>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bio files for NPCs aboard DS101 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If you have an NPC bio that is not here, please let me know. Thanks. Last update: SD 16.0212 Amendments: -added Q, Galia Bitzalel and Rachel Samuels -updated Jacki Lines Table of contents: Bel "Katie" Katea - counselling Ensign Caesar Juliard - counselling Lt Marta Azura, MD - counselling 5 of 20 - counselling Yeoman Khadija "Sally" Fields - counselling Dr. Mira Ling - medical Ensign Jacki Lines - medical Senior Chief Ashton Smallwood - navigation/flight control Ensign Perry Jones - science Lt Marguerite Velez - security Lt Vance Seelbinder - security Alesia Corvelli - Federation embassy Q - shop owner Rachel Esther Samuels - shop owner Sarok - Tinkerbell's Nougat - Tinkerbell's Zag'ar'ich'tchu - Tinkerbell's Dr. Soox - Tinkerbell's Dalia Craw - Tinkerbell's Max Ford - Tinkerbell's Queenie - Tinkerbell's Cmdr. Galia Bitzalel - USS Curie Diniarane Entric - Vurtedion embassy General Enix Boram - Vurtedion embassy Senriction Morit - Vurtedion embassy Elcarina Minisan - Vurtedion embassy Niletarne Dor - Vurtedion embassy Salieshara Avo - Vurtedion embassy Ambassador Talianara Nebrin - Vurtedion embassy ==================================== COUNSELLING ------------------------------------ Name: Bel "Katie" Katea Position: Work and stress therapist Gender: Female Race: Bajoran Age: 28 Physical appearance: Bel stands to about 5'9" with a slim figure. Her hair is a fiery red, which seems rare among Bajorans and her eyes are of an emerald green. Background: Not much is known about Bel's life. She grew up on Bajor and when she was old enough after a few years of college, she left to see what the universe held. The Bajoran girl at the age of twenty-one was found beaten and unconscious on a cold winter's night in Paris, France by Jackson Kersh, who is currently DS101's CNS. The reason for the attack has yet to be revealed by her. A bond was made and the two were rarely seen apart during the year they spent traveling with Jack's friend, John. Both fell in love and it eventually led to a night in bed. Feeling ashamed that it had happened quickly and she had done something that was dishonorable, Bel left and later found out she was with Jack's child. The child was named after his father, whom he never met until the age of six. Bel brought her son up by herself on Bajor while she tried to enroll into Starfleet Academy, but ended up going to a university to study various fields of psychology instead. Finally, her graduation came and months later she took the opening on DS101 for a work and stress therapist, not knowing that her boss would be the man she had left so many years ago. After six years, Jack and Katie, as only he calls her, have finally been reunited. Psychological: Katea is generally friendly and is concerned with her son very much. She is proud that she has made it this far and keeps an optimistic attitude towards the future. Name: Caesar Julliard Rank: Ensign Assignment: aCNS on DS101 Race: Bolian Sex: Male Age: 24 Physical description: Casear is six feet tall and of medium build. His eyes are brown and being Bolian he is bald with the normal Bolian ridge. Background: Growing up and living life on a starship, Caesar naturally chose the path towards Starfleet. His father was a science officer and his mother a nurse aboard the USS MESSINA. He entered Starfleet Academy when he was old enough and went into the direction of being trained as a counselor. Caesar was made temporary counselor aboard the USS MESSINA until the regular counselor came back from having a nervous breakdown after graduating from Starfleet Academy. With Starfleet's crazy sense of humor, the counselor was admitted back into his old job and Caesar was sent to DS101 to become the new assistant CNS and left in charge until the new CNS arrived to the station. Psychological: Caesar is like many Bolians in the way that of being very social, but being brought up in Starfleet, Bolian traditions have not stuck too well with him. His way of life tends to lean toward other races' lifestyles especially that of human. Name: Dr. Marta A'zura Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade Assignment: Child Psychologist, DS101 Race: 3/4 Betazoid 1/4 Vulcan Age: 27 Physical description: Marta has long slightly curly black hair, which covers her pointed ears. Her hair is normally put up in a bun. Marta's eyes are a dark chocolate brown. Even at the age of 27, the psychologist still looks younger than her true age. Psychological: Marta though mostly Betazoid, lets her ¼ Vulcan side come through. Only in certain moments, does she let her Betazoid side show. Marta has normal telepathic abilities, but rarely uses them unless in an emergency. Her Vulcan side does come out though and making her easily irritated (see background). Because of being on a leave of absences from Starfleet, Marta wishes not be addressed by her rank until the leave is over. Background: Marta grew up on Betazed and went through her telepathic training there. After getting her doctorate in psychology and child psychology, Marta entered Starfleet Academy. She was assigned to the USS Vivaldi for two years and spent the next