A Farewell to Kings



"A Farewell To Kings"

When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow
We turned our gaze
From the castles in the distance
Eyes cast down
On the path of least resistance

  • Cities full of hatred
    Fear and lies
    Withered hearts
    And cruel, tormented eyes
    Scheming demons
    Dressed in kingly guise
    Beating down the multitude
    And scoffing at the wise
  • The hypocrites are slandering
    The sacred halls of Truth
    Ancient nobles showering
    Their bitterness on youth
    Can't we find
    The minds that made us strong
    Can't we learn
    To feel what's right and wrong

  • Cities full of hatred
    Fear and lies
    Withered hearts
    And cruel, tormented eyes
    Scheming demons
    Dressed in kingly guise
    Beating down the multitude
    And scoffing at the wise
    Can't we raise our eyes
    And make a start
    Can't we find the minds
    To lead us closer to the Heart

  • "Xanadu"

  • "To seek the sacred river Alph
    To walk the caves of ice
    To break my fast on honey dew
    And drink the milk of Paradise..."
  • I had heard the whispered tales
    Of immortality
    The deepest mystery
    From an ancient book. I took a clue
    I scaled the frozen mountain tops
    Of eastern lands unknown
    Time and Man alone
    Searching for the lost - Xanadu

    Xanadu -

  • To stand within The Pleasure Dome
    Decreed by Kubla Khan
    To taste anew the fruits of life
    The last immortal man
    To find the sacred river Alph
    To walk the caves of ice
    Oh, I will dine on honey dew
    And drink the milk of Paradise
  • A thousand years have come and gone
    But time has passed me by
    Stars stopped in the sky
    Frozen in an everlasting view
    Waiting for the world to end
    Weary of the night
    Praying for the light
    Prison of the lost - Xanadu

    Xanadu -

  • Held within The Pleasure Dome
    Decreed by Kubla Khan
    To taste my bitter triumph
    As a mad immortal man
    Nevermore shall I return
    Escape these caves of ice
    For I have dined on honey dew
    And drunk the milk of Paradise

  • "Closer to the Heart"

    And the men who hold high places
    Must be the ones to start
    To mould a new reality
    Closer to the Heart

    The Blacksmith and the Artist
    Reflect it in their art
    Forge their creativity
    Closer to the Heart

    Philosophers and Ploughmen
    Each must know his part
    To sow a new mentality
    Closer to the Heart

    You can be the Captain
    I will draw the Chart
    Sailing into destiny
    Closer to the Heart

    "Cinderella Man"

  • A modest man from Mandrake
    Travelled rich to the city
    He had a need to discover
    A use for his newly-found wealth
  • Because he was human
    Because he had goodness
    Because he was moral
    They called him insane

    Delusions of grandeur
    Visions of splendour
    A manic depressive
    He walks in the rain

  • Eyes wide open
    Heart undefended
    Innocence untarnished

    Cinderella Man
    Doing what you can
    They can't understand
    What it means

    Cinderella Man
    Hang on to your plans
    Try as they might
    They cannot steal your dreams

    In the betrayal of his love he awakened
    To face a world of cold reality
    And a look in the eyes of the hungry
    Awakened him to what he could do
  • He held up his riches
    To challenge the hungry
    Purposeful motion
    For one so insane

    They tried to fight him
    Just couldn't beat him
    This manic depressive
    Who walks in the rain


    When the dragons grow too mighty
    To slay with pen or sword
    I grow weary of the battle
    And the storm I walk toward
    When all around is madness
    And there's no safe port in view
    I long to turn my path homeward
    To stop awhile with you

    When life becomes so barren
    And as cold as winter skies
    There's a beacon in the darkness
    In a distant pair of eyes
    In vain to search for order
    In vain to search for truth
    But these things can still be given
    Your love has shown me proof

    "Cygnus X-1
    Book One - The Voyage"


    In the constellation of Cygnus
    There lurks a mysterious, invisible force
    The Black Hole
    Of Cygnus X-1

    Six Stars of the Northern Cross
    In mourning for their sister's loss
    In a final flash of glory
    Nevermore to grace the night...


    To telescopic eye
    The star that would not die

    All who dare
    To cross her course
    Are swallowed by
    A fearsome force

    Through the void
    To be destroyed
    Or is there something more?
    Atomized - at the core
    Or through the Astral Door -
    To soar...


