has ended, and he does indeed retain his temper, he has yet to return to his usual raving antics." Dr. Q, CMO, DS 101 SD 11.0220 "I do not normally delve into the personal files of individuals; however, I must make an exception in this case. Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson has within himself the prospect to become a great positive influence within the Cocoon. I have made it my cause to see to his grooming and education in this matter." Vedek Hylan, Bajoran Shrine, DS 101 SD 11.0220 Letters of Recommendation "Please accept A. A. Grayson as Federation Ambassador with the highest recommendation of this office and the Federation Council. You have my personal assurance that Mr. Grayson represents the best that the Federation has to offer." The Office of the Federation President SD 10.0801 (OFFICAL ADDENDUM, re-issued on SD 11.1001) >>>>>>>>>>>>END OF RECORD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bio of Daniel Sayer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Name : Daniel Sayer Race : Human Gender : Male Age : 20 Appearance : Medium build, 5'9", Green eyes. Short blonde hair. No distinguishing scars or features. Position : Civilian, Local reporter for the Federation News Service History : Born on Research Station 210 where his parents both work and have lived for the majority of their working life. He spent his formative years on the station, with visits to grandparents on Earth and Starbase 12. Daniel has had a keen interest in journalism since his teenage years - becoming editor of the station's College newspaper at 15 years old. The Sayers were one of only a few families onboard RS 210, so relationships between family members were thight - often there would be nobody else to talk to but his siblings. Daniel became a reporter from the Federation News Service on his 20th birthday and was immediately assigned to cover local events at Deep Space 101. Family : Parents: Mother: Janice Sayer Age : 52 Work : Xenobiologist Father: Malcolm Sayer Age : 54 Work : Biological Engineer Siblings: Brother: David Sayer Age : 25 Brother: Jason Sayer Age : 23 Brother: Andrew Sayer Age : 18 Sister : Victoria Charlton Age : 22 Psychological Characteristics : Quarrelsome, stubborn and headstrong. He has a natural ability to write, and ambition to rise to the top. He expects to make a name for himself but sometimes is ability falls short of his desires. Daniel has been known to over-indulge in drink. >>>>>>>>>>>>END OF RECORD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bio of Warlord Av'ern >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Character name : Av'ern Current assignment : Ambassador to DS101 Race : Caitian (male) Physical description : 5'6" tall >From a human perspective he is of relatively slim build except for being proportionately deep chested and large thighed. like others of his race, descended from feline genetic stock, he has a carnivores mussel, large golden, slit pupled eyes and carried his ears high on the skull. His hands and feet have short, strong retractable claws, and his body fur is light tan with darker 'stripe' markings. Missing fur and several deep scars back & Left side of head. Missing fur and deep scars right side of mussel. Age : 16 (nb: Caitians mature earlier than humans and are considered by society to be legally adult at the age of 12) Education : (NB: Caitian education system is results based rather than dependent on age, the children progress through the curriculum at a rate dependent on their intellectual capacity) 1st stage basic: K'ror Primary (ages 1-2) :Language a1 :Mathematics a1 :Basic sciences a1 :Tactical/physical gaming a1(distinction) :Socialisation skills b4 2nd stage basic: Gamoai EF (ages 2-4) :Language a2 :Mathematics a1 :Physics a1 :Chemistry a1 :Biology a1 :Computer studies a1(distinction) :Tactical/physical Gaming a1 :Religious studies(H'kor) a1(distinction) :Socialisation skills c2 Offered scholarship at astroscience facility :declined Caitian Marine officer training centre (ages 4-8) (NB: youngest ever student accepted) :Small group tactics b1 :Marksmanship small arms a1(dis) Rifles a1 (dis) Hvy wpns a1 :Close range combat a1(dis) :astrophysics b1 :astrogation b2 :Medical a3 Xeno b1 :Pilot shuttle a1 Combat fighter a1(dis) :Personnel management c3 (borderline pass) :Computer programing a3 Security a3 :engineering b2 Warp tech b3 mechanical a3 :Language skills: K'rin b2 Klingon b1 Vulcan c2 Requested final exams early after leave of absence for bereavement, Left Caitian military service to join Star fleet academy Joined SFA age 9 Major : security (all fields) Personal specialisation's:ship