five years on the USS Helios as CNS. Being the Helios' counselor, took a heavy toll on the three-fourths Betazoid. She decided a leave of absences instead of a transfer was in order. Marta found herself still wanting to be a part of Starfleet, but without the normal duties and responsibilities a normal CNS would have. Seeing an opening for a child psychologist on DS101, Marta grabbed it and has been there since. Miscellaneous- 5 of 20 Name: 5 of 20 Assignment: one has not been found as of date. He is currently being 'assimilated' into society. Race: ex-Borg drone (race unknown as of date) Physical description: normal Borg drone attire Background: 5 of 20 was severed from the collective by a freak accident that has not been able to be explained. His life before being assimilated has not been revealed. The counseling staff of DS101 has been given the assignment of 'assimilating' him into society. It has been brought up on how well of an idea it really is to do so since one of the first things 5 was taught by the assistant CNS was how to play poker. CNS, Jackson Kersh is making sure he is taught more productive things that will be of use to 5 of 20 and to those around him. Receptionist- Yeoman Khadija "Sally" Fields Name: Khadija Fields Rank: Yeoman Race: Bajoran/Human Physical appearance: Fields has a remarkable likeness to the actress, Sally Fields and has been given the nickname, "Sally" because of it. The ridges on her nose are not as distinct as one of full Bajoran heritage. Psychological: Fields is a dedicated officer and very friendly towards those she meets. She is always willing to help others out. ==================================== MEDICAL ------------------------------------ Dr. Mira Ling female Mira Ling is a human who was born on Earth. She is 27 yrs old, comes from the Southern portion of Korea. She's a very easy going doctor, an overall even type of character. She does not easily give into fear, always managing to keep a cool head in the face of danger. ------------------------------------ Name: Jacki Lines Rank: Ensign Position: Head Nurse, DS101 Station: DS101 Race: Human Sex: Female Age: 27 Quirks: Bizarre sense of humor. Get annoyed with people who are late. Hates Seafood starts to stutter when nervous Hobbies: Tennis Playing guitar Reading true romance novels. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Hair: Brown, shoulder length, worn up on duty Eyes: Light Brown Skin: Softly tanned Height: 5'6" Weight: 62kg She is a very attactive lady with perfect smooth skin, She has the most stunning eyes which is one of her most noticable features. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Place of Birth: Earth, raised by mother and father in Australia after they moved away from California due to financial problems after her father lost all the families assets on bad financial advice from his own father. Parents: Dallas and Lynnette Lines, alive and still residing in Australia. Birthday: July 6, 2486 Siblings: None. Marital Status: Involved the Carl Poynton, CMO of DS 101 Was pregnant once but lost the baby, two months into pregnancy. EDUCATION: Studied Nursing from the early age of 16 and completed her Nursing Degree two years faster than any other Nurse, she is also classed as a prodigy. With the ability to learn new and valuable skills almost instantly. SPECIAL SKILLS AND INFORMATION: Does not mind getting her hands dirty if her duties require it. Considers herself on heck of a dancer LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Standard Federation PRE-STARFLEET HISTORY: Jacki's parents were very successful running their own business, within the transporting industry, which had been passed down from generation to generation from the early 20th Century. Unfortunately Jacki's father accepted some bad advice, which saw their multi-million dollar business fall into debt, forcing them to leave the states and move to small town within Australia were Jacki was raised. Jacki's parents have still not recovered from the loss they endured, Dallas, has been working within a Universtiy as a Cleaner, which Jacki is proud of no matter what anyone thinks. Jacki brezzed through school but she was not recognized as a prodigy child until she had finished High School, she entered University of Canberra, to begin her studies to become a Registered Nurse, she doesn't like when people make a fuss over her and likes to be treated equally, like any other person. Finishing almost two years in front of her peers, she then had a huge choice of where she wanted to work, deciding that she also was interested in space and the unknown she wanted to work on either an Exploration Ship or a Star base. Not really caring where she ended up as long as she could see the rest of the Galaxy. Starfleet seemed the next logical step for her. After her academy training. Jacki hopes to become a professional and renowned for her Nursing and people skills. Service Record. 08.0121: Attends University of Canberra to become a Registered Nurse 10.1115: Graduates from University, earning her degree in Nusring 11.0128: Attends Starfleet Academy in Australia, majoring in Nursing, minoring in Medicine 12.0512: Graduates from Starfleet Academy, promoted to Ensign. 