
I added another quiz. Uh.. yay? Anyways, I want to wish everyone a late merry christmas and a happy new year! ^^ I've heard rumors of a DP game coming out for ps2 sometime in 2005. Hm.. now I gotta save up for a ps2. XD New pages coming soon and a few updates on the layout.


I've been really sick for the past few days so I haven't been able to work on anything. Chatroom is temporarily closed.


YAY! An even newer layout! The navigation is on the left side, if you didn't notice. Sri about the mess. It will be cleaned up soon ^^; It looks normal on my dad's computer because the screen is too dark and won't go lighter. Next week I can fix it because I will be at my mom's house.


The site won't be updated for a while because I just got a better digital art program and I'm going to fix up the images on the layout and a few other things. For now, there is a quiz, and a chatroom... new, better forum coming soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. ='(


¤ New layout

Uh... that's pretty much it for now. ^^;

Welcome, to Amity Park. Chatroom: Closed (there are a few problems...)
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