based weaponry Plasma sciences Micro electronics Maximum possible results on following tests :Hand/eye co-ordination :Reaction time :spatial awareness Distinctions: Unarmed combat Short range weapons combat Marksmanship Small combat ship tactics Electronic Counter-measures Plasma technology (design) Phaser technology (design) Zero-g grav-ball Requested Star fleet Marine corps: denied on grounds of age Assigned OTC age 14 Home World and town : Caitian Homeworld, Ryan'klasss city Current Position & Rank : Ambassador, DS101 Other talents : Holds trainer ranking in H'chor (Caitian martial art) and Human wing chung In depth knowledge of philosophy (Caitian, Human and Klingon) In depth knowledge ancient poetry (human) ancient religions (human) Skilled in primitive hunting techniques (Caitian, Human and Klingon) Parents : Father: Clan elder Av'anvor (deceased) Mother: Not recorded Siblings : Brother: Av'ekon (deceased) Brother: Av'omak (age 6) Sisters: four recorded, no details available Wife & Younglings : Av'elona (Currently on Cait) Male Av'demi Born 11.0826 Male Av'tarran Born 11.0826 Female Av'mist Born 11.0826 Quirks : Noted in academy records that Av'ern has a tendency toward overfocusing if given an intricate problem, to the extent of blocking out all other distractions. Service records show this to be improving slowly over time. Annoyances : It is advised that Av'ern is not required to share quarters with anyone he considers a stranger. He seems more susceptible to the scent changes thereof and has trouble avoiding becoming defensive to the point of aggression. Ambitions : Originally joined Star fleet in a misguided attempt to put himself in a position to take his revenge on the Borg after the death of his brother. After intensive counselling has adopted more positive goals. Psychological profile : Av'ern has an incredibly high IQ, considered a child prodigy and genius on his homeworld, BUT his emotional state has not kept pace with his intellectual development. I have made some progress in addressing the two main areas of psychological concern, namely Isolation: Caitians are normally highly social people, coming from a clan background, however Av'ern seems unable to function emotionally at this level. It seems as if he has a problem developing a bond with others, only family, myself and one student (Cadet Talbok) seemed to manage to form that bond. Once the bond is formed it seems to generate a loyalty that borders on compulsive behaviour. Secondly: The development of the normal fight/flight response seems to have malfunctioned, Av'erns ONLY response to a perceived threat would seem to be 'fight' Av'ern is intellectually aware of these problems through intensive counselling, but whether his improved behaviour denotes an emotional change or simply better self discipline on his part I am unable to conclude. The main problem in ascertaining the truth of the above is that though Av'ern has shown no exceptional mental talents (Telepathy, Telempathy, etc.) he appears to be unreadable even by our resident betazoid councillor. This would appear to be some by product of his intensive meditational training as a follower of the Caitian H'kor religion and its interaction with his complex psych-set. Av'ern claims to be unaware of intentionally blocking the betazoid reading him and does not know how to allow her to do so. I have no reason to disbelieve him at this time. Councillor Merin, Starfleet Academy After an experience where Av'erns mind was separated from his body and contained within a ships computer system, the blocks have apparently disappeared. The exact cause is still unknown at this time. Also during his time aboard the Athene, Av'ern seems to have overcome his inability to form bonds with other personnel. Both giving and inspiring respect and loyalty. Councillor T'Garin, OMEGA Assessment office. Commendations : Caitian Marine OT facility Meritorious conduct award Risked own life to rescue commanding officer after accident on training field where live ammunition and small mines where in use. : Awarded Distinguished service medal for actions on Delot IV 11.0707 : Awarded Noonian Soong medal for study of the Cetaceans of Delot IV and development of the holointerpreter 11.0707 : Bestowed title of Chira (first speaker) in caitian clan council. passes position to uncle. 