12.0520: Assigned to the DS101 as Head Nurse. ==================================== NAVIGATION/FLIGHT CONTROL ------------------------------------ Chief Ashton (Ash) Smallwood - He can usually be found in one of the shuttle bays with his head buried deep inside an access panel of one of the shuttles. He is generally considered to be one of the best shuttle mechanics in Starfleet and takes enormous pride in his work. He has been in Starfleet all his life (about 40 years service) He once flew a shuttle back to a Starbase after all it's power systems had failed by coupling a consignment of phaser rifles it was carrying to the power conduit and using two tricorders to act as an emergency flight computer. He considers every shuttle he works on to be one of his children. ==================================== SCIENCE ------------------------------------ Name: Perry Jones Full name: Perrin Zeus Jones Rank: Ensign Position: Assistant CSciO Service Number: 268P-727-68025 Race: Human Sex: Male Skin: tan Hair: Frosted chocolate brown and spiked due to accident Eyes: Brown Height: 5'11" Weight: 165 lbs. Other psychical aspects: tattoo on upper left part of chest, sometimes unshaven look Age: 29 POB: Risa Express, shuttle Birthdate: June 25, 2385 Parents: Mother- Maryl, schoolteacher Father- John Fritz, engineer Siblings: Sister- Emily Marital Status: Single Starfleet Academy: Majors- Operations and Engineering Minors- Science Service Record: 03.0826- Entered Starfleet Academy 07.0629- Graduated Academy in top 20% of class 07.0703- Assigned to USS Helios as Engineer 08.0102- Reassigned to USS JFK as Engineer 08.1206- Reassigned to USS Faith as OPS officer 08.1231- Reassigned to USS Gallagher as OPS officer 13.0420- Receives transfer orders for USS Athene as OPS 13.0526- Arrives on USS Athene as OPS 13.0726- Assigned to DS101 as assistant CsciO Background: Perrin Zeus Jones was born aboard the Risa Express, a shuttle on its way to Earth from Risa. His parents were thrilled about this blessed event since they had only been married for a few weeks before he was conceived. He spent many of his vacations growing up on Risa. At the age of 5, Perry became a big brother to a sister named Emily or Emmy as he sometimes calls her. When not on Risa, he and his sister lived in San Francisco, where his father was an engineer and his mother was a schoolteacher. As long as his parents could remember, Perry was always fascinated on how things worked and constantly had to tinker with them and take them apart. It didn't surprise them at all that he wanted to become an engineer like his father. Psychological Profile: Perry is one who loves to tinker with various things. He's also one to get in trouble for it also in any situation. Generally, he is a very easygoing person, but it isn't fun to get on his bad side. His personality wavers sometimes from moment to moment. He could be more sane and intelligent than he leads on. A few have suspected that it is all just an act so that others will not expect much from him. On more than one occasion he has been found sleeping in a Jeffries tube. Likes: tinkering with things, homemade apple pie, jelly beans, spending time in holodecks Dislikes: people getting in his way, counselors and anyone else of the medical profession Beliefs: Perry believes that he is cursed since every ship, except for the USS ATHENE, he has replaced dead officers that met a very unfortunate ends. Recommendations: I have never met anyone quite like Ensign Perrin Jones in my life as a Starfleet officer. That can be taken as both a good thing and a bad thing. Ensign Jones is insubordinate in nature and does almost anything that he pleases to do in life. Please watch out for him because he does have an attitude problem. No matter what has been tried, this can not be beaten out of him. Despite this, he can be a well-behaved officer when he wants to. - Captain Alisha Towers, CO-USS JFK Please for the sake of the Federation, do not leave this man near anything that can blow up, start on fire, short circuit, or anything else that it result in disaster if messed with. Also watch out for his brown nosing ways. -Captain P'talan, CO-USS GALLAGHER ==================================== SECURITY ------------------------------------ Lt(jg) Marguerite Velez Human/Female 6'2"; 175 lbs; Age: 22 Description: Heavily muscled for a human female, Marguerite lacks a sense of humor entirely. Never one to joke around, at all, she always carries out her duties without hesitation. Velez belongs to the Mexican subculture of Earth, but rarely, if ever, mentions her heritage. She has long, jet, black hair which she keeps in a bun while on duty. Her dark flashing eyes enhance her dark beauty, but her CSO knows just how deadly she really is. Her shapely, muscled form almost could convince one to believe that she isn't a 2nd degree black belt in an Earth martial art known as Jui-Jitsu. Her specialty is bone-breaking and judo style throws. Needless to say, she's good at her job of aCSO, very good. ------------------------------------ Lt(jg) Vance Seelbinder Betazoid/Male 6'2"; 160 lbs; Age: 29 Description: Possessing a slight build, Vance is a very agile individual.This makes him perfect as backup onboard away missions with the BANGALORE. His extensive knowledge of weapons