    I set a course just east of Lyra
    And northwest of Pegasus
    Flew into the light of Deneb
    Sailed across the Milky Way

    On my ship, the 'Rocinante'
    Wheeling through the galaxies,
    Headed for the heart of Cygnus
    Headlong into mystery

    The x-ray is her siren song
    My ship cannot resist her long
    Nearer to my deadly goal
    Until the Black Hole -
    Gains control...


    Spinning, whirling,
    Still descending
    Like a spiral sea,

    Sound and fury
    Drowns my heart
    Every nerve
    Is torn apart....

    To be continued






    "Cygnus X-1 Book II

    I. Prelude

    When our weary world was young
    The struggle of the ancients first began.
    The gods of Love and Reason
    Sought alone to rule the fate of Man.

    They battled through the ages,
    But still neither force would yield.
    The people were divided,
    Every soul a battlefield.

    II. Apollo Bringer of Wisdom

    "I bring truth and understanding,
    I bring wit and wisdom fair,
    Precious gifts beyond compare.
    We can build a world of wonder,
    I can make you all aware.
    I will find you food and shelter,
    Show you fire to keep you warm
    Through the endless winter storm.
    You can live in grace and comfort
    In the world that you transform."

    The people were delighted
    Coming forth to claim their prize
    They ran to build their cities
    And converse among the wise.
    But one day the streets fell silent,
    Yet they knew not what was wrong.
    The urge to build these fine things
    Seemed not to be so strong.
    The wise men were consulted,
    And the Bridge of Death was crossed
    In quest of Dionysus,
    To find out what they had lost.

    III. Dionysus Bringer of Love

    "I bring love to give you solace
    In the darkness of the night,
    In the Heart's eternal light.
    You need only trust your feelings;
    Only love can steer you right.
    I bring laughter, I bring music,
    I bring joy and I bring tears.
    I will soothe your primal fears.
    Throw off those chains of reason
    And your prison disappears."

    The cities were abandoned,
    And the forests echoed song.
    They danced and lived as brothers;
    They knew love could not be wrong.
    Food and wine they had aplenty
    And they slept beneath the stars.
    The people were contented
    And the Gods watched from afar.
    But the winter fell upon them
    And it caught them unprepared,
    Bringing wolves and cold starvation,
    And the hearts of men despaired.

    IV. Armageddon The Battle of Heart and Mind

    The Universe divided
    As the Heart and Mind collided,
    With the people left unguided
    For so many troubled years.
    In a cloud of doubts and fears,
    Their world was torn asunder into hollow Hemispheres.

    Some fought themselves, some fought each other.
    Most just followed one another,
    Lost and aimless like their brothers,
    For their hearts were so unclear,
    And the truth could not appear.
    Their spirits were divided into blinded Hemispheres.

    Some who did not fight
    Brought tales of old to light.
    My Rocinante' sailed by night
    On her final flight.
    To the heart of Cygnus' fearsome force
    We set our course.
    Spiralled through that timeless space
    To this immortal place.

    V. Cygnus Bringer of Balance

    I have memory and awareness,
    But I have no shape or form.
    As a disembodied spirit,
    I am dead and yet unborn.
    I have passed into Olympus
    As was told in tales of old,
    To the city of Immortals,
    Marble white and purest gold.

    I see the gods in battle rage on high
    Thunderbolts across the sky.
    I cannot move, I cannot hide,
    I feel a silent scream begin inside.

    Then all at once the chaos ceased.
    A stillness fell, a sudden peace.
    The warriors felt my silent cry
    And stayed their struggle, mystified.

    Apollo was atonished;
    Dionysus thought me mad.
    But they heard my story further,
    And they wondered, and were sad.

    Looking down from Olympus
    On a world of doubt and fear,
    Its surface splintered
    Into sorry Hemispheres.

    They sat a while in silence,
    Then they turned at last to me.
    "We will call you Cygnus,
    The god of Balance you shall be."

    VI. The Sphere A Kind of Dream

    We can walk our road together
    If our goals are all the same.
    We can run alone and free
    If we pursue a different aim.
    Let the truth of love be lighted,
    Let the love of truth shine clear.
    Sensibility, armed with sense and liberty,
    With the Heart and Mind united in a single perfect Sphere.


