"Like blooming flowers.  One love.  One peace.  Be sweet."

Special thanks to Erin, the true J-Pop Queen, the mysterious Jeff who really knew his stuff too, and the other Yonezawa JET'S!!! for their help (especially Corbin, for the expression "endorsement whore").  Also to Monique for being the gorgeous assistant, Emma Rosvall, for lending me that Globe CD in 1997, and finally to Chie Wabiko... because I'm cheesy and I want to.

Please e-mail any comments, suggestions or corrections to the address featured on the main page.

If you liked the J-Pop site, then please have a look at the rest of my stuff.

Disclaimer / arse covering paragraph
Although the design of the site is my own, some images (or parts of them) on this site may be copyrighted.  This site has no profit-making purpose whatsoever, being solely designed for educational use by JET Programme participants in Yamagata-ken.  It is hoped that the inclusion of these images can only promote the artists featured.  However, if anyone "out there" objects to an image being on this site then please e-mail me on the address featured on the J-Pop front page and it can be removed.  Yay.

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