
Business Apps Used on my UX

Click on the app title to download or on the link in the description to go to the programs website.
(Please report any broken links)

Agendus V9.0
A complete calendar, contacts and Email package (but I prefer SnapperMail).

DocumentsToGo (DTG)
A great app if you have a need for MS Office on your UX, It will handle native MSOffice documents, I found it better then QuickOffice.

Mark/Space Fax V2.0
The only faxing software i can find for the Palm OS. If you can work out how to receive please let me know.

If you can print the file eg, word doco, image, text, you can sync it to your UX and view full screen. Its the best document viewer around.

Great Email app that allows you to attach any file.

WorldMate 2004 (SE)
If you travel then you may want this app, World weather, currency converter and more.

Email me for "help" with any of the above programs
amux50 (at) gmail (dot) com

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