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>>Beyblade G-Revolution Episode Guide
1. New Kid In Town
Tyson is teaching a beyblading class to some local kids and having a battle with his student, Ryan. Easily winning, Tyson explains that one day all his students will surpass him. A kid in the background can't stand Tyson's words and comes out to battle him. Tyson beats this kid named Daichi in seconds, when an unkown blader named Jin of the Gale shows up.

2. A Team Divided
Tyson battles Daichi and Jin with Ray until Max shows up to tell them about the format of this years championships. Tyson is estatic about the new tagteam rules of the tournament, but Max and Ray aren't. They leave the Bladebreakers to join the All-Starz and White Tigers.

3. Invitation to Battle
Daichi won't stop pestering Tyson for a rematch after the battle in the park. They get into a fight at the local swimming pool, but get kicked out. Ray is about to visit Tyson until he sees a note left by Jin of the Gale and sees that Tyson realizes why he and Max have to leave the Bladebreakers. ray loses to Jin and his Metal Driger.

4. We Were Once Bladebreakers....
Max, Ray, and Kai gather their bearings and memories of the Bladebreakers.

5. A League of His Own
Kenny is doubting his skills as a blader as he zips through the preliminaries easy. A dork named Kotaro cheats his way into beating Kenny and Tyson wants revenge for his friend. But can he beat someone who can copy all beyblade attacks?

6. Your the Man, Kai!
Block A has been decided and Tyson is the first representative the region. Daichi thinks that if he wins Block B, he'll fight Tyson, but Kenny clears it up for him telling him that whoever wins Block B teams up with him to fight in the world championships. Daichi loses to Kai, but he is chosen as the reserve blader for the new team BBA Revolution as well as Kenny. Jin is really Tyson's older brother.

7. Take Your Best Shot!
The Block A and Block B finals of the Beyblade World Championships are underway. Max wins his match and finds himself partnered with a real bully of a blader named Rick. Tyson watches the event on T.V. anxious to get in the stadium and unleash his blade Dragoon. Meanwhile Kenny discovers the real physical aspects of Beyblading. Kai watches as his friends Max and Ray win the final matches of their respective blocks for other teams. This causes him to question his loyalty to Tyson. To make matters worse, a new team named Barthez Battalion comes out of nowhere and poses a threat to Tyson and his dream of winning the championship title!

8. Roughing It
BBA Revolution are on a camping trip throught the wilderness. Kai leaves the team and Tyson is devastated that his partner is now Daichi. Tyson goes over Team Survival with Daichi and comes out in the end when they have to put out a forest fire with their blades. Tyson realizes that Daichi isn't such a bad partner after all.

9. Swiped On the Streets
The team goes to New York City for the world championships, but Daichi can't go on an airplane without getting airsick. They get their blades stolen from some kid at a cafe. When they find him, he is battling Max's partner, Rick. Tyson and Daichi tie with Rick thanks to Max and get their blades back.

10. It's a Battle Royale...!
The teams have been selected and the finals are about to begin...Unfortunately Tyson finds himself facing all of his former friends...each part of a team that he will eventually have to blade against. The biggest blow that Tyson receives, is seeing Kai as a member of the Blitzkrieg Boys! After confronting his sullen ex-teammate, Kai suggests to Tyson that the reason he left is because his old team just wasn't good enough! Tyson is insulted to the core...even more so when Ray chooses to let Lee face-off against Tyson in the first match, White Tiger X versus BBA Revolution! In an attempt to prove his worth, Tyson makes an arrogant demand: he insists on blading the two White Tiger X team members at the same time! Can Tyson and his relatively untrained partner Daichi even hope to succeed?

11. The Blame Game
Tyson blames his embarrassing loss to Ray on Daichi, telling the team he's better off competing alone. As Tyson runs away, the US Finals continue with Rick of the PPB All Starz against Claude of Barthez Battalion. Claude's skill gives him the upper hand until Rick unleashes his full power, destroying the stadium to get to Rapid Eagle. Barthez orders Claude not to avoid the shrapnel and he is injured, turning the crowd against the PPB All Starz. Despite losing, Barthez is delighted to have undermined the US's popularity. Hiro finds Tyson and challenges him to a duel, defeating him easily. Tyson makes more excuses �Ethe World Champion can never show weakness. Hiro walks away...until Tyson allows himself to admit his weakness, he will never grow stronger.

12. When In Rome... Let It Rip!
The USA stage of the world championship is over, and the teams are in Rome, Italy. The match-ups are White Tiger X vs. Barthez Battalion, PPB All Starz vs. F Dynasty, and BBA Revolution vs. the Blitzkreig Boys. Tyson is pumped that he will be facing Kai. Barthez and his team go under an interview on KNN Network in their training room. Barthez puts on an act about Claude's hand being sprained. After the interview, Barthez hits Miguel for not trying hard enough. He thinks that they don't appreciate what he's doing for them. Claude throws the match against Ray, and Miguel beats Lee. When it's Ray vs. Miguel, they battle in the Corkscrew Stadium with wires. Due to cheating, Miguel cuts a wire and Ray falls off it. Miguel chalks up a win for the Battalion, but doesn't feel right about how he won. Robert from the Majestics isn't happy about the win either. Hiro assigns Daichi to battle first against the Blitzkreig Boys, and Kenny second. The team is astounded that Hiro won't let Tyson fight.