systems is useful as well. Vance loves to eat and joke, the former more than the latter. Furthermore, Vance early in his career served a stint under Starfleet Security where he acquired an uncanny ability as a sniper. There are very few targets he can't hit with his modified phaser and targeting scope. Seelbinder talks very little about his brief career with Starfleet Security, and no one asks. ==================================== FEDERATION EMBASSY ------------------------------------ Alesia Corvell Rank: Civilian Position: Ambassadorial Aide to Arthur Ambrose Grayson Assignement: Federation Consulate, DS 101 Age: 22 Place of Birth: New Paris, Mars Family: Marcus Corvell (father), Vi Corvell (mother), Lt. Landon Corvell (brother) Citizenship: United Federation of Planets Physical Description Alesia is quite fit for her age. A little on the short side, she make up for it by wearing high heeled shoes. Her face is long with a very smooth chin. She like a wear ear rings of all sorts. Her hair is long and she alternates wearing it up or down. Height: 5'4" Weight: 122 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Auburn Special Skills/Abilities Alesia is well-versed in alien languages. She can say 'hello' in atleast 100 different language forms. She is fluent in most major Federation languages, including standard sign language. Alesia also has extensive knowledge of alien cultures and customs. History Alesia grew up in New Paris on Mars. Both of her parents are Counselors who work with Starfleet under contract. She spent much of her early years studying about alien races and languages. She excelled at alien languages throughout her academic career. At 21, Alesia signed up for UFP's diplomatic corp and went through a one-ear training course. DS 101 is her first assignment. Her brother is a science officer in Starfleet. Personality Alesia likes everyone and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. Once crossed, though, she never forgets. She is very business-like with her work, and just as un-business-like with her fun. She is a slave to fashion and wouldn't be caught dead in last season's styles. She likes almost any type of food. Psychological Profile Alesia Corvell is a very well-adjusted young lady. She appears to have wisdom beyond her years, perhaps due to growing up in a family with two Counselors. She appears to mix will with all known alien races and has extensive knowledge of alien cultures. She will be an asset where ever she is assigned. --- Haron Pertyll, UFP Diplomatic Corp Counselling Staff ==================================== SHOP OWNERS ------------------------------------ Name: Q Rank: Lt(jg), resigned from SF Species: ex-Q Sex: Male Physical description: 6'0" tall; blue eyes, blond hair. Age: physically 29 Homeworld and town: Q Continuum Other Talents: N/A Parents: N/A (created by the Continuum) Siblings: several million Annoyances: being reminded who he was Ambitions: being restored in the Q Continuum Psychological profile: sharp wit, maintains Q mentality, normal human intellect Commendations: none Reprimands: none Limitations: none Education: Starfleet Academy majored in operations minored in navigation Quirks: sometimes snaps fingers when he wants something done (force of habit from when he was a Q) Starfleet record: SD 10.0828 Graduated Starfleet Academy- 2'nd in class SD 10.0901 Assigned as Archaeological Officer on DS101 SD 10.11?? Assigned as CMO of DS 101 SD 11.0216 Promoted to Lt(jg) SD 11.???? Assigned as ASO of DS 101 SD 11.1115 Resigned from SF Background: Q was a member of the Continuum until about 4 years ago. He was banished from the Continuum for having pity on human kind, and feelings for a human female. Before being "dropped" on Earth, Q's powers were taken away, including his Q intellect. The Continuum turned there back from him forever. They stated that they will never interfere in any of his activities. Q took the Starfleet Academy entrance exam later that year and passed. He finished 2nd in his class at the Academy, by one point, much to his dissapointment. ------------------------------------ Name: Rachel Esther Samuels Race: Human Born in: New York (In what was formerly the United States of America) Age: 42 Earth Years Rank: Master Sergeant, SFMC Reserve Sex: Female Relations: Sidney Samuels (Father) Esther Samuels (Mother) Jacob Samuels, Former Owner, Samuel's DS101 (Uncle) Physical Description: Brown, graying hair; Brown Eyes; Quite muscular (As a result of being in the SFMC) Height: 5' 5" Weight: 120 lbs Occupation: Owner, Samuels' DS101 Religion: Jewish, Modern Orthodox Personal Objects: Rachel always wears a silver Magin David (Star of David) on silver chain around her neck Brief History: Rachel Esther Samuels was born in New York to Sidney and Esther Samuels. A religious family, they attended services every Friday night and Saturday morning at their local Synagogue. When she turned 12, Rachel celebrated her Bat Mitzvah, reading the Shabbat Hanukah parsha of the Torah, and the accompanying Haftarah. At 18, Rachel enlisted in the Starfleet Marine Corps. She still remained very religious while in the Marines, and attended services unless she was on duty, or on a mission. During her 20 year service with the Marines, Rachel