13.0221 : Elder circle re-invoke ancient title of 'Warlord' (First warrior) and bestow title to Av'ern. 13.0309 Reprimands : Caitian Marine OT facility Striking a superior officer Officer in question declined to press charges Offence registered in permanent record. Starfleet academy Assault on Councillor, resulting in grievous bodily harm. After Psych evaluation: reprimanded and sentenced to ongoing Counselling. (Reduced to voluntary counselling by Lt. Uchwi, CNS, USS Athene 11.0120) Starfleet academy Disruptive behaviour, Damage to Academy property(x3), Grievous bodily harm to fellow cadet (x8), striking a superior officer (x2) One years probation and loss of R&R privileges, final warning of expulsion, sentenced to one years gardening labour during ALL spare time to be followed by a years orderly work in academy med centre during ALL spare time. Marine corps (academy recruitment centre) Threatening behaviour and insubordination to superior officer Reprimand entered in permanent record. Classified : Medical scans have shown that Av'ern would seem to have several duplicate organs (no further records available from Caitian homeworld) His enhanced endurance capacity stems from extra surface area in his lungs, two additional chambers in his heart and extra blood supplies to major muscles. He also has a higher brain mass than is standard for his race. DNA suggests that tampering may have occurred prior to embryo embedding. Chira Av'anvor was a noted bio-physisist before entering Caitian High council. Accusations of illegal genetic research could have sever political repercussions. Physiology dept have concluded than Av'ern probably is unaware of these facts and given his history of problems in this area they recommend that these facts remain confidential and with held from him at this time. Update: After his mind was returned to his body after being trapped for a while inside a ships computer, his brain activity seems to have remained significantly accelerated. The only recorded adverse side-effect appears to be recurring headaches. Intelligence report: Not much detail is available on Av'ern's role in the events on Cait from the time between leaving the USS Hermes and arriving on DS101 in the role of Caitian ambasador. Rumours indicate that he was instrumental in both the death of Chira Av'anvor (then head of Caitian clan council) and the defeat of the centerist faction that was pushing for Caitian withdrawal from the federation. It is suspected that the position of Caitian Ambasador to the coccoon was created as a compromise to avoid Av'ern returning to his starfleet career. Dates of Assignments, Promotions and Awards : Omega starbase 10.0820 : : Graduated OTC by Lt.Cmdr Loochs Re'TT'el : 10.0827 : : USS KRIEGER as CSO : under Lt.Cmdr Lake Starlight : 10.0828 : : Promoted to Lt(jg) by Lt. Nicolas Marshall : Acting CO, USS KRIEGER : 10.1104 : : USS YEAGER as OPS : under Cmdr. Thesonik : 10.1107 : : USS ATHENE as CSciO : under Cpt. Demetrious Simms : 10.1109 : : Promoted to Lt. by Cpt. Demetrious Simms : CO, USS ATHENE : 11.0102 : : Assigned a2O USS ATHENE 11.0214 : : Promoted to Lt.Cmdr by Cpt. Demetrious Simms : Co, USS ATHENE : 11.0529 : : Assigned 2O (full), USS ATHENE 11.0529 : : Awarded Distinguished service medal for : actions on Delot IV 11.0707 : : Awarded Noonian Soong medal for study of the : Cetaceans of Delot IV and development of the : holointerpreter 11.0707 : : Promoted to Cmdr by Fleet Admiral Wynton : Spires, Cocoon fleet CO, 11.1002 : : Assigned as Commanding Officer, USS HERMES : 11.1002 : : Emergency leave of absence from Starfleet (indefinite duration) at : request of Caitian Clan council. 12.0701 : : Arrived at DS101 as Ambassador. 13.0421 Roleplaying notes: Caitian's smile by pushing forward their whiskers, for them to show their teeth is a hostile signal. Av'ern is used to the way others express themselves and understands 'smiles' as done by most omnivores. Any drinking is done with a straw, not having much flexibility in his lips (Look at any normal Cat!) and a different mouth shape, cups would not be much use otherwise. >>>>>>>>>>>>END OF RECORD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bio of Morwenna Tralya >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Name: Morwenna Tralya Race: Betazoid Height: 5' 2" Weight: 10 stones Age: 45 Hair colour: Black, greying Eye colour: Green Home World: Betazed Current Position & Rank: Civilian Other talents: Empathic Parents: Both deceased Siblings: sister, on Betazed Quirks: Dislikes being left alone Annoyances: Overbearing males Ambitions: To run a profitable business Character History: Morwenna had a happy childhood on Betazed, until she reached marriageable age. She felt that her parents were not doing all they could in arranging a suitable match for her and that all of their choices were very dull. In a fit of rebellion, she ran away with a Ferengi trader, Mog, whose attraction was possibly the fact that she