13. Kenny's Big Battle
It's BBA Revolution against the Blitzkreig Boys. Daichi wins the battle against Kai after he throws the match. Meanwhile, Tyson is hanging out with Ray's coach, Tao. Kenny is in doubt that he will beat Tala's Wolborg. After much stalling, the battle got underway. Kenny had just been dodging attacks so far, and losing bad. Tala makes rude comments about Kenny's blading and Tyson. Watching his friend's name be disgraced broke Kenny and he mustered uncommon strength.

14. Picking Up the Pieces
Kenny is now taking back the battle and hoping to win. But Wolborg had one more trick up his sleeve... Novae Rog. It's Tala vs. Daichi. Tyson doesn't think Daichi has the ability to fight Tala, so he demands to take his place. His request is denied. Kenny gives Daichi a new customized bearing base to battle Tala. Thanks to it, Daichi won victory for BBA Revolution. Tyson learns that Daichi is as strong as he believes he is, and that Kenny is a world-class blader. Though the celebrations don't last long, for F Dynasty has requested a 2-on-2 battle in Spain.

15. Sleepless in Madrid
The World Tournament is now in Madrid, Spain. Lee is shell-shocked about losing to Miguel in Rome, and wonders if Ray will have him as a partner. After lunch, White Tiger X meets beyblading jugglers in the town square. They beat Ray and Lee, and it is later found out that the jugglers are F Dynasty. They work incredible as a team, and have their oh so wanted 2-on-2 match with White Tiger X. Lee loses control during the battle so Driger knocks Galeon out of the stadium and throws the match. Lee finds out that even though they lost the match, teamwork will work through it.

16. Fire and Water
The PPB All Starz are going aganist The Blitzkreig Boys. Max now has his new Draciel G. Robert and Johnny of the Majestics have come to Spain to get revenge on Barthez Battalion for cheating in the Euro Prelims. The crowd is booing the PPB All Starz until Kai quiets them down. The match looked as if Max was controlling the battle, but Kai came out the victor. Claude and Miguel wish they weren't the fakes in the tournament. Rick beats Tala easily but loses to Kai in anger of Max's defeat. Tyson assures the Majestics that he will beat the cheating Battalion, and play for the love of the game.

17. Same Old Dirty Tricks...
It's BBA Revolution against the Barthez Battalion. Hilary wants to tell Mr. Dickenson that the Battalion is cheating, but tyson wants to prove that his skill will defeat Barthez. Mathilda wishes that Barthez's strategies weren't tricks, because she would have to sacrafice her Pierce Hedgehog. Mathilda's pierce Hedgehog loses to Daichi, but puts him on the bench because Strata Dragoon is in no condition to battle. Tyson battles Miguel in the 2nd round. Miguel is losing and decides that he's had enough of Barthez and is ready to fight fairly. After a whirlwind of Tyson's Galaxy Storm and Miguel's Fire Execution, Tyson comes out the victor. Miguel has learned from Tyson the true spirit of beyblade, but Barthez ensures that Miguel will pay for the Barthez Battalion's defeat.

18. Beyblade Like an Egyptian
The BBA Championships are now in Egypt. The Barthez Battalion don't wish to cheat anymore, but Barthez does not feel the same. Daichi is depressed that his Strata Dragoon was broken, but kenny fixed him up into Strata Dragoon G, or Great. Daichi doesn't want to use it until he sees its power. When the Blitzkreig Boys battle Barthez Battalion, they win as the Battalion lost, but gained so much more as they now bladed with no tricks, and kicked Barthez to the curb!

19. One for All... Free for All
Rick doesn't think that Max is part of the All Starz because he goes easy on his opponents. Max wants to prove it as they battle a tag-team fight with White Tiger X. This battle soon tuns into a single-person death match, and it's everyone for themselves. Lee comes out the victor, and Max and Rick learn to get along... sort of.

20. Burdens of a Champion
Tyson is burdened by his title that he feels he needs to fight an even more extreme battle than the one Ray and Max. He loses momentum in the battle against F Dynasty and loses. F Dynasty celebrate the day away for beating the champ.

21. Under Pressure
Ever since his loss against F Dynasty, Tyson falls to the pressures of being world champion, so much so that he embarrasses himself during a BBA Revolution interview! Can a match with Daichi help regain Tyson's true fighting spirit at last?

22. Sibling Rivalry
Raul tries to convince Julia he should battle Matilda in their battle against Barthez Battalions. Who will go to the semi-finals to meet the Blitzkreig boys?

23. Ray and Kai: The Ultimate Face-off...
Ray and Kai go head to head, and the winner gets to face Tyson, but who will end up prevailing between Dranzer and Driger?

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