rose through the enlisted ranks to Master Sergeant. Upon the retirement of General David Berger, an officer Rachel served with for most of her career, Rachel resigned from the SFMC, and entered the staff of General Berger. She acted as his bodyguard and assistant for three years. Rachel left the staff of General Berger, and headed out to Deep Space 101, where her uncle, Jacob Samuels had offered her ownership of his store. Physcological Profile: Gunnery Sergeant Samuels' has a very large heart and is very kind, but is also very tough and thick skinned. She is a natural leader, and is very intelligent. She follows her orders to the letter, and expects her orders to be followed to the same extreme. She is very proud of being in the SFMC, and being Jewish. Lieutenant Commander J'ud H'y Head Counsellor, Starbase 21 ==================================== TINKERBELL's NPCs ------------------------------------ Sarok is a male Vulcan, about 90 years old, serving as a Secratary to the ships counselor. His cool, logical approach is not very appreciated by the staff, but he keeps the files in perfect order and tends to anticipated Tinkerbells needs. The reason why an intelligent Vulcan would be reduced to the status of a secretary is unknown, but Sarok enjoys his work. He is not the best receptionist, and when faced with troubled people tends to be crisp. ------------------------------------ Nougat is a Ferengi stress therapist. His idea of releasing stress is probably less inhibited than that of many other cultures. His expertise lies in programming holodeck programs, often of erotic and sensual nature. He tends to be quite informal, wearing bright, colourful clothes, and does not care very much about money. He tends to be quite happy most of the time and likes to go for a drink from time to time. ------------------------------------ Zag'ar'ich'tchu, or Zag for his friends, is a Skulldemon. Skulldemons are about 3.80 m tall, and Zag is small with only 3.25 meters. Then again, he is only 434 years old, nothing for a race that does not remember the last time somebody died of old age. This can be, of course, explained by their appearance. Skulldemons are covered by cartillagous purple skin, have long claws, sharp incisors and next to no flesh on their head, resulting in the appearance of a skeletal skull, covered by tight skin. Skulldemons look quite horrid, from the point of most races, and most races have killed them at some point in history. Zag is deeply fascinated by other races, and generally knowledge, and has left his homeworld to gain more knowledge. He is a pacifist, abhorring violence, and preferring to solve problems by talking. Not a viable option when looking like every race's evil nemesis. For that reason he is quite shy, although he is quite knowledgable in many things. ------------------------------------ Nougat and Zag have become rather good friends, which leads to both of them walking around together like Laurel & Hardy or C3PO & R2D2. Or like Fafnir & the Grey Mouser. You get the idea. ------------------------------------ Dr. Soox is a Romulan Borg. Before he was assimilated he was a statistical genius, running up equations in his head. He is also obsessed with the 1960 Flower Power movement, and once shared a room with Roger Fitzpatrick at the Academy for a year. This, his extreme stubbornness, and his twisted sense of humour let to incompatibility errors with the Borg. After the Free Borg debacle the Borg were extremely careful and decided to just throw him out. They were not going to be turned into a bunch of longhaired, free-spirited peaceniks. Dr. Soox ended up on DS101 because LtCmdr Tinkerbell was willing to give him a chance. Dr. Soox is a qualified psychologist, with a sideline in parapsychology and cognitive development. ------------------------------------ Dalia Craw is a counseling intern who really wanted to work for a large corporation, but ended up on DS101. Her supervisor thought he was doing her a favour. She does not really want to be there, and does not have the stuff to be a counselor, but she makes a good nurse. ------------------------------------ Max Ford is also a counseling intern who really wants to be a mental nurse, but his father is an Admiral, so, he sort of got forced to go for a higher position. Choosing a counseling course instead of Tactical Warfare was a way to avoid ending up in command, something Max fears more than anything else. ------------------------------------ Queenie is the Mental Nurse in charge. She is an insectoid lifeform. She is a queen, but her sister got the hive, so Queenie is doing what she does best, taking care of people. She is a qualified mental nurse, and with her six free arms and 360 degree vision she can restrain the most violent patient. Besides, the sight of her four mandibles clicking usually restrains the patient enough to escort him to his room. ==================================== USS CURIE ------------------------------------ Name: Cmdr. Galia Bitzalel Birth place: Jerusalem, Earth Birth date: 21.0504 Parents: Mother, Rut Bitzalel (age 16 on SD 090121) Father, Etan Bitzalel (age 20 on DS 090326) Family: 2 brothers, David and Chaim 1 sister, Dina (4 nieces, 1 nephew) She also has a cousin named Rivka who is a