could not read him. She very soon regretted her decision. The Ferengi had no interest in her as a wife, merely wanting her to use her skills in business deals with non Ferengi. Since she refused point blank to give up wearing clothing, as is the custom for Ferengi females, she lived a very isolated life since Mog agreed to allow her to wear clothes as long as no Ferengi saw her. Trapped in a life where she could not sense anyone and was left alone by her husband, Morwenna became increasingly lonely and isolated. When her husband died, due to being literally stabbed in the back during a business deal, she decided to try her hand at running her own business, the only limitation being that it must involve plenty of new people to meet and interact with, after her years of loneliness. She has chosen the coffee shop on DS101 because of the constant flow of people through the station and also because she is hoping that in such a remote location she will remain undetected by her late husband's family, who seem to think she will give them money whenever they ask. Character Traits: Morwenna is a gatherer of minutiae, she likes nothing better than hearing all of the details of someone's life. Whilst she would never betray a confidence, she enjoys gossip and will willingly talk for hours about the smallest doings of her associates. she is bright, chatty and full of life, always eager to try a new experience. She is a very intelligent woman, but she is not very wise, due to her sheltered life so far. Luckily, her empathic abilities mean that she can always detect a liar or outright con artist, but she can be easily led by those who are telling their perception of the truth. >>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF RECORD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bio of Rissa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Name: Rissa Species: Orion Gender: Female Skin: Green Background Rissa owns and operates Club 101 and the Rising Star Bar and Grill on DS 101. A former Orion slave, she is now free and married to Zack Hogan, the station's former chief of security and second officer. Further information on Rissa unavailable at this time. >>>>>>>>>>>>END OF RECORD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bio of Tinkerbell >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Name: Tinkerbell Rank: LtCmdr. Age: She was discovered 15 Sol-Years ago. She is considered a toddler by her kind. Sex: Female. Most of the time. At least she chooses to appear female. Race: Unknown Appearance: Glowing, semi-transparent hologram. Usually, but not always, humanoid, often female. Always good looking. Hobbies: Writing, 5-D-Music, Lightsculpting, exploring, meeting new people, literature. Interests: Temporal physics, quantum dynamics, psychology, xeno-sciences, electronics, computers, etc. Background: Nobody knows what Tinkerbell really is. Not even herself. She was discovered by the Philosopher and Peacemaker Guilan Garrin after she had been following for a while through space. At that time she was little more than a tiny ball of light, thus her name. Garrin adopted her in spirit, although not officially. She stayed with him and learned quickly, until his death 5 years ago. She then decided to carry on his banner of peace and joined Starfleet as this was the best way she could see. Tinkerbell is possibly a meta-being, not from this universe. Most laws of physics have little influence on her. She is capable of seeing and manipulating forms of energy. This way she creates her holographic form, by twisting light into a new shape. Regardless of form, she will always try to look attractive to members of that form, whether it be Klingon, Human or Slimeball. In holographic form she can be detected as light, but she can cease having a holographic body. In that case she would be undetectable by any known sensor. She can, in any form, walk through walls and energy fields as if they do not exist. Which they don't, for her. She cannot affect them either. Her perception is multi-dimensional, and she is able to 'remember' the future, and sometimes past events that happened when she was not around. Her precognitions are always correct, but may be for the wrong timeline as she 'remembers' all of them simultaneously. She is, in theory, capable of time-travel. She knows, because she has/will/is done it in the future and travelled back to tell herself what to do. The only time paradox she is vulnerable is that she (future) cannot tell herself (past) anything that she (future) hasn't been told by herself (future) when she was (past). In her first mission the ship was under attack by two