    A boy alone, so far from home,
    Endless rooftops from my window.
    I felt the gloom of empty rooms
    On rainy afternoons.
    Sometimes, in confusion,
    I felt so lost and disillusioned,
    Innocence gave me confidence
    To go up against reality.

  • All the same, we take our chances,
    Laughed at by Time,
    Tricked by Circumstances.
    Plus ca change,
    Plus c'est la meme chose,
    The more that things change,
    The more they stay the same.
  • Now I've gained some understanding
    Of the only world that we see.
    Things that I once dreamed of
    Have become reality.
    These walls that still surround me
    Still contain the same old me,
    Just one more who's searching for a world that ought to be.

    "The Trees"

    There is unrest in the forest,
    There is trouble with the trees,
    For the maples want more sunlight
    And the oaks ignore their pleas.

    The trouble with the maples,
    (And they're quite convinced the're right)
    They say the oaks are just too lofty
    And they grab up all the light.
    But the oaks can't help their feelings
    If they like the way they're made.
    And they wonder why the maples
    Can't be happy in their shade.

    There is trouble in the forest,
    And the creatures all have fled,
    As the maples scream `Oppression`
    And the oaks, just shake their heads

    So the maples formed a union
    And demanded equal rights.
    "The oaks are just too greedy;
    We will make them give us light."
    Now there's no more oak oppression,
    For they passed a noble law,
    And the trees are all kept equal
    By hatchet, axe, and saw.



    Permanent Waves



    "The Spirit of Radio"

    Begin the day
    Wth a friendly voice,
    A companion, unobtrusive
    Plays the song that's so elusive
    And the magic music makes your morning mood.

    Off on your way
    Hit the open road,
    There is magic at your fingers
    For the Spirit ever lingers,
    Undemanding contact In your happy solitude.

  • Invisible airwaves
    Crackle with life
    Bright antennae bristle
    With the energy
    Emotional feedback
    On timeless wavelength
    Bearing a gift beyond price-
    Almost free...
  • All this machinery
    Making modern music
    Can still be open-hearted
    Not so coldly charted
    It's really just a question
    Of your honesty

    One likes to believe
    In the freedom of music,
    But glittering prizes
    And endless compromises
    Shatter the illusion
    Of integrity.

  • "For the words of the profits,
    Are written on the studio wall,
    Concert hall -
    Echoes with the sounds...
    Of salesmen."

  • "Freewill"

    There are those who think that life
    Has nothing left to chance,
    A host of holy horrors
    To direct our aimless dance

    A planet of playthings
    We dance on the strings
    Of powers we cannot perceive
    "The stars aren't aligned -
    Or the gods are malign"
    Blame is better to give than receive.

  • You can choose a ready guide
    In some celestial voice.
    If you choose not to decide
    You still have made a choice
    You can choose from phantom fears
    And kindness that can kill;
    I will choose a path that's clear-
    I will choose free will
  • There are those who think that
    They were dealt a losing hand,
    The cards were stacked against them-
    They weren't born in Lotus-Land All pre-ordained
    A prisoner in chains
    A victim of venomous fate
    Kicked in the face
    You can pray for a place
    In heaven's unearthly estate

  • Each of us
    A cell of awareness
    Imperfect and incomplete
    Genetic blends
    With uncertain ends
    On a fortune hunt
    That's far too fleet...

  • "Jacob's Ladder"

    The clouds prepare for battle
    In the dark and brooding silence
    Bruised and sullen stormclouds
    Have the light of day obscured
    Looming low and ominous
    In twilight premature
    Thunderheads are rumbling
    In a distant overture

    All at once,
    The clouds are parted
    Light streams down
    In bright unbroken beams

    Follow men's eyes
    As they look to the skies
    The shifting shafts of shining
    Weave the fabric of their dreams...

    "Entre Nous"

    We are secrets to each other
    Each one's life a novel
    No-one else has read
    Even joined in bonds of love
    We're linked to one another
    By such slender threads

    We are planets to each other
    Drifting in our orbits
    To a brief eclipse
    Each of us a world apart
    Alone and yet together
    Like two passing ships

  • Just between us
    I think it's time for us to recognize
    The differences we sometimes feared to show
    Just between us
    I think it's time for us to realize
    The spaces in between
    Leave room
    For you and I to grow
  • We are strangers to each other
    Full of sliding panels
    An illusion show
    Acting well-rehearsed routines
    Or playing from the heart?
    It's hard for one to know