bit younger than her. Her father's older sister, Lt. Batya Bitzalel (age 23 on SD 091220) was in Starfleet and an inspiration to Galia. Batya is (in the time frame of the present, ie 09, an instructor in OTC) Languages: Fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Earth Standard English (with an accent); can understand but not speak well, Spanish, German, French, and Vulcan Education: Starfleet Academy, graduated with honors, 17th out of 500 in her class emphasis on mathematics, computers, and science. Religion: Raised Masorti (Conservative) Jewish, became Orthodox in high school Skin: Tan Eyes: blue-green Hair: dark-brown, long and wavy Height:5'2' Age: 24 Weight: 115 lbs Galia spent a great deal of time and effort studying to achieve what she had at the Academy. She was a serious student, to the point of sometimes being accused by her classmates as being too grim. She always wanted to know more about any subject that interested her, whether it was mathematics, science, or the languages she loved to learn. She had not spent much time off Earth until her assignment to the USS Garrett, since her family did not have the funds for off-world vacations when she was growing up. That did not stop Galia from learning about other worlds an cultures. She even had a subscription to the computer magazine "Federation Geographic", a magazine that started on Earth a long time ago as "National Geographic". Her family had a long history, one of which Galia could be proud. Her ancestors could be traced back all the way to the time of King Solomon, though they had not always lived in Israel. The family of her father had sojourned in Hungary and then the United States of America, before one of her ancestors had immigrated back to Israel. This ancestor was a courageous young widow, who picked up and left everything behind to take herself and her 2 children to Israel in the late 1990's. When she arrived, she changed her last name to the Hebrew name of her father. One of her 2 children, Etan (Ethan) Bitzalel, was to be the ancestor of Galia. Her own father was named after that ancestor.There are a limited number of people who know Galia's secret, the people who came from the future with her (Ari, T'Sara, Sarak, and Setsuzo), T'Sara's cousin Alyza (CO of DS 101), and retired Admiral Difalco. Unfortunatly, Galia's secret became known to Lt. Thomas Kelen on the USS CURIE on an away mission to a planet that has been dubbed Satan in the Kyathane Sector. This discovery occured because Galia was deathly ill after having been saved by Kelen from a flash flood. It seems that the large quantity of water she swollowed, like much else on that planet, made her very ill. While checking Galia's pulse, Kelen found the EMH program from the future hidden in the cuff of her uniform. Putting 2 and 2 together from the fact that Galia had said someone from the future told her that Kelen and a Romulan named Kalayah were destined to have a daughter who would bring peace, he knew it was Galia who was from the future. So far, he has not revealed his secret. Service Record SD 43.0428.1523 Ens. Bitzalel assigned to the USS Garrett NCX-87001 as CSciO Lt. T'Sora (not to beconfused with T'Sara) said "Ens B'itzalel, as of SD 43.0528.1832 I hereby promote you to the rank of Lt with all the privilege and responsibilities encompassed with it. Congratulations to all of you." she glanced at Ro who spoke next. SD 43.0528 Transfered to Katuba 1 outpost as CSciO/CMO. Upon arrival, was given new orders to be CSciO only. SD 43.0809 Transfered to the USS Challenger SD 43.0810.1737 Awarded the Noonian Soong Medal for averting the changeling threat to Katuba1 by inventing an agent that would put changelings to sleep--as well as solid who did not have the antidote pre-administered. See also the page of my awards After being abducted along with Lt. T'Sara, Ens. Sarak, Ens. Ari ben-Avraham, and Ens. Setsuzo Kotsuji by unknown aliens, Galia and her companions were taken to the past. They arrived on an unknown date, and were taken to SB Omega on SD 80910.1011. The 2 Vulcans went into seclusion on Vulcan, while the 3 humans were stationed on DS 101, with their origins in time classified. T'Sara holds in her possession for safe keeping, the tricoder she was using when ubducted. It contains the history of the next 35 years (from the date of her arrival). Galia possesses a EMH from the future designed and modeled after one Dr. Jerry Shapiro. The EMH can be placed in a special receptical or activated portably. When the button on the cylander is depressed, the cylander dematerializes and a holographic doctor looking like Dr. Shapiro did when he designed it, appears. The cylander reappears in the activator's hands when the program is turned off by voice command. SD 8.0920 Lt Bitzalel assigned to DS 101 under Alyza SD 9.0329 Lt. Bitzalel transfered to the USS Curie as CSciO SD 9.0811 Promoted to Lt.Cmdr. SD 9.1239 Promoted to Cmdr [NRPG: also player earned meritorious service citation for playing and support as CURIE player] SD 10.0205 Promted to 2O/CSciO of USS CURIE-A SD 10.0607 Promted to FO/CSciO of USS CURIE-A SD 11.0610 Demoted to LtCmdr, removed from FO post for the rescue of Federation prisoners in Romulan space (action done by whom was thought