ships from the future trying to destroy each other and the Phoenix. Seconds before the Phoenix was destroyed Tinkerbell dropped the ship through a reality rift which she had created, thus turning the events that had threatened the ship into a holodeck simulation gone wrong during the test of a mind-probe. She also managed to wipe herself out existence and had to spend some time in an Escher painting, worming her way back into reality. She returned and was temporarily forced to rely on a reality-stabiliser, built into her drone, which prevented her from being ejected from reality. Now the universe got used to her and she can stay without it indefinitly. On her last mission she discovered a place beyond all places called 'The Crossroads' which leads to any place, at any time. It is a huge hall if infinite size, and is inhabited by mysterious beings. Here was the first time she met a being that could hurt, and possibly kill her - a so-called Shadow Dog, moving through sexta-dim space. Here she also met the only other being like herself, except a lot older (three or four universes older) who refused to tell her anything about her background, but made her promise not to use the Crossroads again, unless really neccessary. Tinkerbell is the owner of a kitten from Schroedingers Cat. Some people see it, some people don't. It can turn up at unexpected places. Tinkerbell also owns a drone, which she can inhabit, just as she can inhabit any electronic device (one of the reasons she was made Operations Officer of the Hector was that she could just go into the computer and use it). The drone is a 30cm diameter disc, able to hover, with many instruments, tentacles and tools which are inside the disc. She uses it to manipulate matter, as she cannot affect matter in any other way. Tinkerbell is generally cheerful, happy, and believes that everybody is good inside. She likes nearly everybody. She is the kind of person who cries about dead baby birds and is strongly empathic to the suffering of others. She shows her emotions openly, and very rarely is she angry. She might get a bit annoyed, but nobody has ever seen her truly angry. It is generally considered a Bad Idea to make her angry as nobody is actually sure what she can or can't do. Which includes herself. She gives generally the impression of being a scatter brain and an airheaded bimbo, which she is, contrary to appearance, not at all. Her understanding of the universe is more refined than most people could comprehend. She is a pacifist and does not kill. Ever. She is willing to go that extra bit of way to find a peaceful solution. She also disapproves of killing. Strongly. History: - Graduates from Academy as Ensign Mission 1 - Mindprope USS PHOENIX Summary: The Phoenix is involved in a battle when a future race is trying to prevent their extinction by coming back into the present. They are opposed by a religious empire. The Phoenix is caught in the middle. Moments before the Phoenix is destroyed Tinkerbell changes reality so that it never really happened. The entire incident is caused by a malfunctioning mind-probe that was supposed to be a new, cheap, better alternative to holodecks. Unfortunately she is not supposed to exist in this reality and ends up in an Escher painting. -Position held: Counselor -Saves ship, gets wiped out of existence, nobody remembers. -Returns. -Promitions to Lt(jg) Mission 2 - MegaBomb USS HECTOR Summary: The HECTOR foils a plan to destroy Outpost 1 with a stolen superbomb. Position held: Counselor, Operations Officer, 2O Promoted to Lt. Mission 3 - Gateways USS HECTOR Summary: The HECTOR discovers a giant sphere inhabited by the remains of a giant experiment by unknown aliens. The origin of the sphere remains unknown, as do the original builders. The sphere also contains gateways to far-away worlds. During exploration Lt. Tinkerbell, a student and First Officer J. Tifflor are trapped on a planet at the other side of the galaxy, 75 years away from the Federation. Using temporal physics and a good deal of luck they managed to escape from the planet, get trapped in a pocket universe and end up in the Crossroads before being stuck 1000 years in the past in the sphere. The crew of the HECTOR re-awakens the aliens running the experiment, and after some talking convince them to re-populate the sphere. Positions held: Counselor, Operations Officer, 2O Promoted to LtCdr. Mission 4 - DS101 DS101 Summary: Assigned to DS101 as a Counselor Position held: Counselor >>>>>>>>>>>>END OF RECORD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Please mail any corrections either to the NRPG list or to rudedutchman@wanadoo.nl.