    We are islands to each other
    Building hopeful bridges
    On a troubled sea
    Some are burned or swept away
    Some we would not choose
    But we're not always free

    "Different Strings"

    Who's come to slay the dragon-
    Come to watch him fall?
    Making arrows out of pointed words
    Giant killers at the call
    Too much fuss and bother
    Too much contradiction and confusion
    Peel away the mystery
    Here's a clue to some real motivation

  • All there really is
    The two of us
    And we both know why we've come along
    Nothing to explain
    It's a part of us
    To be found within a song
  • What happened to our innocence-
    Did it go out of style?
    Along with our naivete'-
    No longer a child
    Different eyes see different things
    Different hearts beat on different strings
    But there are times
    For you and me
    When all such things agree.

    "Natural Science"

    I. Tide Pools

    When the ebbing tide retreats
    Along the rocky shoreline
    It leaves a trail of tidal pools
    In a short-lived galaxy
    Each microcosmic planet
    A complete society

    A simple kind mirror
    To reflect upon our own
    All the busy little creatures
    Chasing out their destinies
    Living in their pools
    They soon forget about the sea...

  • Wheels within wheels
    In a spiral array
    A pattern so grand
    And complex
    Time after time
    We lose sight of the way
    Our causes can't see
    Their effects.
  • II. Hyerspace

    A quantum leap forward
    In time and in space
    The universe learned to expand
    The mess and the magic
    Triumphant and tragic
    A mechanized world out of hand

    Computerized clinic
    For superior cynics
    Who dance to a synthetic band

    In their own image
    Their world is fashioned-
    No wonder they don't understand

  • Wheels within wheels
    In a spiral array
    A pattern so grand
    And complex
    Time after time
    We lose sight of the way
    Our causes can't see
    Their effects.
  • III. Permanent Waves

    Science, like nature
    Must also be tamed
    With a view towards its preservation
    Given the same
    State of integrity
    It will surely serve us well

    Art as expression
    Not as market campaigns
    Will still capture our imaginations
    Given the same
    State of integrity
    It will surely help us along

    The most endangered species
    The honest man
    Will still survive annihilation
    Forming a world-
    State of integrity
    Sensitive, open and strong

  • Wave after wave
    Will flow with the tide
    And bury the world as it does
    Tide after tide
    Will flow and recede
    Leaving life to go on
    As it was...
  • Moving Pictures



    "Tom Sawyer"

  • A modern-day warrior
    Mean mean stride,
    Today's Tom Sawyer
    Mean mean pride.
  • Though his mind is not for rent,
    Don't put him down as arrogant.
    His reserve, a quiet defense,
    Riding out the day's events.
    The river

    What you say about his company
    Is what you say about society.
    -Catch the mist -Catch the myth
    -Catch the mystery -Catch the drift.
    The world is, the world is,
    Love and life are deep,
    Maybe as his skies are wide.

  • Today's Tom Sawyer,
    He gets high on you,
    And the space he invades
    He gets by on you.
    No, his mind is not for rent
    To any god or government.
    Always hopeful, yet discontent,
    He knows changes aren't permanent,
    But change is.
  • What you say about his company
    Is what you say about society.
    -Catch the witness -Catch the wit,
    -Catch the spirit -Catch the spit.

    The world is, the world is,
    Love and life are deep,
    Maybe as his eyes are wide.

  • Exit the warrior,
    Today's Tom Sawyer,
    He gets high on you,
    And the energy you trade,
    He gets right on to the friction of the day.

  • "Red Barchetta"

    My uncle has a country place
    That no one knows about.
    He says it used to be a farm,
    Before the Motor Law.
    And on Sundays I elude the Eyes,
    And hop the Turbine Freight
    To far outside the Wire,
    Where my white-haired uncle waits.

  • Jump to the ground
    As the Turbo slows to cross the Borderline.
    Run like the wind,
    As excitement shivers up and down my spine.
    Down in his barn,
    My uncle preserved for me an old machine,
    For fifty-odd years.
    To keep it as new has been his dearest dream.
  • I strip away the old debris
    That hides a shining car.
    A brilliant red Barchetta
    From a better, vanished time.
    I fire up the willing engine,
    Responding with a roar.
    Tires spitting gravel,
    I commit my weekly crime...

  • Wind-
    In my hair-
    Shifting and drifting-
    Mechanical music-
    Adrenalin surge...

