
Ok, I'm still not able to update because my dad is going to China for almost a year soon and I have to spend extra time with him. All of my good programs are at my mom's house. ^^; so.. uh.. I should be getting new stuff up around the end of the month. =3


Sorry for not actualy updating anything for quite a while. I promise I'll make some avatars and stuff soon! Anyways, the real reason I'm writing on here is because one of my friends has made a petition for YTV to show the new Danny Pahntom episodes. Here in Canada, we haven't gotten any new episodes since December! So here is the link.. PLEASE sign it! -CLICK HERE-


I finally fixed the problem on PS. I'll make a new enter sign tomorrow, and I've already fixed the award. ^^


Added 1 avatar and 1 award. You don't have to apply for the awards, I'll just give them out. I won't be giving any out yet though, because something is wrong with photoshop and the words aren't coming out smooth, like on the enter sign and the award. If you know how I could fix this, please contact me in some way. Thanks.


Finally updated! =D I've made 2 avatars and sigs. More coming soon! ^.^ I also added some info on some pages, but barely anything. ^^;


Sorry for procrastinating with this so much. ^^; Anyways, I'm gonna be updating alot and I'll try to get it done ASAP. ^^


I have Photoshop 7 FINALLY! =D Site will be undergoing a MAJOR update soon. New layout and everything. ^^


I know I haven't really been updating for a long time. It's because I've been trying to get a new layout and forum but I'll need flash(which I should be getting soon) and I need more space. I'll need a domain name. I have enough money.. Anyways, I'll try to get all the pages up eventually. =D I'll also be making some awards and stuff soon.


O wow.. long time no update.. oO Well, actualy, I'm not really updating.. XS I'm still trying to get the forum up and I want to get a Dynamic Avatar mod but it costs $60. *saves money* =3 The chat is still screwed up, unfortunately.. Hm.. I duno if I already wrote this but I'll say it anyways.. I'm going to attempt to use flash on this site. I got some good ideas for the layout but I need the program. XS I'll download it as soon as I get to my mom's house(Monday). I'm not guaranteeing(sp?) anything.


Ah sri still no updates! *faint* I REALLY want that forum up.. ughhh... well, I've been sick for a week. I was too sick to go on the compy. TT_TT Anyways, I'll try to get the chatroom back up. Thats all I can really do at the moment.


Ok.. I'm in school right now, but as soon as I get home I'm gonna put up some stuff. I wrote a whole bunch of ideas down and the new forum should be up soon.. I had to download a program to make it and stuff and I've been having trouble actualy getting in onto the site. *dies*


Bleh... sri for not updating much. I'm a huge procrastinator. I promise more stuff is coming soon. Im gonna try to convert the pacman game I made so it's DP. I got 5 site buttons too, but they're all at my other house. ^^; Anywho, if u have any ideas, plz post the in the shoutboX! =D


I made a couple link buttons, which will be up tomorrow. Um.. I'm gonna completely convert the whole site's layout soon. Possibly tomorrow. Also, I'm gonna get some new sections up soon! =D AND soon there will be some hidden stuff... (VERY hidden..) I will announce when it ish up. ^^ O, and I gots some ideas for contests *eventually*.


Characters page now up, thanks to Kineticboy2001. It's not quite done yet. I'm gonna try to get the chatroom working again. I also should make a few link buttons and avatars.


I added another quiz. Uh.. yay? Anyways, I want to wish everyone a late merry christmas and a happy new year! ^^ I've heard rumors of a DP game coming out for ps2 sometime in 2005. Hm.. now I gotta save up for a ps2. XD New pages coming soon and a few updates on the layout.


I've been really sick for the past few days so I haven't been able to work on anything. Chatroom is temporarily closed.


YAY! An even newer layout! The navigation is on the left side, if you didn't notice. Sri about the mess. It will be cleaned up soon ^^; It looks normal on my dad's computer because the screen is too dark and won't go lighter. Next week I can fix it because I will be at my mom's house.


The site won't be updated for a while because I just got a better digital art program and I'm going to fix up the images on the layout and a few other things. For now, there is a quiz, and a chatroom... new, better forum coming soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. ='(

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