- more alternative stuff -


This punk band's name is confusingly pronounced as Inago Rider; "I-na-go" is a condensed version of 1-7-5 in Japanese; don't ask me where the Rider came from.  Their songs are pretty fast, catchy and melodic, soon they'll be releasing their second album, Melody.  More famous than other punk bands such as Road of Major and Mongol 800 which have a very similar sound.

Rating: +++
Official Website


Not particularly famous, but a singer with a satisfying, powerful voice and an ear for a good tune, backed up by an ageing but talented band.  Her style is R'n'B, but in a true Rhythm'n'Blues sense and not wishy-washy whining (apologies to any Boyz II Men fans).  There's a fair amount of jazz and soul in there too.  More than anything, it's refreshing to hear some real music for a change, and she's great to see live (I saw her in Sendai this year, it was only marred by her cheesy dancing style).  Anyway, if you want to see what she's like then you can rent the imaginitively-titled album bird; I recommend Souls and Sora no Hitomi.  She's also bringing out a new song soon, Hibiscus, with a pretty provocative video.

Rating: +++++
Official Website


Cocco, real name Makishi Satoko, is yet another amusing name (to me at least), cleverly written concentrically on her "best of" album cover.  She's an influential, publicity-shy, moody (read miserable, or almost schizophrenic), rock singer from Okinawa approved by the likes of Rip Slyme.  Luckily, not being able to understand the lyrics, the music sounds pretty upbeat.  The nearest comparison from Gaijinland that I can think of is Evanescence.  However she's taken a retirement recently so you might not be seeing too much of her around.

Rating: +++
Official Website (very slow)

Ego Wrappin'

Coming soon! http://www.egowrappin.com/

Go! Go! 7188

Coming soon!

Hajime Chitose

Hajime is pretty unique in the J-Pop world.  OK, she's another young, attractive, female solo artist, but she's from Okinawa and uses her Okinawan "Shimauta" (Island Song) singing style to the full, like a chirping bird (if you like her) or a teenage boy's breaking voice (if you don't).  It's pretty hard though not to like the song Onshoku Nanairo from her album Nomad Soul.  This song is quite fast by her standards, much of her music being heavily stripped down folk music.  It's good music to listen to when you can't get to sleep.

Rating: +++
Official Website

(see website for name in Japanese; the last kanji won't come up on my computer)

Hitotoyo is very similar in style to Nakashima Mika but yet to get really big.  She's also a little more adventurous with her music and it has a fuller sound and international influences.  Being half Taiwanese also adds an element of cool.  Her big song is also very similar to Mika's; Hanamizuki is a happy, catchy ballad miles away from the dross of Celine Dion, but the rest of her album (called Hitoto-so?? (maybe)) is really good; listen to Omokage-modan for one of her more upbeat tracks.  Hitotoyo gets my tip for The Next Big Thing, but then what do I know?

Rating: +++++
Official Website


HY, from Okinawa, are one of the coolest current acts.  However, they're indie in the true sense and shy away from huge, lucrative sponsorship that most artists go for (Kick The Can Crew have advertised for McDonald's, Rip Slyme for Vodafone, for example); HY appear to have become pretty famous through word of mouth alone.  Their music varies from style to style with bits of hip-hop and jazz but is closer to rock than anything else.  There's also a good mixture of male and female vocals.  A very cool alternative group to listen to.

Rating: ++++
Official Website

Kick The Can Crew

Kick The Can Crew are a great example of Japanese hip-hop; phat beats, usage of fun samples, quirky videos, all the right actions and hand gestures, and funny hair.  Rip Slyme have been more prominent recently but KTCC had a few big hits last year, most notably Saga Continue.  Older hit Chikyuu Blues ~337~ also smacks you in the face when you listen to it, with its chorus of "Kantan da kantan da kantan da".  Two recent albums, Magic Number and Good Music are consistently good; they have a "best of" album too.

Rating: +++++
Official Website


Coming soon!

Love Psychedelico

You would never guess that this was a Japanese group considering that they sing almost entirely in native-sounding English and play in a slightly old-fashioned American country-esque style.  They're pretty widely respected (even if junior high school students rarely include them in a list of the bands they like) and have been since they started in 1999.  They're playing in Sendai in October if anyone's interested.  Try the album Love Psychedelic Orchestra.  Great music for driving.  Maybe.  I don't drive.