    Well-weathered leather,
    Hot metal and oil,
    The scented country air.
    Sunlight on chrome,
    The blur of the landscape,
    Every nerve aware.
  • Suddenly ahead of me,
    Across the mountainside,
    A gleaming alloy air-car
    Shoots towards me, two lanes wide.
    I spin around with shrieking tires,
    To run the deadly race,
    Go screaming through the valley
    As another joins the chase.

  • Drive like the wind,
    Straining the limits of machine and man.
    Laughing out loud
    With fear and hope, I've got a desperate plan.
    At the one-lane bridge
    I leave the giants stranded at the riverside.
    Race back to the farm, to dream with my uncle at the fireside.

  • "Limelight"

    Living on a lighted stage
    Approaches the unreal
    For those who think and feel
    In touch with some reality
    Beyond the gilded cage.

    Cast in this unlikely role,
    Ill-equipped to act,
    With insufficient tact,
    One must put up barriers
    To keep oneself intact.

  • Living in the Limelight,
    The universal dream
    For those who wish to seem.

    Those who wish to be
    Must put aside the alienation,
    Get on with the fascination,
    The real relation,
    The underlying theme.
  • Living in a fisheye lens,
    Caught in the camera eye.
    I have no heart to lie,
    I can't pretend a stranger
    Is a long-awaited friend.

    All the world's indeed a stage,
    And we are merely players,
    Performers and portrayers,
    Each another's audience
    Outside the gilded cage.

    "The Camera Eye"


    Grim-faced and forbidding,
    Their faces closed tight,
    An angular mass of New Yorkers
    Pacing in rhythm,
    Race the oncoming night,
    They chase through the streets of Manhattan.
    Head-first humanity,
    Pause at a light,
    Then flow through the streets of the city.

  • They seem oblivious
    To a soft spring rain,
    Like an English rain
    So light, yet endless
    From a leaden sky.

    The buildings are lost
    In their limitless rise.
    My feet catch the pulse
    And the purposeful stride.
  • I feel the sense of possibilities,
    I feel the wrench of hard realities.
    The focus is sharp in the city.


    Wide-angle watcher
    On life's ancient tales,
    Steeped in the history of London.

    Green and grey washes
    In a wispy white veil
    Mist in the streets of Westminster.
    Wistful and weathered,
    The pride still prevails,
    Alive in the streets of the city.

  • Are they oblivious
    To this quality?
    A quality
    Of light unique to
    Every city's streets.

    Pavements may teem
    With intense energy,
    But the city is calm
    In this violent sea.

  • "Witch Hunt"

    part III of 'Fear'

  • The night is black,
    Without a moon.
    The air is thick and still.

    The vigilantes gather on
    The lonely torchlit hill.
  • Features distorted in the flickering light,
    The faces are twisted and grotesque.
    Silent and stern in the sweltering night,
    The mob moves like demons possesed.
    Quiet in conscience, calm in their right,
    Confident their ways are best.

  • The righteous rise
    With burning eyes
    Of hatred and ill-will.

    Madmen fed on fear and lies
    To beat and burn and kill.
  • They say there are strangers who threaten us,
    In our immigrants and infidels.
    They say there is strangeness, too dangerous
    In our theatres and bookstore shelves,
    That those who know what's best for us
    Must rise and save us from ourselves.

  • Quick to judge,
    Quick to anger,
    Slow to understand

    Ignorance and prejudice
    And fear
    Walk hand in hand.

  • "Vital Signs"

  • Unstable condition,
    A symptom of life,
    In mental and environmental change.

    Atmospheric disturbance,
    The feverish flux
    Of human interface and interchange.

    The impulse is pure;
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference.

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence.
  • A tired mind become a shape-shifter,
    Everybody need a mood lifter,
    Everybody need reverse polarity.
    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form.
    Everybody got to deviate from the norm.

    An ounce of perception,
    A pound of obscure.
    Process information at half speed.
    Pause, rewind, replay,
    Warm memory chip,
    Random sample, hold the one you need.

    Leave out the fiction,
    The fact is, this friction
    Will only be worn by persistence.

    Leave out conditions,
    Courageous convictions
    Will drag the dream into existence.

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter,
    Everybody need a soft filter,
    Everybody need reverse polarity.
    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form.
    Everybody got to elevate from the norm...

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