======================================================== BIO FILES FOR AMBASSADORIAL STAFF/CIVILIANS DS 101 Name: Alesia Corvelli Rank: None Species: Human Sex: Female Age: 23 Home Planet: Mars Current Assignment: Federation Consulate, Deep Space 101 Current Position: Ambassadorial Aide to Arthur Ambrose Grayson Service Number: FADE-7663-6786-R Place of Birth: New Paris, Mars Citizenship: Mars, United Federation of Planets Physical Description Height: 5'3" Weight: 122 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Auburn Skin: well tanned Physical Description Alesia is quite fit for her age. A little on the short side, she makes up for it by wearing high heeled shoes. Her face is long with a very smooth chin. She like a wear ear rings of all sorts. Her hair is long and she alternates wearing it up or down. Education New Paris Planetary University - Linguistic Communications (4 years) Federation Diplomatic Corps (1 year) Starfleet orientation (4 week course) Family Father: Allen Corvelli Mother: Michelle Corvelli Brother: Michael Corvelli Spouse: None Chidren: None Special Skills/Abilities Alesia is well-versed in alien languages. She can say 'hello' is atleast 100 different language forms. She is fluent in most major Federation languages, including standard sign language. Alesia is also has extensive knowledge of alien cultures and customs. History Alesia grew up in New Paris on Mars. Both of her parents are Counselors who work with Starfleet under contract. She spent much of her early years studying about alien races and languages. She excelled at alien languages throughout her academic career. At 21, Alesia signed up for UFP's diplomatic corp and went through a one-year training course. DS 101is her first assignment. Her brother is, Michael Corvelli a science officer in Starfleet. Personality Alesia likes everyone and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. Once crossed, though, she never forgets. She is very business-like with her work, and just as un-business-like with her fun. She is a slave to fashion and wouldn't be caught dead in last season's styles. She likes almost any type of food. Psychological Profile Alesia Corvell is a very well-adjusted young lady. She appears to have wisdom beyond her years, perhaps due to growing up in a family with two Counselors. She appears to mix will with all known alien races and has extensive knowledge of alien cultures. She will be an asset where ever she is assigned. --- Haron Pertyll, UFP Diplomatic Corp Counselling Staff ============================================ Name: Sporik Rank: None Species: Vulcan Sex: Male Age: 45 Home Planet: Vulcan Current Assignment: Federation Consulate, Deep Space 101 Current Position: Personal Security Attache' to Federation Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson Service Number: None Assigned Place of Birth: Sh'Kaa City, Vulcan Citizenship: presumed to be Vulcan, United Federation of Planets Physical Description Height: 6'3" Weight: 255 lbs. Eyes: Dark Blue Hair: Black Skin: White Education Full data search currently unavailable Family Father: unknown Mother: unknown Spouse: unknown Chidren: unknown Quirks: Sporik is very business-like in his demeanor Sporik is very protective of the events of his past Ambitions: unknown Annoyances: unknown Hobbies: unknown Psychological Profile: Little is known about Sporik. He only speaks when spoken to, and is very succinct with his words. He came highly recommended as a securtiy attche', and Grayson trusts him with his life. Starfleet database searches can find no record of his existence. Sporik always wears black. His single adornment is a necklace bearing a symbol similar to the Vulcan IDIC, but with an additional piece added. He had avoided all questions concerning its meaning or origin. =================================== Name: Richard Nathaniel Barnes Rank: Lieutenant Species: Human Sex: Male Age: 31 Home Planet: Mars Current Assignment: Federation Consulate, Deep Space 101 Current Position: Chief of Staff/Starfleet Liason Service Number: FAMC-9146-5401-W Place of Birth: Mars Colonies Citizenship: Mars, United Federation of Planets Physical Description Height: 5'9" Weight: 164 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Skin: White Education Starfleet Academy -starship operations (4 years) Federation Diplomatic Corps (1 year) Family Father: James Edward Barnes Mother: Leslie Kathryn Barnes (deceased) Spouse: Ulanni Nural Barnes (Betazoid) Chidren: Leslie Barnes (daughter, half-Betazoid/half-Human) Quirks protective of his family Ambitions a long-lost dream to command a starship Annoyances people who don't like children people who are intollerant of alien races being called "Rick," "Ricky," or "Nate" Hobbies playing with his daughter, spending time with his family plays golf on the holodeck has a secret holodeck program where he captains a starship History Richard Nathaniel Barnes has had a lackluster career in Starfleet. Most of his junior positions were in administrative fields, and a great majority of his time has been spent on Starbases. While on Starbase 85, orbiting Betazed, Barnes met and fell in love with a beautiful woman, Ulanni. Soon the two were wed and a year later had a little girl, Leslie, named after Richard's mother. Seeing that his career was going nowhere fast, Richard followed up on an invitation to join the diplomatic corps. He found the his years of