For Annie

Sexy chicks!
Who are those chicks with the sexy headbands?!?


Friendship is a promise spoken only by the heart.
It isn't given by any pledge, it isn't written on paper,
but friendship is a promise renewed everytime two friends
meet, and smile, and enjoy the good times that come
simply from being together. It's a promise to share
the good times and the bad and a promise to think
of each other fondly whether near or far apart.
Friendship is a promise spoken only by the heart.
A promise you and I will always share.....

- Author Unknown

Hehehe... your grandparents found the yellow pellets from these guns in their
camper for about 3 years after we decided to shoot each other with them
(and check out those fashionable clothes our parents made us wear)!!

Annie, I don't even know where to begin to talk about our friendship. Except to say that it is truly amazing. Ever since I can remember, I have always looked up to you... I thought that you were just the 'coolest.' I remember I use to hang up your picture in my locker at school each year, positioned just right so that people would ask me about you. I wanted everyone to know that you were my sister. "Isn't she so pretty?" I would ask the person looking at your picture. If there was anyone I use to 'like' fighting with, it was you. Why? Because our fights never lasted very long. We could fight all day, but I knew that we would end up in your room at night playing 'Guess Who?' and listening to Michael Jackson or Madonna... or maybe even Prince if I was lucky!!

Amy make-over Do you remember giving me this make-over? That was one of my fondest memories from that summer visit to Florida! I can distinctly remember you having me flip my all my hair upside down, back upright, left, right, back upside down, while you put all these products in my hair that I had never even heard of, then curling it, ratting my bangs, putting more gel in it... you had every single kind of gel, mousse, hair spray, and volumizer that was ever made! The bathroom just reeked of hair spray! I am pretty sure that you used a half bottle of Aqua Net on my hair that day! But, I loved it. Especially when you let me wear your Esprit dinosaur shirt that I had always liked. I felt extremely cool when we went out to the movies that night. It was just all another example of me wanting to be like my cool older sister.

Annie and hamster
Couldn't resist putting this picture on here.. too cute!

Memory book globe

Bathing beauties!
VROW!! Bathing suit beauty queens!!

I have so many amazing memories of you and I. You are the one person that I can always count on to listen to me, give me advice, and make me laugh. Those years that you and I spent together in Vermont were about the happiest of my life. I wanted to hang out with you all the time! You and I really know how to have fun together... the bond that we share is something that I know I will never find with anyone else.. nor do I really WANT to find it with anyone else. You mean the world to me.

Florida Rain

requested by Amy Wood, dedicated to her sister Annie

Stood still, embraced in sheets of Florida rain
Water curtains falling upon vistas stricken blind;
Where humid tears may yet be shed again.

Terminal concourse swathed in loss and pain,
Blurring out of sight yet clear in mind;
Stood still, embraced in sheets of Florida rain.

Bowed heads in knowing full that never the 'twain
Shall meet, nor evermore these souls will find
Where humid tears may yet be shed again.

Should alligator jaws from foaming drain
Feast on the last of love that stays behind,
Stood still, embraced in sheets of Florida rain?

Storm clouds in the heart and in the brain
Turn darker now than Mother Nature's kind,
Where humid tears may yet be shed again.

If only there were some way to obtain
A means by which such love could be enshrined,
Stood still, embraced in sheets of Florida rain
Where humid tears may yet be shed again.

Copyright c Tony Bush 1998

How attractive are we here?! Gee, wonder who is who here?
Think that Michael Jackson shirt might give it away?!

Someday (hopefully not too far away), I really hope that you and I can live near each other again (as we have talked about numerous times!). I would give just about anything to have that situation we had in Vermont back again. I miss you so much it hurts. Talking on the phone is not the same as being with you in person. There was some sort of fate that brought our parents together, which brought us together. I believe that it is the same fate that will allow us to live near each other again. And I am sure that we can compromise on where we live!! hehehe You are not just my step-sister: you are my SISTER. And you are not just my friend: you are my BEST FRIEND! I love you!

Best of Friends

Graphics designed and created by Amy. Please do not take, use, or alter any of them without written permission.

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