Pictures of Us!

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To see a separate photo page dedicated to the newest member of our family, Harriet Elizabeth Stein-Smith, click here

To see some old photos of Tom, Jake, John and Anne, click here

This is a wonderful picture of me and my siblings (from left to right: Joanna, Susan, Me and Charles).

Here is a picture from our family reunion on January 4, 2002 at our home in San Francisco. This is my mother, Sally (on the far left) and her siblings Billy, Susan and Alice.

Here is another picture from that same day. This is my sister Joanna with her beautiful daughter Lucy. I love this picture.

Click here for my sister Susan and her husband Rob and their little boy Simon. She is pregnant with her second child, due in November!

And if you want to see the whole gang, here we are!

For pictures of the newest member of our extended family, Harriet, click here


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