paper pushing made him a natural for the staff positions offered. Upon completion of the one-year training course, Richard was promoted to full Lieutenant. Ulanni also accompanies him, and often lends her natural Betazoid abilities for use in negotiaions. Following a brief stint serving again on Betazed, Barnes and his family have been moved to DS 101, under the direction of Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson and Captain Alyza. Psychological Profile "Richard Nathaniel Barnes is a reasonably well-adjusted individual. He has rather grandiose plans, but lacks the initiative to fulfill them. He is, however, well-suited to the work he has chosen, as his administrative skills are second-to-none." Dr. Marla Vesper, CNS - Federation Diplomatic Corps (Earth) ================================ Name: Ulanni Nural Barnes Species: Betazoid Sex: Female Age: 30 Home Planet: Betazed Current Location: Deep Space 101 Place of Birth: Betazed Citizenship: Betazed, United Federation of Planets Physical Description Height: 5'6" Weight: 134 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Skin: White Education Planetary University of Betazed (botany degree) - 4 years Family Father: Unknown Mother: Unknown Spouse: Richard Nathaniel Barnes (Human) Chidren: Leslie Barnes (daughter, half-Betazoid/half-Human) Other: James Barnes (father-in-law) Quirks protective of her family talks to all plants and flowers will not deep scan anyone - will only read surface emotions Ambitions to discover who her father and mother are Annoyances leaving clothes out in the floor, or dirty dishes on the table others who try to read her mind people who abandon their family strongly opposed to abortion Hobbies playing with her daughter, spending time with her family keeping all variey of plans and flowers cross-genetic polination to create new species of plants and flowers History Ulanni grew up in an orphanage on Betazed. Her maiden name, Nural, is actually part of the name of the orphange where she spent the first 14 years of her life. She had very strong telepathic/empathic abilities that formed quite early in her life. She had to learn how to shut out unwanted influences from her mind, and will rarely let up on her defenses to scan any deeper into a person's mind than just a simple surface scan. Ulanni met a human Starfleet officer, Richard Barnes, while visiting Starbase 85, orbiting Betazed. The two fell in love and were soon wed. A year later they had a little girl, Leslie, named after Richard's mother. Ulanni cherishes Leslie, and has vowed to always let the child know that she is loved and wanted. Ulanni completed a degree in botany and now keeps all sorts of plants and flowers around the house. She is interested in genetic cross-breeding, and has created several new varities of plant life. Ulanni often accompanies Richard, now a part of the Diplomatic Corps, and will lend her natural Betazoid abilities for use in negotiaions. Following a brief stint serving again on Betazed, the Barnes family have been moved to DS 101, under the direction of Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson. Psychological Profile "UIanni Barnes harbors a deep fear of losing her family. She is also very interested in discovering her true parentage. Beyond this, she is a reasonably well adjusted individual. She had very natural instincts to care for her family, and is quite content with her life and work as a botanist." Dr. Marla Vesper, CNS - Federation Diplomatic Corps (Earth) ================================ Name: Leslie Kathryn Barnes Rank: None Species: Betazoid/Human Sex: Female Age: 2 Home Planet: Betazed Current Location: Deep Space 101 Current Position: None Service Number: None Place of Birth: Starbase 85, Betazed Citizenship: Joint Earth-Betazed, United Federation of Planets Physical Description Height: 2'6" Weight: 34 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Skin: White Education Starfleet Academy -starship operations (4 years) Federation Diplomatic Corps (1 year) Family Father: Richard Nathaniel Barnes Mother: Ulanni Barnes Other: James Barnes (grandfather), Leslie Barnes (grandmother, deceased) Quirks Leslie will not go to sleep unless sung to Leslie likes to try to eat her mother's plants and flowers Ambitions to explore on her own Annoyances Leslie does not like apples Hobbies playing with her dolls playing with her cat, "Whiskers" History Leslie Barnes is the daughter of Richard and Ulanni Barnes. She a normal Betzoid/Human child, with natually developing Betazoid abilities. She is very curious and very intelligent for her age. She had a huge collection of dolls representing species from all over the galaxy, and seems particularly fond of Andorians and Deltans. She has a house cat, Whiskers, who is her constant companion. Psychological Profile "Leslie Barnes is a normal, well adjusted child. She shows no signs of trauma from the repeated moves her family has made, and is quite friendly with others. Her intelligence is slightly high for her age, but this may be due to the inordinate attention given her by her mother. It should not be a problem." Dr. Marla Vesper, CNS - Federation Diplomatic Corps (Earth) ================================ Paul Cannon Lieutenant Pol Canon - CNS, USS HORIZON (Betazoid) - Distinguished Service Medal - SD 10.1218 - Shafer Star of Service - SD 11.0830 Arthur Ambrose Grayson - Federation Ambassador, DS 101 (Human)