
Born 8 months after his fater was killed in battle, B�lanos was raised in a matriarchal village, and learned a great respect for female fighters. At the age of 12 he watched, as his village was destroyed, and everyone in it (including himself) killed, by a force of lizardmen from a nearby swamp. He was then returned from the Underworld by Belanos, his seventh generation ancestor, for one night to seek vengance upon the lizardmen. He then spent 30 years in the Underworld, being prepared and trained for a purpose his Divine Ancestor had devised. He was finally returned to the mortal realm and taken in by a tribe of wandering nomads, who taught him their berserker ways. He has recently been visited by a Wise-man who began tutoring him in the ways of nature. For the purpose of better serving his Ancestor, founded the Shire Underhill, and got the fighters that gathered there moving in a direction to govern themselves. More recently he has begun actively seeking out others of his bloodline. They call themselves 'The Guardains of Underhill'.
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