Class Sketch by Mary Rose Torres

    As custom has dictated, people ask: What sets St. Angela apart?

    No, not the certificates, nor is it roomful of smart and talented young minds. These has made us truly proud but what means most to us, and that which sets us apart, is that we were able to bring joy to one another, and help each one become a better individual.

    We're not exactly every teacher's dream class, though. Many of them actually think we are irritatingly unpredictable - shifting from uncontrollable noise to deafening silent passivity in a snap of a finger. But those who were patient enough to dig the hole deeper discovered a treasure worth keeping - a chance to be a part of appreciative young minds, growing sisterhood, and a love that has made our class more than anything else, a family.

    We were blessed with a task both rewarding and tiring - catechism to the sixth graders of Parang Elementary School. This has made Thursdays truly special for us. From the challenge of preparing our lesson plans to the excitement of buying them prizes; from the headaches at keeping them silent and the joys of simple thank you notes - Having almost a thousand students share in the life of us forty-three has enriched our lives, and in the end, we learned as much from them as them from us.

    Ten months may be but a minute fraction of our lives, but what this school year has done for us in a class as special as St. Angela may well be a decade's worth.



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