to be Fleet Admiral Bagamibatoo, but who was really a founder) SD 11.1001 Reinstated to the rank of Cmdr with approval from Fleet Admiral Spires SD 11.0304 Awarded Distinguished Service Star by Capt Z'Dark with Fleet Admiral Spires approval SD 12.0422 Transfered to SB Omega for reassignment, destination unknown SD 12.0505 Awarded Noonian Soong medal by Cmdr Leeds, aCO of USS CURIE (see my awards page) SD 12.0422 Recalled to SB Omega for reassignment SD 12.0530 Assigned as FO/CSciO of USS CURIE, acting as CO until temporarily SD 13.0608 With the arrivial of Captain Demetrius Simms, the she takes her duties as FO/CSciO End CLASSIFIED CO's would have an altered (date, time, service) bio, which would indicate Galia's birth in Jerusalem, but no family background. It would, however, include the general paragraph (first one below Galia's weight) as well as her service record since being assigned to DS 101. The declassified bio would also not make mention of any future events. As a result of a near drowning and subsequent illness from swollowing water and getting it in her lungs on an away mission to the planet Satan in the Kyathane sector, Galia has developed a fear of large bodies of water, especially rivers. ==================================== VURTEDION EMBASSY ------------------------------------ Diniarane Entric: Position- First Ambassador This woman is petite and beautiful. Her demeanor is somewhat quiet and unassuming. Like her predecessor, her true strength is in her willpower. She shows no fear of anything, never argues, never complains. She is efficient, kind and loyal. Diniarane was being trained by Ambassador Nebrin to be her successor before she died. 'Dini,' as Ambassador Entric likes to be called by her close friends, is in her late-30s, although she looks about 25. In diplomatic situations, she will be kind and patient, but firm and confident in any demands or concerns she voices. She will not back down from conflict. ------------------------------------ General Enix Boram: Position- Director of Operations (DO) Name: Enix Boram Rank:(tr.) Lieutenant-General Species: Vurtedion Age: 66 (Terran yrs.) Years in service: 41 Birthdate: SD (234)90630 Specialties: Strategic Operations Covert Operations Weapons Technology Engineering Fighter Pilot Security Clearance: Class One Current Assignment: Primary: Chief Director of Operations for the Vurtedion Foreign Embassy to the United Federation of Planets, under Ambassador Talianara Nebrin. Secondary: Chief of Ambassador Nebrin's Personal Security Escort Operation Platform for Current Assignment: Space Station Deep Space 101, Cocoon Sector, StarFleet, United Federation of Planets Service Record: (236)90630-- Enlisted in Officer Training Program, Vurtedion Armed Services. (237)21115-- Completed Officer Training Program, with Degree of Discipline in Machine Technology; Rank of 2nd Lieutenant (237)30101-(237)91231-- Chief Engineer, 47th Service Group (237)40315-- Promoted to Rank of 1st Lieutenant (237)61010-- Promoted to Rank of Captain (237)91225-- Promoted to Rank of Major (238)00101- (238)20101-- Initiated and Commanded Task Force to oversee a Weapons Technology Research and Development Branch of Armed Services (238)20114-- Promoted to Rank of Lieutenant Colonel for outstanding performance in establishing the Vurtedion Armed Services Weapons Technology Research and Development Department; assigned as Executive Officer of said department. (238)40411-- Oversaw completion of the Bendel-Mon Planetary Defense system (BMPDS) (238)40724-- Recognized with Outstanding Peace-Keeping Citation for work on Development of non-lethal Defense Technologies, namely the BMPDS Project. (238)60925-- Promoted to Rank of Colonel; Assigned as Commanding Officer of the VAS-WTRDD. (239)50601-- Promoted to Rank of Brigadier General; Assigned to Chiefs of Staff under President Talianara Nebrin (239)70601-- Retired from Active Service; Appointed Minister of Defense under President Dagin Surayel (239)90930-- Resumed Active Service in light of developing hostilities with the Dergrad Empire (234)30215-- Took position of Security Director for the Vurtedion Foreign Ministry and Personal Chief of Security to First Ambassador Talianara Nebrin. (234)90801-- Assigned to accompany Ambassador Nebrin to the Federation station Deep Space 101 to serve as Chief Director of Operations to the Vurtedion Embassy to the United Federation of Planets. Think of General Boram as Grand Moff Tarkin (with a heart) meets Odo. To those who first meet him, he comes across as a codgy, brutal, sinister war-horse, but he's actually very kind and gentle. He was an engineer and inventor of defensive systems, until he and the military discovered his untapped talent for military strategy. He's not that happy with the brutality of his stint in the wars with Dergrad, and he's looking forward to having a slightly more peaceful life. He'll try very hard to be nice to everyone, but he's just not really that good at meeting people. Although he is fairly old, he's quite spry and very good at hand-to-hand combat. He is in charge of all day-to-day operations of the Embassy, and is generally the liaison to DS 101 staff in matters not directly concerning diplomatic relations. ------------------------------------ Senriction Morit: Position- Assistant Director of Operations/Security (ADO) Senriction is a very attractive young man, with a high sense of personal honor. He has auburn hair and is in his late 20s. He is indicative of everything noble about the Vurtedion race (The Vurtedion Next Door). He does his job, does it well and inspires others to do the same. He is a natural leader by example, but his skills are so instinctual that he cannot always explain things to others. Sometimes he tends to be too emotional and day-to-day stress really wears on him. In extremely tense situations, however, he lets his instincts take over and becomes very capable. As ADO, Senriction is responsible for all communications to and from the Embassy, as well as supervising the security personnel. Any subspace or commlink call will go through him first, before the Ambassador or General Boram, unless one of the three tell the receptionist otherwise. ------------------------------------ Elcarina Minisan: Position- Hospitality Director (HD) Elcarina is entirely too bubbly to believe. She is the perfect host. She'll talk to anyone about anything, and the most surprising thing is that she's actually interested! She's a plump, perky blonde and appears to be in her early 40s. Elcarina will usually be near the front desk of the Embassy and will greet anyone who visits in person. She is responsible for the reception staff and all social functions at the Embassy, as well as initial interviews in requests for Political Asylum. ------------------------------------ Niletarne Dor: Position- Director of Special Projects (DSP) Niletarne Dor is a cold, unfeeling bureaucrat. He is petty, arrogant and bland. Very few people like him, and he is not concerned about it. Although he is a capable worker, he is more concerned with advancement in the government. While he is not well liked, he does have considerable influence, through both military and federal ties. He is not very happy about being at the Embassy, but he will do the job until he can manage to achieve a higher position. He is in his late 30s and has a sharp nose and quite a sneer. Nilitarne's position is to investigate other races of the Cocoon and beyond as possible avenues to further diplomatic relations. He can also be assigned special tasks by the Ambassador in any matters relating to political activities of the Embassy. ------------------------------------ Salieshara Avo: Position- Receptionist Directly under the supervision of Elcarina, 'Sali' is responsible for most office and paperwork matters in the Embassy. She is one of two receptionists, and is only at the front desk during the morning. In the afternoons, she attends to personal assistance to the Ambassador and Director of Operations. She and the other receptionist handle general queries, message routing and greeting, if Elcarina is unavailable. Sali is sweet, though a little insecure. She playfully banters with Senriction, and has an odd and teasing relation with General Boram, but with others, she is usually so nervous that she appears to be incompetent. ------------------------------------ Ambassador Talianara Nebrin (DECEASED): Position- Former First Ambassador Ambassador Nebrin was a very old woman. She held nearly every position of responsibility in the Vurtedion government (including President of the Vurtedion Federation) and she was on DS101 because she wanted to be. She was directly responsible for the first two Vurtedion/Dergrad treaties and instrumental in the third. Ambassador Nebrin was killed during a structural instability with the station on SD 12.0917. ------------------------------------ Security: There are eight Security personnel attached to the Embassy (with more to arrive if needed). At all times, one will be stationed at a post just inside the front door, while another will patrol through the Embassy on a roving basis, routinely checking all rooms and entrances. The others are kept on reserve to escort the Ambassador if she ever has need to leave the Embassy. They will take 6-hour shifts, with the shift change of the door guard and rover overlapping. An alarm sounds in the Security bunks if any main door is opened without authorization. The door guard and rover can also sound the alarm with personal transmitters. A mechanism just inside the main door will instantly secure the entrance with a sliding barricade when activated by the door guard, receptionist, DO or ADO (whose office looks out onto the main lobby). This barricade will also activate if the main door is opened during off-hours without authorization from the door guard. The barricade is 3 feet thick and made of quadral interlaced durotritanium. The activation of the barricade automatically activates a level 7 dual force field over all entrances to the Embassy. Security reports directly to Senriction. ------------------------------------ Other staff: A secondary receptionist, cleaning staff, and intern aides are also active in the embassy, performing their relevant duties. ------------------------------------ Note: The Security personnel and other staff are not protected NPCs. They may be killed or maimed as a story requires. ------------------------------------ Please mail any corrections either to the NRPG list or to Joey