Rating: ++++
Official Website


Not to be confused with Misia, Misia (pronounced Mishia) is generally good R'n'B in a big fluffy coat.  See album Mars and Roses for an example of her stuff.  Her ballads are on the dreary side, however, despite her powerful voice.  I'd recommend avoiding the Love and Ballads album altogether unless you really like that kind of thing.

Rating: +++
Official Website

Mr Children

Really popular, but they have a slightly alternative style (the singer wears a hat with holes in it).  Emotional, guitar based pop with whiny vocals has never sounded so good; they're also cool to like.  I really recommend the recent album, Shifuku no oto, especially the big hit, Kurumi.  The latest hit Sign is also good.  Oh, and have they not noticed how stupid their name sounds? 

Rating: +++++
Official Website


Having been going since 2000, nobodyknows aren't exactly new, but they seem to have suddenly become cool with the recent hit Kokoro Odoru and its accompanying album.  Perhaps a more uptempo version of Rip Slyme, they have all the necessary hip-hop gestures and big vests while staying pretty chirpy.

Rating: ++++
Official Website

Orange Range

From Okinawa, Orange Range are what Limp Bizkit would sound like if they stopped taking themselves so seriously and Fred Durst could rap in Japanese.  Their albums and singles all feature orange artwork (an superhero made out of an orange, an orange wearing a bikini...) and their music is all very energetic; they sound like they've had too much caffeine.  The album 1st Contact isn't bad but concentrate on the hits, Shanghai Honey and Viva * Rock.  Most recently, they've brought out perhaps their catchiest song yet, summer hit Locolotion; the video ingeniously features a human bottle of suntan lotion and the song has more than a hint of Locomotion hidden in it.

Rating: +++
Official Website

Porno Graffiti

Coming soon!

Rip Slyme

Rip Slyme are the coolest and most talented rap group in Japan.  Although earlier albums are sometimes shaky, the most recent Time to Go is definitely a classic.  All of the tracks are unique, ranging from dub to human beatbox to melodic rap while having a bit of fun.  Try listening to Joint or Hotter than July.  The album also comes with a free board game in case you get bored trying to decipher the lyrics.  Since then, they've had two singles, Dandelion and Galaxy, the latter featuring the band as finger puppets in a bright, happy, summer style.  Aaaaaaaah.

Rating: +++++
Official Website

Sheena Ringo

Sheena Ringo is one of the most in-your-face Japanese artists around.  She's taken a break since she had a baby a couple of years ago but she's famous for throaty, powerful rock, often electronically distorted with beats and tape loops, and a sexual style of singing where she rolls her R's.  Oh and a video (for the song Honnou) where she's dressed as a nurse, smashing windows and getting intimate with a female patient.  It grabbed my attention anyway.  I recommend her album, Shoso Strip although her voice gets a little too nasal at times.

Rating: ++++
Official Website

Southern All Stars

Southern All Stars specialise in a happy happy summer style and are another band that have kept going despite being a bit old (they've been going since 1981!)  Their secret seems to lie in being so damn genki; you can't help but feel uplifted by last year's big hit Sea of Love, and the current single, Kimi koso Star da, is nice too.  In Japan they have become an institution, being pretty much relied on to produce a slightly old-fashioned but happy song every summer.

Rating: +++
Official Website


Spitz are smooth rock, suited to a nice cup of coffee and a sit down.  The singer Kusano Masamune's voice is very soothing and often backed by subtle harmonies; it can all get rather dreamlike at times.  They've been around since at least 1991 and are on their 11th album.  Last January's single, Stargazer, is solid and catchy and the album before last, Mikazuki Rock, is smooth all the way through.

Rating: ++++
Official Website


This duo have conquered the market for two men with geeky haircuts holding acoustic guitars and looking sad.  Their style is pretty similar to Mr Children although Yuzu are more stripped down and vocal.  Although I'm a bigger fan of Mr Children myself, Yuzu get a special "nice" mention especially for their harmonies.  And the fact that their name means "apricot".  They've also had a more attention recently especially having been chosen to play the theme tune to NHK's Olympics coverage.

Rating: +++
Official Website

Other Artists:

Mongol 800, Road of Major and Gagaga SP - More punky rock in the style of 175R.
My Little Lover - Nice, understated pop with cute female vocals.
Dragon Ash - Another hip-hop group that have been quieter recently; I have it on good authority that their last album was a bit pants.
Porno Graffiti - Guitary pop, best known for their really addictive hit Melissa.
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant - Ballsy rock with screamy vocals, right upp there in the competition for stupidest name ever.
Shakalabbits - Punky group with female vocals.

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